After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 349 The Feat of Class 999999999 【5】

Chapter 349 The Feat of Class 999999999 [[-]]

The immature roar was extremely stubborn. Although the voice was not loud, it seemed to have the power of thousands of troops, and it actually suppressed the roars and shouts of the onlookers.

At this moment, the onlookers stopped at the same time, and there was no other sound except for violent gasps.

They cast their eyes on the twins beside Guan Mingxin, quietly watching the unwilling struggle and hard work of the two little guys.

I saw the dragon and phoenix twins, whose bodies were nestled directly on Guan Mingxin's left and right sides, gradually stabilized their bodies as they roared one after another.

Stand up straight!
They are doing everything they can to relieve Guan Mingxin's stress! ! !
However, what they don't know is that if the intensity of the coercion of war is exerted on a certain individual from the beginning, then it will only increase in the same magnitude with the distance from the gate of the public training ground. , or weaken the intensity of the coercion of fighting spirit.

But it can no longer be affected by other factors to change the size of the initial strength.

Therefore, even if the other little guys in class 999999999 put aside their involvement with Guan Mingxin now, it would not help.

The intensity of the pressure of fighting will that Guan Mingxin endured was still eighty times higher until he left the range of the fighting pressure before the gate of the public training ground.

Although I don't know this detail, the twins are still working hard.

Finally, they stood firm!

Then, slowly but firmly, they raised their stubborn and proud little heads!

Swear to their unwillingness! ! !
Afterwards, the other little guys also roared.

They struggled to stabilize their figures on their own, straightened their backs, and moved forward as much as they could.

Guan Ming was very moved by the actions of the other 79 friends, and finally made her straighten her back and stand up straight, like a tenacious cedar firmly rooted in the rocks on the cliff.

Taking a deep breath, Guan Mingxin once again took a firm step.

And as Guan Mingxin raised his feet, the other little guys in class 999999999 also raised their feet and stepped in tacit understanding.

Almost at the same time!

At this moment, the eighty little guys in class 999999999 unexpectedly reached an unprecedented unanimity in their will!
They are too young, and they don't have too many distracting thoughts in their hearts, which makes them miraculously enter a special state under the oppression of fighting will.

Under the blessing of this special state, they began to subconsciously adjust their body positions, and lined up in a straight line with Guan Mingxin as the center.

The two people next to each other held each other's arms, shoulder to shoulder, taking the size of Guan Mingxin's steps as a reference, and slowly but extremely steadily took one step forward, one step after another!

With their somewhat messy steps, they finally became a uniform walk!

The sound of each step on the ground overlapped into one of the only sounds in the entire scene.

The remaining sound was the breathing sound of 80 people with the same frequency.

Lift your feet with each inhale and lower them with each exhale.




The sound of the landing was obviously not high, but it was like a dull drumstick, knocking on the hearts of the onlookers at the scene, hammering on the souls of every creature who was paying attention to the little guys in class 999999999!



When this single dull stepping sound gathered a wordless battle song, the eighty little guys had already unknowingly stepped into the line No. 40, one meter away from the marking line of fighting spirit and coercion.

Eighty inexplicable vigor shot out from the bodies of the eighty little guys at the same time, condensing into a powerful force in the air, resisting the coercion of fighting spirit.

Above their heads, a momentary twist in the air could be clearly seen.

The progress of the eighty little guys did not stop because of this, and when they stepped on the ground again, they burst out with inexplicable energy again.

Those with keen senses at the scene immediately noticed that the vigor this time seemed to be a little bit stronger.

Afterwards, with each step on the ground, the eighty little guys would shoot out inexplicable invisible energy at the same time, and when they gathered together, the confrontation with the coercion of fighting spirit became more and more intense.

When they stepped into the range of one meter, the inexplicable and invisible energy bursting out from their bodies suddenly took on color and became visible, which could be seen with the naked eye!
Everyone's energy is different.

The blue demon king knew at a glance that the color of this vigor corresponds to the elemental perception of the eighty little guys who have cultivated their talents.

What kind of element type can be perceived, the energy bursting out of its body will show the corresponding element color.

Within the range of 50 meters to 60 meters, the vigor and color of the eighty little guys gradually increased and became thicker.

When they stepped into the one-meter range of No.60, the invisible Qi Jin actually had a clear outline, and it was no longer in the shape of an ethereal mist.

Eighty little guys, eighty different silhouettes.

As the little guys in class 999999999 continued to move forward, the outline of this vigor gradually became clear.

At this moment, the teachers who had guessed before all showed expressions of surprise and anticipation. They forcibly suppressed the impulse in their hearts and did not make the slightest sound, so as not to disturb the eighty little guys who were immersed in a special state, waiting for the guessing. things become reality.

When the little ones stepped into the one-meter range of No.70, the vigor emanating from their bodies had condensed into a clearly identifiable form.

There are weapons, there are plants, there are animals...

Although the Qi Jin forms of the eighty little guys are different, no matter which form, the details are very clear, just like the real thing, and they shake from time to time.

Seeing this scene, those teachers pinched themselves fiercely, afraid of shouting loudly!
Unexpectedly, it actually appeared!

Gathering fighting spirit!

Only when the cultivation base breaks through the golden core stage can it be possible to condense the fighting spirit!
It actually appeared on the eighty oldest cubs who were only ten years old!

At this moment, the onlookers at the scene did not dare to make any noise, for fear of affecting the little ones.

And the members of Manduoya Children's College who were watching the projected light screen from a distance, and the audience watching the live broadcast of Yuanneng Magic Field, finally couldn't help but exclaim!
Really unbelievable!

The fighting spirit gathers together!
The legendary fighting spirit gathers together!
As long as it is successfully condensed, it can double the fighting power!

It actually appeared on this group of little ones!

If you read correctly, the one with the highest cultivation base among them has just entered the body-hardening stage of refining the marrow!

And as the eighty little guys continued to move forward, the fighting spirit above their heads no longer disappeared.

And from the dull and lifeless at the beginning, it gradually became agile.

As if they had been infused with life, with life, they lived!
(End of this chapter)

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