The inherited blood flowed rapidly through Xuanyuan Yunyan's body with the blood, and wherever it passed, the previous hidden injuries were repaired one by one.

At this time, Xuanyuan Yunyan couldn't care about the hidden wounds in his body.

At the moment when the golden barrier was completely shattered, a huge amount of inherited knowledge suddenly poured into his soul consciousness, causing his brain to go blank for a short while, accompanied by bouts of dizziness.

When Xuanyuan Yunyan finally got used to it, he focused his consciousness on the sea of ​​soul consciousness, only to find that the energy book formed by the "Nine Turns of Chaos Jue" that appeared some time ago was in the soul together with the other two new energy books. The sea of ​​consciousness rotates above the sky.

And, under the gaze of Xuanyuan Yunyan's consciousness, they rotate faster and faster.

Before Xuanyuan Yunyan could see the covers of the other two energy books clearly, the three energy books merged into one, turning into a translucent energy group mixed with black and white.

Not long after, the energy group formed an energy book again.

The booklet shines with a translucent luster intertwined with black and white, and on the cover is "Nine Turns of Light and Darkness".

At the same time, beside the "Nine Turns of Light and Darkness", another gray energy book appeared out of thin air.

Xuanyuan Yunyan took a closer look and saw the words "Fu Jue" written on the cover.

Xuanyuan Yunyan touched the two energy books with his mental power, and after digesting the content that could be opened in the books for a while, he began to try to run the "Nine Turns of Light and Darkness Art".

He feels that there is not a big gap with the original "Nine Turns of Chaos Art", the exercise route is basically the same, and the formulas are also similar, only a few parts of the content have completely changed.

Among them, one of Xuanyuan Yunyan's favorite characteristics is the function of being able to inhale the vitality of heaven and earth into the body for refining regardless of elemental attributes. It is still maintained, but the speed of cultivation has slowed down significantly.

Of course, if it only absorbs the vitality of light and dark attributes, its speed will be more than ten times faster than before!

Such a change made Xuanyuan Yunyan feel no regrets.

Of course, there are no surprises.

In addition, the primordial energy refined in the dantian is almost no longer mixed with chaotic attributes, and the color has also evolved from the previous colorless and transparent strand with a very small amount of silver-gray energy light spots to golden white and pure black. two shares.

They are separated from each other very stably, and they are not mixed with each other. At the same time, they are stored in the dantian in the form of Taiji Yinyang fish, slowly rotating by themselves, and occasionally there are sporadic gray spots flashing.

Perceiving all this, Xuanyuan Yunyan finally let go of the boulder hanging in his heart, and suddenly felt a strong sense of exhaustion all over his body.

Xuanyuan Yunyan didn't even open his eyes, but fell into a coma from the feeling of exhaustion.

Before going to sleep, Xuanyuan Yunyan once again looked at the newly appeared "Fu Jue" in the sea of ​​soul consciousness. He knew that there was nothing he could do for the time being, and he even murmured in a mischievous voice:
"Ancestors, please forgive me for being powerless for the time being. I will definitely work hard to learn the inheritance of my ancestors in the future."

Guan Mingxin, who clearly captured this murmur, was dumbfounded.

The newly appointed elder brother of my family really has a big heart!

That's right, after Xuanyuan Yunyan successfully opened the top-level bloodline inheritance, Guan Mingxin approved from the bottom of his heart, this elder brother who had a relationship with the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao.

Together with the reincarnation of the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao, the missing parents Yu Ling, Lan Yuejue, and five other brothers and sisters who are only known by their real names and pseudonyms and have not yet met.

The ten teachers who were guarding Xuanyuan Yunyan together at this time also felt sorry for the energy raw stones that had been consumed, while laughing and cursing, they turned and left the public training ground.

A string of laughter and cursing from the teachers remained in the air:
"This kid!"

"Tsk tsk!"

"Oh, what a gold swallowing beast!"

"Interesting, interesting!"

"The future generations can fear my decline!"

"The back wave pushes the front wave, are we going to be photographed on the beach?"

"I think so too! The eldest son of Yuling is really good!..."


After the ten teachers left, Guan Mingxin completely relaxed his tense mind.

Just as she was about to lift her foot onto the challenge platform, she staggered and almost fell over.

The faces of the eight people including Yan Zhiqi, who also accompanied Guan Mingxin and guarded Xuanyuan Yunyan for three days and three nights, changed drastically in fright.

The two closest to Guan Mingxin hurriedly protected her, while the remaining six ran to the challenge stage to check Xuanyuan Yunyan's situation.

Looking at it again, heh, these "two brothers" actually fell asleep like this, and they were still in a deep sleep.

However, the treatment of the "brothers" is completely opposite.

For Guan Mingxin, the eight of them felt distressed and couldn't bear it. Shi Shalan gently picked her up and cared for her.

As for Xuanyuan Yunyan, he was envious and jealous, not to mention being carried up and down by Ou Lu and Min Yuchen, all kinds of bumps and shakes along the way.

The remaining few people are on shifts.

After all, for three days and three nights without any movement, the body was stiff, and it was a little too much for the constant fighting spirit in the public training ground.

After finally staggering out from the public training ground under the pressure of fighting spirit, the eight of them hurriedly contacted the nearest public flying car with Yuanxun Magical Artifact.

Perhaps the teacher who left before has already made arrangements.

Normally, they would have to wait at least 10 minutes for the public shuttle, but it appeared in front of them in less than a minute.

After they got into the car, they raised Xuanyuan Yunyan's left wrist, intending to use his Yuanxun magic weapon to scan the speeding car's automatic navigation system and set the destination.

Unexpectedly, as the elder brother, Xuanyuan Yunyan didn't get any results, so he had no choice but to replace it with Guan Mingxin's Yuanxun Magical Artifact.

This time, it was easy to get the destination, which was the villa area in the accommodation area.

Although the speed of the on-campus flying car was much slower than that off-campus, it only took about a quarter of an hour to stop in front of a small villa that looked very beautiful.

The small villa comes with a small courtyard of 150 square meters, and the lock on the courtyard door is set to automatic induction by Guan Mingxin.

After sensing the phantom star on Guan Mingxin's left wrist disguised as a custom-made Yuanxun magic weapon, the gate of the courtyard opened automatically.

Yan Zhiqi and the others didn't care about admiring this obviously unusual small villa, they hurriedly walked through the path in the courtyard, and stepped into the villa gate that opened at the same time as the courtyard gate.

Yan Zhiqi and the other eight people were also very tired at this time. As soon as they relaxed after entering the villa, they were immediately swept away by the exhaustion that surged all over their bodies.

In this state, they really didn't have the strength to send the "two brothers" back to the bedroom. They just insisted on placing them side by side on a low bed in the living room, and gently covered them with a blanket beside them.

In the next moment, their minds and minds were completely relaxed at the same time, and they all fell crookedly on the sofa one by one.

They wanted to rest for a while, take a breath and go back to their dormitory.

But I never thought that this relaxation would be unbearable, and within a short while, they all fell into a deep sleep.

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