Just like that, Guan Mingxin, who was frightened, used his thoughts to "watch helplessly" as the coercive knife stabbed at him one after another.

The position of the knife is the same every time.

Time and time again, the notch of the imprint is constantly deepened!
Don't stop until a deep scratch that cannot be erased is formed!

In fact, it was Guan Mingxin's subconscious instinct to shield the pain, coupled with Wuji's shot, that made Guan Mingxin not feel anything strange.

However, Wuji deliberately retracted the shield during the last cut of the heaven and earth coercion carving knife, which made Guan Mingxin deeply feel this indescribable feeling.

Not just unbearable pain.

What's more, it is a kind of panic and helplessness when facing the coercion of heaven and earth at close range!

Although Wuji is very clear, once Guan Ming's heart can't bear it, his mood will be damaged, and what's more, he will be destroyed directly, and he can only be reincarnated again and start from scratch.

But Wuji has no choice but to do so.

Wuji knows better than Guan Mingxin what kind of responsibility Guan Mingxin bears on his immature shoulders.

When I am still weak, I can have such a chance to face the coercion of the world. If I don't try it and lay a solid foundation for my future cultivation, the loss outweighs the gain!
Even if it fails, there is still a chance to do it all over again, instead of waiting to encounter a crisis when the cultivation base is extremely difficult to reincarnate in the future, okay?

You must know that this life is the last chance for the little master to change his mind!
Guan Mingxin dared not look back on the pain of this process for a long time to come!

If it wasn't for the divine soul of an unknown mother who told Guan Mingxin clearly that if she didn't imprint the mark of heaven in the New Hundred Wars World, her future cultivation would be 100% ruined.

Guan Mingxin didn't know when the pain from the original core of the soul disappeared.

She just suddenly felt the information from the outside world, felt the vibration of a video call request on the phantom star, and then slowly regained her consciousness and woke up.

Guan Mingxin subconsciously used his mental strength to hang up the video request.

Without the vibration interference from the phantom star, Guan Mingxin slowly opened his eyes and turned his head bit by bit, as if he was stiff.

When Guan Mingxin saw the familiar yet unfamiliar bedroom in front of him, his chaotic brain finally realized that he had succeeded!

Such unspeakable pain and torture, I endured it myself!
But at this moment, Guan Mingxin didn't have the joyful mood of "after going through hardships and obstacles, and achieved success with great difficulty", she only felt one thing in her body - tired!

Every cell is clamoring: "Tired!"



Although in fact, Guan Mingxin, who already had the imprint of the law of heaven, disappeared the inexplicable and heavy repulsive feeling on her body, and looked very relaxed and comfortable, but she couldn't feel this kind of pleasure psychologically for a while, except for one word left: tired!
Unable to think of any other important things for the time being, Guan Mingxin simply kept his mind, relaxed his body completely, and leaned back directly.

As the body lay down, the legs sitting cross-legged also stretched out naturally.

The complete relaxation of the body made Guan Mingxin let out a sigh in comfort, exhaustion swept over 360° without any dead ends, Guan Mingxin closed his eyes unbearably, and fell into a deep sleep.

It didn't take long for Huanxing to vibrate again with a video request, but Guan Mingxin never woke up.

After shaking for more than three times, Qi Ling Jiujiu of Huanxing hung up directly, and adjusted it to refuse to accept any video request. This setting will not be automatically canceled until the owner Guan Mingxin wakes up.

But Guan Mingxin, who had suffered a great crime, didn't know that she really didn't need to suffer this.

Although the mother's split soul from an unknown life was right, she didn't even realize that Yuanzhu Xiaojing had lost her self-evolution ability, so how could she possibly detect the true secret of the core of Guan Mingxin's soul origin.

This secret is not only in the Illusory Cloud Realm, but also in the Wuji Realm that is being bred in the Illusory Cloud Realm and the sleeping Wuji.

There is also the bond between Guan Mingxin and the New Hundred Wars World.

In fact, Guan Mingxin had already been imprinted by the Heavenly Dao of the original Baizhan Realm long before his escape from the original Baizhan Realm, and became the only member of the Guan family who had the identity of an indigenous creature in the original Baizhan Realm.

Don't underestimate the identity of this indigenous creature.

This is the most fundamental basis for Guan Mingxin to be able to go smoothly in the future.

As Guan Mingxin did a series of things in the original Hundred Wars Realm, and gained a lot of merit from the original Hundred Wars Realm, she and the original Hundred Wars Realm had a deeper bond.

And this kind of entanglement, even if the Great Desolate Nine Spirits Holy Tower merged with the original Hundred Wars Realm, and then reorganized the original Xinghan World and its own space in the tower to form the New Hundred Wars World, and the tower spirit also served as the heavenly duty of the New Hundred Wars World.

Coupled with the fact that he once had an intersection with Guan Mingxin in a previous life, Ta Ling knew Guan Mingxin's character. After observing in private for a period of time, Ta Ling had an idea:
He wants to follow Guan Mingxin forever, just like that Wuji!
Even if it is necessary to give up [-]% of his strength for this, Ta Ling feels that he will not hesitate.

But the tower spirit, which has become the way of heaven in the New Hundred Wars Realm, can't do whatever it wants like before.

Now that you have done the way of heaven, you must perform the duties that the way of heaven should have.

Otherwise, Li Yuan, the cosmic will of the new Li Yuan Great Universe, would not let him go.

After all, Ta Ling is very clear about the specialness of the New Hundred Wars World.

Even if Li Yuan could give up the big world of the God Realm, he would not be willing to let the New Baizhan Realm suffer.

Although sometimes Li Yuan can't directly intervene in the development of the world and the crisis encountered, but Li Yuan can still punish an inactive will of heaven.

It's not that Ta Ling didn't regret why he was so hot-headed at the time, thinking about taking on the duty of heaven in the New Hundred Wars World?

But things have come to this point, regretting is of no avail.

Taling can only try to find other ways to regain freedom.

Even if it's only relative freedom, it's okay.

No, Guan Mingxin, who had a great bond with the two previous Baizhan Realms, fell into Ta Ling's eyes.

Especially after Ta Ling discovered Wuji, the idea in his mind became clearer.

But Guan Mingxin already has Wuji, the companion spirit of the contract of life and death, if Ta Ling wants to follow Guan Mingxin, he can only take the next best thing and choose the contract of the great way similar to the contract of life as the bond between them. (end of this chapter)

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