After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 379 The Origin of Inheriting the Bloodline

From a mortal beast to a divine beast, it is also a process of continuous evolution of the essence of the bloodline, and the divine beast is the final stage of the innate evolution of the bloodline.

But in this world, there are so many monstrous geniuses who refuse to admit defeat. There are always primordial beasts who can break through the innate evolutionary barrier, and the blood essence in the body will undergo a second evolution, and its strength is far beyond the innate evolutionary stage.

Starting from breaking through the god-level beast to the holy-rank beast, every step forward, the strength increases exponentially.

The decisive factor is the strength and concentration of the inherited blood.

The evolution process of other creatures is actually very similar to that of primordial beasts.

Because, the emergence of special energy bloodlines is the inevitable result of the evolution of all living beings, and it is also irreversible.

It is precisely because of this that the special energy bloodline, that is, the saying of inheriting the bloodline, is applicable to all races of creatures.

Since the inherited bloodline is the product of the evolution of living beings, a living being who is undergoing cultivation and evolution will inevitably breed the inherited bloodline out of thin air at a certain stage in the process of continuous improvement in cultivation.

As the saying goes, transforming mortals into immortals, transforming immortals into gods.

When a living being loses its mortal body due to the improvement of its cultivation, the blood essence in its body has the characteristics of inheriting blood.

As the cultivation level continues to improve, the bloodline essence will also transform and evolve, and finally reach the point where it can preserve special energy and practice inheritance memory for a long time, and can be passed down continuously through reproduction, inheritance, refining, etc., forming an inherited bloodline.

Ordinary creatures can transform to the level of cultivation with inherited blood, which is the god level.

The special history of the original Xinghan world makes the original Xinghan world itself a thriving and vigorously developing world. There are countless creature races living in it, and the new laws of heaven and earth do not restrict the reproduction and isolation of the creature races.

Therefore, the unique races of creatures from four different small worlds, tending to the race's instinct to pursue powerful bloodlines, began to combine and reproduce with other creatures of different races...

After nearly 10 years of mutual fusion, there are really not too many mutant races produced!

There are only things you can't think of, but nothing that can't be mutated.

It is impossible to predict the direction of mutation in the offspring of non-identical creatures combining and multiplying. Some have mutated into stronger bloodlines, and naturally there are also bloodlines that have not changed in strength, or even worse.

The latter, obviously, accounted for the vast majority.

This kind of situation was also extremely common in the original Hundred Wars Realm.

Wasn't Guan Mingxin back then the most special example of the parallelism of the nine meridians?

Naturally, in the reorganized New Hundred Wars World, all kinds of blood and mutations are also prevalent.

When two or more bloodlines coexist in a living being, some of these bloodlines coexist and promote evolution, while others repel each other, fight and riot, or even devour each other.

Absolute purebred bloodlines are already very rare.

In view of this reason, the creatures of the New Hundred Wars Realm today, apart from the group of creatures that are roughly divided in the form of real bodies, are usually divided into races by the special blood with the highest concentration contained in their bodies.

Under normal circumstances, owners of the same bloodline will instinctively gather and attract, thus naturally forming large and small clans and clan forces.

Among them, the natural blood pressure of the owner of the inherited bloodline, as well as the combat power far surpassing the cultivation level of the same level, make the clan and clan with the inherited bloodline obviously have a higher status.

Similar to the classification of primordial beasts, the inherited bloodlines are ranked from low to high according to the strength of the bloodline energy contained in them, which are mortal bloodlines, spiritual yuan bloodlines, fairy yuan bloodlines, divine yuan bloodlines, holy yuan bloodlines, king bloodlines, great king bloodlines, Emperor blood, supreme blood.

The inherited blood of each grade is divided into four grades according to the concentration and purity contained in the living beings: primary blood, middle blood, high blood and pure blood. The specific divisions are as follows:

Primordial blood, concentration below 5.00%, purity below 20.00%.

Zhongyuan blood, concentration 5.00%~20.00% V, purity 20.00%~40.00%.

Gaoyuan blood, concentration 20.00%~60.00%, purity 40.00%~80.00%.

Pure primordial blood, the concentration is over 60.00%, and the purity is over 80.00%.

It is rumored that no matter how concentrated the inherited blood is, as long as the purity reaches above 90.00%, the blood in the body will be transformed spontaneously, gradually transforming ordinary blood into inherited blood until it becomes pure primordial blood.

Clans and clans with inherited bloodlines rarely have high-purity and high-concentration inherited bloodline heirs in exile.

This is because people with inherited bloodlines will have a wonderful attraction when encountering the same inherited bloodlines, and it is basically impossible to hide and block this attraction.

Moreover, when the concentration and purity of the inherited bloodlines reach the level of high-level bloodlines, no matter how far away they are, as long as they are still in the same world, the special detectors in the family can determine the general direction. Only after the inherited bloodlines disappear or the owner dies will not be detected.

Guan Mingxin and Xuanyuan Yunyan were controlled by the Yu clan because of the high level of blood inherited in their bodies.

When Guan Mingxin saw the record about the Jade Scaled Flying Snake, the knowledge related to inheriting the bloodline suddenly appeared in Guan Mingxin's memory.

Guan Mingxin understood that this was the knowledge and information carried by his own bloodline.

After watching it, I didn't feel anything.

Continue to view Bizhilan's profile.

The [Pillion System] in the fantasy star has rapidly and completely evolved the growth process of Bizhilan. As for the medicinal effects of Bizhilan, the types and methods of the medicinal pills that can be refined or prepared, are the best medicines Time, the best picking techniques, etc. are all available, and it is not incomplete.

After Guan Mingxin read the information, he went to Yuanneng Magic Domain to search for posts about Bizhi Valley, and did not stop until he reached the limit of what he could find.

Originally, Guan Mingxin thought that he had achieved this level, so he should be foolproof.

But the vague uneasiness in his heart became more and more clear as time went by, which made Guan Mingxin unable to settle down at all.

Could it be that there is any danger in going out for training this time?
Is it man-made, or accidental?

The possibility of accidents should be small, otherwise my intuition would not remind me so repeatedly.

With this thought in mind, Guan Mingxin began to repeatedly look for whether some kind of mark had been secretly placed on the ten people in his group, or if it was a shady method.

However, to Guan Ming's disappointment and luck, no matter whether it was a human or a combat speeder, after using Jiujiu's ability, there was still nothing to gain.

Seeing this situation, Guan Mingxin had no choice but to be on guard secretly, tensing his nerves involuntarily for a moment.

At this time, it was less than ten kilometers away from Bizhi Valley, and the nine people from Xuanyuan Yunyan got up one after another to start the final preparations before the training. Guan Mingxin's abnormal mood was naturally noticed by them.

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