After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 331 Opening of Inheritance Bloodline [1]

At this time, Guan Mingxin, who was impacted by the memory picture, became uncontrollably excited.

She unconsciously stimulated the special energy in her body from the blood of the wisher Yu Xiaoxiao.

This special energy slowly dissipated and spread out in a fan shape, covering all nine people who were fighting fiercely on the adjacent challenge platform.

When this special energy shrouded over, the other eight people who attacked Xuanyuan Yunyan didn't notice it at all.

But Xuanyuan Yunyan suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, and his body trembled involuntarily. He didn't dodge in time for a while, and after suffering eight powerful attacks, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, the other eight people stopped attacking, and looked at Xuanyuan Yunyan with some concern.

But Xuanyuan Yunyan didn't take it seriously, he was fighting so passionately that he didn't want to stop there.

So he signaled his friends to continue.

The other eight had no choice but to suppress their worries and attack again.

It's just that they all subconsciously withdrew their strength.

Xuanyuan Yunyan felt it, although he was a little dissatisfied, but that special energy affected his speed, so he could only swallow the words "don't hold back your hands, attack with all your strength" that came to his lips.

Because he had to separate his mind to resist this special energy.

At first, Xuanyuan Yunyan only thought that this special energy was specially produced by the teachers in the public training ground, and it was a new training method.

But with the passage of time, Xuanyuan Yunyan clearly felt that this special energy seemed to be aimed at himself alone, which caused his speed to slow down and suffered a lot of attacks.

Fortunately, the strength of the other eight people also decreased a lot as Xuanyuan Yunyan's condition became worse and worse.

Otherwise, Xuanyuan Yunyan couldn't hold on long ago and was beaten to the ground.

Gradually, Xuanyuan Yunyan noticed the colorless elemental force in his body from the blood inheritance technique "Nine Turns of Chaos Jue" which was just opened some time ago, and began to agitate.

From fluctuating in a few seconds to boiling like boiling water.

This colorless elemental force left the dantian, and began to operate spontaneously along the exercise route of the "Nine Turns of Chaos Jue".

The heaven and earth vitality around Xuanyuan Yunyan, with the operation of the colorless elemental force, was quickly absorbed into the body, merged into the meridian, and was quickly refined, strengthening the colorless elemental force...

When the colorless energy returned to the dantian and resumed its static state, the "Nine Turns of Chaos Jue" began to operate spontaneously, quickly absorbing the energy of the heavens and the earth.

With the passage of time, the speed of the heaven and earth vitality absorbed by the cultivation method is getting faster and faster...

It didn't take long for Xuanyuan Yunyan's body to gather the vitality of heaven and earth, and it was still thickening.

More and more heaven and earth vitality gathered from all directions.

The speed of the flow was so fast that there was even a "hissing" sound of breaking through the air...

The attack of Yan Zhiqi and others stopped when they felt the abnormal fluctuation of the vitality of the world.

Only Xuanyuan Yunyan, whose consciousness had fallen into a special state, was left on the challenge stage, but his body was still moving and attacking.

After being almost attacked several times, the eight of them simply jumped off the challenge platform, saw Guan Mingxin not far away, and immediately walked over.

The eight people thought that Guan Mingxin was "staring at Yukongkong without saying a word", and his mood swings were extremely strong, obviously worried about Yukongkong.

They were so considerate that no one spoke, they just accompanied her to guard Xuanyuan Yunyan.

At this moment, Guan Mingxin doesn't care about the eight people around him.

All her mind was focused on Xuanyuan Yunyan on the challenge stage.

Through the dissipated characteristic energy, she clearly sensed the changes in Xuanyuan Yunyan's body. While feeling relieved, she was also very worried.

What is gratifying is that Xuanyuan Yunyan was able to take this opportunity to once again attack the barrier of the top inheritance in the bloodline inheritance.

This shows that Xuanyuan Yunyan is good enough, and the concentration and purity of his blood are getting closer to his own.

What is worrying is that because of the same inheritance blood in their bodies, the top inheritance barrier is very strong and difficult to break through. Once they start to hit the barrier, they cannot stop.

Moreover, if the attack fails, it will also cause blood backlash.

Even if one is bad, his life is in danger.

There was such a scene in those memory pictures before.

Whenever someone intends to attack the top-level bloodline inheritance barrier, they will prepare a lot of things in advance, such as Yuan Gathering Formation, Yuanbuying Pill, Bloodline Stimulating Potion and so on.

With these preparations, the success rate of breaking through the top inheritance barrier can be increased.

At the same time, it also ensured that once it failed, the degree of blood backlash would be reduced as much as possible.

But the current Xuanyuan Yunyan was only stimulated by the special energy from the small blood of the praying fish fused by Guan Mingxin, and then he passively started the impact of the top inheritance barrier.

Before this, Xuanyuan Yunyan did not make any preparations at all.

In this case, his attack is very likely to fail.

Even though Xuanyuan Yunyan had already broken through a small gap by himself before, obtained the basic chapters in "Nine Turns of Chaos Art", and cultivated a trace of Yuanli mixed with a small amount of chaos attributes.

With this trace of Yuanli mixed with a small amount of chaotic attributes, his success rate increased to [-]%.

But there is still a [-]% chance of failure!

Xuanyuan Yunyan didn't even have the minimum assistance to replenish energy quickly, such as the element-gathering array and the essence-replenishing elixir.

Judging from Xuanyuan Yunyan's current absorption speed of the heaven and earth vitality and the concentration of the heaven and earth vitality in the public training ground, at most a quarter of an hour later, the heaven and earth vitality cannot be replenished in time.

Guan Mingxin also became anxious at this time, clenched his fists tightly, and the regret in his heart roared like a river and an ocean.

Just because I couldn't suppress my overly excited emotions, the special energy fused in my body from the small inheritance blood of the praying fish was stimulated, and when I didn't react, it quickly dissipated.

One wrong step, one wrong step, that kind of special energy directly stimulated Xuanyuan Yunyan who had the blood of the same origin, and only then did the crisis scene in front of him occur.

But Guan Mingxin is also very clear that this kind of situation, which can't be met, is not a great opportunity for Xuanyuan Yunyan to improve himself and obtain blood inheritance?
If he relied on himself alone, he didn't know when he would have the opportunity to break through the top inheritance barrier in the inheritance bloodline.

The biggest problem now is that the vitality of the world is about to run short.

But now Guan Mingxin couldn't be distracted to replenish Xuanyuan Yunyan with the original energy stones.

Because Xuanyuan Yunyan was able to hit the top inheritance barrier this time, it was entirely due to the continuous stimulation of the special energy that escaped from the inheritance blood in Guan Mingxin's body.

More importantly, the current Guan Mingxin is still unable to control this special energy.

Being able to escape is purely a pleasant surprise!

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