Although some elders didn't have much sincerity in their love for Fifth Yahao at first, but out of family interests and many other considerations, they made an appearance of being extremely fond of Yahao.

But 15 years of uninterrupted camouflage has gradually become a habit.

To this day, it is an indisputable fact that whether these elders are sincere or not, they do their best to love Fifth Yahao.

Anyway, from their point of view, since Fifth Yahao is doomed to be a poor little boy who won't live to be a hundred years old, it's not a bad idea for them to give up the hundred-year retreat.

It just happened to take this opportunity to take care of clan affairs and let the practice relax.

Ever since, the fifth clan appeared strangely, and all the elders of the direct line did not retreat.

If it weren't for the need to ensure Fifth Yahao's emotional stability in order to let the upcoming full moon night pass smoothly, the elders would have the urge to smash the game cabin before the New Hundred Wars World was reorganized.

To the surprise of these elders, on the night of the first full moon after the "Miracle" game was re-launched, Fifth Yahao actually woke up an hour earlier than usual after falling into a coma due to poisoning!
All of a sudden, the elders also realized that things had turned around.

Surprised and pleasantly surprised, the elders recalled Fifth Yahao's actions this month, and their eyes all turned to the game cabin at the same time.

Oh no, to be precise, it is Yuan Xinghan World's holographic virtual online game "Miracle"!
After an out-of-control elder bought a game pod and experienced the charm of the "Miracle" game for himself, they stopped persuading the fifth Yahao not to play the game, and at the same time forced the rest of the clan to play the game together. Play the Miracle game.

Even the elders themselves are no exception.

One must know that as Fifth Yahao grew older, the time of being poisoned and comatose on a full moon night became longer each time, without exception!
It would be strange if there was nothing special about this Miracle game.

All of a sudden, the entire Fifth Clan's mandatory regulations caused an uproar.

There are plenty of tribesmen who don't want to obey.

After hearing the reaction of the clansmen, the rulers of the direct line were dissatisfied, but no one could be sure about people's hearts.

In the end, they only strictly required all direct line members.

As for the branch tribesmen, they adopted a laissez-faire attitude.

It's not that the clansmen who don't have side branches urged the descendants of the direct line to protest, sowing dissension and saying that just because the fifth son is drunk in the game world, they want to drag the whole clan to escort the fifth son in the game world, it's really unfair.

But the direct descendants of the fifth clan are very united, even if there are one or two exceptions, it's just that they are disobedient and disobedient, not dissatisfied with the elders in their hearts.

Besides, which of the members of the direct line don't know about Fifth Yahao's situation?
How can such a big change happen for no reason?
The Miracle game must be extraordinary!
Since the hopeless Fifth Yahao can benefit, wouldn't healthy people like them benefit more?
They are really out of their minds, so they will listen to the instigation and dissension of the tribesmen of the side branches.

The rulers of the fifth clan did not expect that, in line with a rule to strive for more benefits for the whole clan, they accidentally let those clan members who were usually hidden and had a different heart show their heads.

It can be regarded as another harvest.

But right now is not the time to deal with these people, it is a serious matter to quickly enter the "Miracle" game to improve yourself.

Anyway, those people have been exposed and put on the bright side, it doesn't matter when they are dealt with.

Ever since, I don't know when, outsiders discovered that the members of the fifth clan's direct line started to stay behind closed doors one by one, and all the answers they got from side-by-side were playing games.

Even after the reorganization of the New Hundred Wars Realm, the direct members of the fifth clan still retained this weird style.

It is only because of the changed Miracle Trial Space that they can obtain a better improvement effect than the "Miracle" game.

But few people believed this answer, and more people believed that the Fifth Clan was holding back a bad move.

However, there are still some people who are still curious, wanting to see what is the charm of this miraculous trial space, which can make all the direct members of the entire fifth clan addicted to it and cannot extricate themselves...

The direct members of the fifth clan don't care about the attitude of the outside world.

With that kung fu, wouldn't it be nice to chop a few more monsters in the Miracle Trial Space?
And Fifth Yahao, who was extremely keen on the game when he was in Yuan Xinghan World, naturally became the leader of the Fifth Clan who entered the Miracle Trial Space.

This change of status made Fifth Yahao extremely happy, and at the same time, it gave birth to more greed in him.

Forcing Fifth Yahao to take the Miracle Trial Space more seriously.

The hard work pays off, and the fifth Yahao became the second trialer after Guan Mingxin to discover that the world of the miracle trial space has an unusual connection with reality.

Fifthly, Yahao first noticed that his body continued to improve, and the time of coma when the poison occurred was getting shorter and shorter.

When the toxin broke out again on a full moon night, although it was extremely painful, Fifth Yahao remained awake from the beginning to the end. After the toxin was suppressed, Fifth Yahao was pleasantly surprised to find that he could actually perceive the free The vitality energy particles between heaven and earth are gone!
This discovery is simply a miracle from heaven!
The precocious fifth Yahao, facing the crisis of death all the time, gradually developed his extraordinary keen and delicate observation ability, almost abnormal control ability, and extraordinary knowledge.

Fifth Yahao knows better than anyone what the energy particles of vitality represent.

Fearing that this was just an accident and his own delusion, Fifth Yahao forcibly suppressed his ecstatic emotions and forced himself to stabilize his mind, which made him seem more and more calm.

But at the same time, the fifth Yahao paid more and more attention to the changes brought about by the Miracle Trial Space, not letting go of any of them.

Finally, on another full moon night, Fifth Yahao and the elders who accompanied him waited from nightfall until dawn, and before the toxin broke out, Fifth Yahao understood that he had once My premonition came true!
My destiny has really changed!

"I'm no longer a sick child who won't live to [-]!"

This sentence was the fifth Yahao's excited cry when he saw the sun jumping over the horizon that day.

His mother fainted from crying on the spot.

The other elders were also overwhelmed with surprises, and they were increasingly looking forward to their profits in the Miracle Trial Space.

After calming down the excited elders, Fifth Yahao was still emotionally excited even though he stayed up all night.

This time, he no longer suppressed his emotions, allowing them to be released to the fullest. (end of this chapter)

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