Although Guan Ming made a mistake in order to allow Yue Huang to evolve, it was also recognized by the will of the universe, and it was also the key to Yue Huang's ability to keep his life until he met the beast master.

Yue Huang had been expecting his little master to come to save him, but how did he know that Guan Mingxin's memory had been erased, forgetting that she had a contract partner whom he named Yue Huang.

If it weren't for the influence of the contract rules, Guan Mingxin subconsciously and instinctively protected Yue Huang, Yue Huang would have died during the evolution process.

Originally, the beast master thought that there would be no problem in deploying the phantom beast eggs with high-level blood.

After all, I am the most talented beast master in Mortal Realm [self-proclaimed]!
But he underestimated the level of Yue Huang's blood, and he didn't expect Yue Huang to hide his soul in the extracted blood essence when he was dying.

In the process of preparing the phantom beast eggs, Yue Huang's original will of the soul was gradually awakened under the blessing of countless precious spiritual materials.

Afterwards, Yue Huang continued to endure, absorbing all kinds of precious spiritual materials calmly, preparing to accumulate energy for another fatal sneak attack by the beast master.

If he was still the original rational and shrewd beast master, he would definitely notice that during the preparation process, the consumption rate of Lingzhen spiritual materials was abnormal.

But he, who was already insane, took this abnormality as a sign that he was about to successfully deploy a high-level phantom beast egg.

Not only did he not stop providing spiritual materials, but he also consumed all his treasures, and all of them were turned into energy and were silently absorbed by Yue Huang.

Finally, the deployment is complete!

Looking at the jujube-sized beast egg in his hand, which is at least three circles smaller than normal phantom beast eggs, the beast master laughed wildly for a long time before preparing to make the contract.

But she never thought that this moment was what Yue Huang was waiting for.

When the beast master forced out his own blood essence and vitality, Yue Huang suddenly released the aura of the emperor's blood, and severely injured the unsuspecting beast master in one encounter.

The primordial beast breath of the imperial bloodline cannot be blocked by the isolation barrier set up by the beast master.

Once this breath was released, it was immediately noticed by other practitioners who were also at the Bizhi Valley supply point.

Noble, vast, domineering, majestic!
This is the characteristic of the emperor-level bloodline breath released by Yuehuang.

For practitioners who feel this breath, this breath has the ultimate allure!
An intuition suddenly rose in their hearts telling them that a treasure against the sky had been born!

The cultivators rushed towards the direction where the breath was coming from, and soon found the severely injured Beast Master. The latter had no time to speak, and the cultivators who rushed over mistakenly thought that they had snatched the treasure, and were hacked by Chaos Sword. died.

Although the death of this beast master was also very miserable, Yue Huang, who was tortured for a long time and was finally tortured to death, was not satisfied with this, and the anger accumulated in his heart still did not dissipate.

When Yue Huang's consciousness saw clearly the crazy, greedy and nearly distorted faces of the cultivators who came, it instantly touched the painful memory of Yue Huang being tortured and killed.

Yue Huang couldn't control himself anymore, and unscrupulously released the aura of the emperor's blood that he possessed.

It is mixed with the pain and despair after being caught, as well as the bewitching illusion created by the innate supernatural powers that were fully exerted unconsciously.

Under the influence of the illusion, those greedy and crazy cultivators suddenly lost their sanity and rushed towards the beast eggs floating in the air at some point.

As if a beast that had been hungry for a long time had finally encountered delicious food, its eyes were no longer clear, and it completely forgot that Yue Huang in front of him was just a phantom beast egg the size of a jujube.

Seeing those crazy cultivators rush towards him, Yue Huang's heart was filled with joy, and in an instant, the desire to vent was unprecedentedly high.

Regardless of his own state, Yue Huang began to unreservedly release the aura of the emperor's blood.


At the same time, an immature roar resembling the roar of a dragon and a tiger resounded through the sea of ​​soul consciousness of all the practitioners present.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying coercion escaped from the egg, covering the entire supply point in an instant.

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

Accompanied by a series of muffled sounds, the cultivators who rushed into the Beastmaster's Secret Research Institute before all flew out backwards and were killed on the spot.

"This... what's going on?!"

"It's not good! A high-level beast has sneaked into the supply point! Everyone run away!"

The cultivators who were close to the secret research institute, seeing this scene, recalled the strange aura and the terrifying coercion of the primordial beast just now, shouted in panic, turned around and wanted to escape from this place.


Another beast roar spread throughout the supply point, spreading around with a strong soul impact.

Those cultivators who originally planned to escape were immediately fixed on the spot, motionless, like stone sculptures.

If you observe carefully, you will find that their soul consciousness sea is broken and lifeless.

Some cultivators who were far away, although they were not killed on the spot, fell to the ground with their heads in their hands, wailing.


Before the sober practitioners could react, the third beast roar rang out, expressing their injustice with deep resentment and resentment!
The aura of the imperial bloodline was still spreading, and the space of the entire square was vibrated and distorted, as if it might collapse at any time.

Yuehuang's emperor-rank blood was completely stimulated, and the strong aura of emperor-rank blood continued to spread towards the surroundings.

The space in the secret research institute has begun to distort, and it seems that it may collapse at any time.

At this moment, a powerful cultivator finally rushed over, but Yue Huang disappeared out of thin air when the visitor just arrived at the scene.

In a daze, the visitor saw only a beast egg the size of a jujube.

He didn't think the tragedy at the scene was caused by the beast eggs.

The beast egg that reappeared appeared in a place where practitioners were confronting each other.

Yue Huang's supernatural power continued to work, and none of the cultivators could resist. The dozens of people who were very likely to live together peacefully after the peace talks lost their minds in an instant, and began to fight for the beast eggs.

As the aura of Yuehuang's emperor-level blood continued to spread, more and more practitioners were involved in this melee, and the scale was getting bigger and bigger...

Misfortunes never come singly, Yuehuang's emperor-level blood aura not only seduces practitioners.

Compared with them, Yuan Beasts are more sensitive.

The instinct from the bloodline told the primordial beasts that as long as they devoured the thing exuding the aura of the emperor's bloodline, they could evolve themselves, and they were expected to become the primordial beasts of the emperor's bloodline!
Naturally, the primordial beasts around Bizhi Valley took the lead in rioting!

With the passage of time, Yuehuang's emperor-level blood aura spread more and more widely, and finally attracted all the primordial beasts in the entire Ogagao jurisdiction. (end of this chapter)

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