Perhaps, Wuji has been exposed to this new system in advance.

Otherwise, after the system's forced binding is completed, the binding restriction will not be suddenly changed, and it will become a master-servant contract, or a soul-spirit contract in which you are the master.

Even if his aptitude is really outstanding, it is impossible for the system to go through the back door as soon as he is bound.

Guan Mingxin is not a good boy who has never read those systematic novels in Yuan Xinghan World.

In the novel, which of those systems is more fuel-efficient, and won’t elevate the authority and give rewards without tossing the host to death?

Guan Mingxin never thinks that he has the aura of the protagonist described in the novel, the kind that everyone loves, flowers bloom when they see flowers, and everything bows down for him.

Thinking of this, Guan Ming ignored "Number 9999" and mobilized all his mind to perceive Wuji.

As expected, nothing.

Even the colorful round beads that were originally inlaid on the core of the original source of the soul of the cloud, it was covered with a layer of gray mist, and the bright and colorful colors could no longer be seen.

Guan Mingxin tried to touch the gray mist, trying to pass through the gray mist and enter the cloud illusion world.

Unsurprisingly, it was blocked by the gray fog.

If it wasn't for the faint faint breath of Wuji from the power of the contract at the core of the soul, Guan Ming would have thought that Wuji had disappeared and left him.

I'm still too weak!

Guan Mingxin bit his lips, his previous self-confidence was completely shattered, and his own cognition was also overturned.

Still too weak!
Do not!
I am mentally handicapped!

It was my bizarre experience that invisibly fueled my arrogance and inflated my ego.

There is a sky beyond the sky, there are people beyond people, and there is a universe beyond the universe. In addition to the Mu universe that I have come into contact with, there is also a world of higher latitude!

The moment the change of the master-servant contract was completed, Guan Mingxin understood the origin and almost all the information of "Number 9999".

It turns out that "No. 9999" is not a new system, but an instinctive consciousness produced by Jiujiu's main consciousness sleeping and phantom star stress after Jiujiu forcibly swallowed and fused a system modified by Wuji.

Upon hearing this news, Guan Ming was indeed greatly relieved.

But after thinking about it, there was Wuji first, and then Jiujiu. They were all loaded into this system that appeared in his body at some point.

Although all the hidden dangers had been dealt with by Wuji and Jiujiu, Guan Mingxin was very unwilling.

Why do you let yourself encounter these bizarre things again and again?

She wants to live a normal life, be with her family, plant fields, and raise flowers. Is this a particularly difficult goal to achieve?
"Number 9999" has all the memory of that system, and Guan Mingxin only found out after checking that the system number was also number 9999!
The full name is "Chuangshishen System No. 9999".

In the memory of "Chuangshi Shen System No. 9999", it was destroyed by the previous host's long-planned self-explosion during the process of forcibly erasing it because the host violated the system rules during the execution of the mission. The main body and nearly [-]% of the energy.

Of course, paying such a price, the previous host was completely obliterated.

Just when "Chuangshi Shen System No. 9999" wanted to communicate with the main system and report the news, the space turmoil caused by the self-explosion finally tore a crack, and "Chuang Shi Shen System No. 9999" who could not avoid it in the future swallowed it.

Immediately afterwards, it encountered multidimensional space-time turbulence.

"Chuangshishen System No. 9999" spent [-]% of its remaining energy in order to protect itself, so it was able to seize the opportunity to break away from the turbulent flow of multi-dimensional time and space, and came to the low-latitude space.

Fortunately, when "Chuangshishen System No. 9999" just entered the low-latitude space, it scanned a universe not far away.

For the sake of safety, "Chuangshishen System No. 9999" chose the low-level new Baizhanjie after arriving at the universe being scanned.

The landing point for entering the New Hundred Wars Realm happened to be the city of Manduoya in the Mortal Realm.

At this time, "Chuangshi Shen System No. 9999" was already very weak. In order to obtain energy, it had to choose a host nearby.

Who would have thought that the host it chose was an arrogant and arrogant mentally handicapped, I just used a little bit of energy to improve the host's appearance in order to better win over him, so that the host thought that he was unparalleled in the world, arrogant and alone One entered the wilderness area.

Not surprisingly, the host hung up.

The current Guan Mingxin was the one chosen by "Chuangshi Shen System No. 9999" among the hundreds of people present at the time, which he thought he had the best control over.

Unexpectedly, it still missed it!

I thought it was the best thing to control, but it was precisely the peerless evildoer that left only my memory of Yu Shi!

To have an existence like Wuji and Jiujiu!

The memory of "Chuangshishen System No. 9999" ends here.

As for the previous host of "Chuangshi Shen System No. 9999", it was the extremely handsome man Guan Mingxin and the others met earlier who uttered wild words and was finally killed by the "iron head".

Knowing all this, Guan Mingxin couldn't let go of No. 9999 at all.

Even though he knew that the number 9999 at this time was definitely not the "Chuangshishen System Number 9999" whose name sounded awesome, but Guan Ming couldn't be happy.

It took a long time before Guan Mingxin managed to calm down.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Guan Mingxin's only rejoicing is the absolute destruction of "Chuangshi Shen System No. 9999".

In just a short while, the current No. 9999 actually began to issue tasks to himself because he lost Jiujiu's control.

Even though Guan Mingxin didn't do the task, he wouldn't be punished in any way.

But Guan Mingxin had no choice but to do so in order to accumulate energy as soon as possible and help Jiujiu recover.

Being willing to do the task yourself and being forced to do the task are really two different experiences.

Before that, Guan Mingxin had thought that the task of Yanyi God Realm would be troublesome enough.

Never thought, compared to now, the previous ones are not missions at all, okay?

No, without Guan Mingxin's consent, No. 9999 arbitrarily opened the time and space live broadcast room loaded in the phantom star.

After many years, the time and space live broadcast room of "Little Planter's Pastoral Life" finally opened normally again.

"Ding dong, No. 9999 of the space-time live broadcast room has been opened, welcome the return of the anchor Fubao. Spread the flowers!"

As a burst of melodious music sounded, Jiujiu's cheerful voice instantly filled the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

In the live broadcast room that was just opened, there was only a single bullet screen released by the system hanging on the top, and it was marked with colorful colors, shining with the light of "bulingbuling", which seemed a little ridiculous.

Listening to the familiar voice that I heard not long ago, watching the long-lost familiar picture on the live broadcast light screen, Guan Mingxin couldn't help but burst into tears.

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