But to the surprise of the little ones, this time, when their physical strength was about to be exhausted, the terrifying whistling sound still did not come.

The coercion of the primordial beast that could shatter the flesh came along with the howling sound, and there was no sign of it appearing at all.

Just when the little ones thought that the big blue demon king's rare kindness would show up this time, a beast roar of "Ow!" suddenly sounded, and the whole forest seemed to be shaken.

The little guys were so frightened that several of their feet staggered and fell to the ground.

At the same time, waves of twisted fluctuations visible to the naked eye rushed towards them in the air.

When the little ones wanted to escape at this time, they had no strength left, so they had to watch helplessly as the waves of twisted waves overwhelmed them...

The suffocation, the pain of a thousand cuts, made the eighty little guys who returned to the initial state of this semi-illusory training scene for the fifth time feel depressed to varying degrees, and they didn't breathe for a long time.

When they managed to suppress the fear in their hearts and planned to run in another direction again, the familiar coercion struck again, and the eyes were once again pitch black...

In this way, this day started at nine o'clock in the morning, and the eighty little guys in class 999999999, except for the quarter-hour break every hour for taking nutritional supplements, the whole day, the little guys were going through various Death without resistance.

There are no exceptions.

Even if a few little guys really couldn't bear to break down and cry, they didn't shake the heart of the blue devil even a little bit.

From panic and fear at the beginning, to anger and abuse, to insensitivity, to facing it calmly, the eighty little guys were completely subdued by the means of the big blue devil.

They no longer dare to show any disrespect to the big blue devil!

I'm really scared!
Guan Mingxin, who fell asleep after returning to the villa, recalled from time to time in her sleep that she was shocked to death by coercion, was hacked into pieces by the sound waves of tiger roars, slapped into meatloaf by tiger claws, bitten into two pieces by tiger teeth, Kicked to death, poisoned to death by a fang-toothed wolf, hung from a tree...

All kinds of death experiences, when Guan Mingxin didn't realize it, caused his main soul to be compressed and purified in this death experience again and again, and the spirit body manifested by the main soul also condensed a lot.

Even the eleven divided soul clones were compressed and purified at the same time.

For the next whole month, the Big Blue Demon King let the little guys in class 999999999 do various "experiences" in a semi-illusory training scene.

First there are all kinds of tough death methods, then various escapes, then various battles that rely only on the physical body, then various energy-based battles, and finally comprehensive experience...

From the beginning to the end, the scene they are in is the same.

The demeanor of the little ones has gradually changed from ignorant and naive at the beginning to resolute and introverted, as if they have grown up suddenly.

Everyone's cultivation base has been raised by at least one small step, the lowest cultivation base is also at the stage of muscle training, and the highest Guan Mingxin has reached the second rank and fifth level of Qi training.

In the one month of honing in the semi-illusory training scene, no one in class 999999999 has logged into the Miracle Trial Space.

In the first two days, I was too exhausted and had no energy to go.

Later, it was the Big Devil's request. The little guys who have been tortured by the Big Devil and can't find the north dare not be disobedient.

Today is the day when Big Blue Demon King clearly stated that he will end the training in this scene, when he came out of the semi-illusory training scene for the last time [After clearing all the training items, you can independently leave the semi-illusory training scene and return to reality] , the expression of the big blue devil finally changed.

It's no longer the weird and evil smile that lasted for a month, but an extremely gentle smile, although this kind of smile made the hearts of the little ones beat with overclocking again:

"After class is over, you can take a look at the Miracle Trial Space. As I expected, you will have a surprise~"

The little wave at the end immediately made the little guys' heads covered with black lines, and the goosebumps trembled all over the floor.

Seeing the aggrieved expressions of the students, the Blue Demon King raised his head and left laughing.

The hearty laughter with obvious jokes immediately attracted all the people in the public training ground to look sideways involuntarily.

Then, as if the pause button had been pressed, everyone stared blankly at the big blue devil laughing all the way away.

The shadow of a famous tree, although almost no one knows the identity of the only teacher in that special class in the Mendoya Children's College-class 999999999, but a few words and a half words from various obscure channels are enough. It clearly shows the unusualness of this mysterious boss who calls himself "Teacher Lan".

However, the only three or two cats who "understand" Teacher Lan's "specific situation" don't know that what they know is actually just false news that Teacher Lan deliberately revealed for some reason.

As for the actual real name, identity background, and real cultivation level of the Great Blue Demon King, no one has ever known him since he appeared!

Of course, these false news are not [-]% false, but [-]% true and [-]% false.

Among them, the seven-point fake is also the performance after reducing and reducing the real strength of the big blue devil.

According to rumors, "Teacher Lan" has a high level of cultivation.

But so far, no one has ever witnessed "Teacher Lan" make a move.

But every cultivator who wants to fight against him will eventually give up this idea inexplicably, no matter how high or low his cultivation is.

Although these cultivators who gave up the idea of ​​fighting kept silent about the reasons for giving up, their avoidance attitude alone was enough to show how powerful, mysterious and invincible "Teacher Lan" was.

"Teacher Lan" doesn't care about how people from the outside world think of him. When he first appeared in the eyes of the public, he was in the West Galantine City of the original Xinghan World, the first main city of the capital star of the Phoenix Empire. , the main city of West High in the Orange Yuan Domain of the New Hundred Wars Realm.

At that time, "Teacher Lan" was applying for the job as a lecturer at the No. [-] Children's College of West Gaolangting City in the original Xinghan World.

Of course, "Teacher Lan" was rejected by the college at the beginning.

However, after the leader of the guard team with the strongest cultivation base in the academy could not see the specific situation of "Teacher Lan", with the idea of ​​not offending the big brother, he finally refused to reveal his own background, and checked in the brain of the Master of the Heart of the Universe. "Teacher Lan", who did not provide any identity information, was still hired as a lecturer by the No. [-] Children's College of West Gaolangting City in the original Xinghan World.

Even, the senior management of the college let "Teacher Lan" choose the class he wanted to teach.

The Big Blue Demon King naturally did not take an unusual path.

No, after reading the materials of all the classes in the entire college, he did not hesitate to choose a class in the extension department that was about to be expelled in half a year.

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