At the same time, the light cocoon surrounding Guan Mingxin also shrank and became smaller, entering Guan Mingxin's body through the skin to hide.

The butterfly-like eyelashes trembled slightly, and as the eyelids were lifted, two rays of light shot out from the pair of star pupils, fleeting in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, it has become pure and pure, representing ignorance and innocence.

Guan Mingxin finally woke up.

She didn't know how long she had been in a coma, and what happened to the outside world. Looking around, she found that the friends of the Traceable Mercenary Group were all sleeping in the dark not far from her, and none of them was missing.

This is a long sigh of relief, everyone is fine.

After lying down for too long, his body was a little stiff, Guan Ming moved his limbs and slowly sat up.

Suddenly, something rolled down from his chest.

Guan Mingxin subconsciously fished it out, raised his hand and looked closely, it turned out to be the beast egg that gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity!
so small!

On the silver-white shell, there are dark and shallow purple mysterious lines, and there are faint flashes of lightning.

"Ding dong! Ding dong!"

"The time-space live room system restarted successfully, welcome the return of anchor Fubao!"

At this moment, the crisp and pleasant sound of spring water ding-dong sounded from the sea of ​​consciousness, followed by the voice of number 9999 without emotion, which sounded rather strange.

Only then did Guan Mingxin realize what was going on.

I don't know how long it has been since I was in a coma this time, the audience won't keep looking at my lying dead body, right?
This is too embarrassing!

Guan Mingxin, who had a small face with a little embarrassment, forgot that he was not wearing a mask at the moment, and waved towards the translucent light screen in the time-space live broadcast room:

“[Anchor]: Hi, everyone (╰╯).

I'm really sorry, I accidentally fell into a coma, the unchanging picture is terrible, right?

Sorry, and thank you for your attention.Memmada(З)╭Be careful! "

"[Meow is the cutest]: Wow! The anchor is cute, hug and hold high! mua(ε)"

"[Midnight clock strikes a guest]: Don't be sorry for the anchor, not long after you just fell into a coma, the system of the time-space live broadcast room was suddenly closed due to online updates."

"[Anchor]: Huh? Is it only my live broadcast room that is closed?"

"[Tangtang packs a pocket]: No, it's all of them."

"[Master of the Ming family]: Miss Ben has a great plan, and there will be big movements in our time and space!"

“[Yao Zun]: Perhaps the crisis of the host’s birthplace is not unique.”

"[Ming Ye Wu Boundless]: Ha ha! It is better to change together! Change is life!"

"[A cup of tea]: What are you all talking about?
Is it possible that the anchor is not a person of our latitude time and space? "

“[Tutu Zhenxiang]: You are new here upstairs.

Get rid of the 'difficult', the anchor is not only a cutie in other dimensions and time and space, but also a long-lived cub. "


Watching the audience chatting with each other, Guan Ming felt a sudden palpitation, as if a thought flashed through his mind.

By the time she reacted and wanted to investigate carefully, she had completely forgotten about it.

It turned out that the time and space live broadcast room was closed after I fell into a coma.

fair enough.

Guan Mingxin's intuition told her that what happened during the coma was very important and must not be discovered by others.

Thirty percent of her performance just now was pretending to test the specific situation.

Guan Mingxin was very satisfied with the answer he got.

No matter what happened in the high-latitude space-time that created the space-time live room system, it has nothing to do with the current self.

Guan Mingxin put himself in a good position.

Guan Mingxin, who has lost his memory, has felt that the world is unimaginably large since he knew the existence of high-latitude time and space.

Especially after the space-time live broadcast room was opened, Guan Mingxin reflected on herself every day, and subconsciously restrained her emotions more and more.

Although the audience in the live broadcast room looked very friendly, it was just a superficial appearance.

Apart from the camouflage made by innate supernatural powers, Guan Mingxin's whole body, inside and out, was almost seen clearly by the audience in the live broadcast room.

She thinks she is a peerless genius, but in the eyes of those people in high latitudes, she Guan Mingxin is just a little cub of the immortal species, ordinary and ordinary.

With this in mind, Guan Mingxin lowered his eyelids to hide the complex emotions emerging from his eyes, and stopped paying attention to the time-space live broadcast room.

Looking at the egg in his hand, and gently stroking the shell with his fingers, a clear feeling of intimacy was conveyed, as if he was complaining, acting like a baby, and talking about something while wearing it.

Guan Mingxin was stunned for a while, then looked at the egg after regaining consciousness, and said sorry:
"Little guy, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I forgot our past, but I can guarantee that I will never lose you again from now on."

Hearing this, the beast egg trembled slightly, as if responding.

At the same time, a clearer emotion came over, some eagerness, some grievance and fear.

"Yes, I promise!

If you are too tired, go to sleep, I promise I won't lose you. "

Guan Mingxin hurriedly comforted her softly again and again until the beast egg no longer conveyed emotions.

Sensing through the power of the contract that the little guy in the egg had finally fallen into a deep sleep, Guan Ming couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Because the little guy's consciousness was too weak, Guan Mingxin couldn't get all the little guy's memories through the contract rules, and only vaguely saw a few sporadic pictures.

There is the pure joy of the little guy tossing and playing in an egg that is much larger than the current beast egg; there is dissatisfaction when he breaks out of the shell and is taught by the powerful beasts; there is also running towards the city of Manduya The anxiety and anticipation of being tortured and killed; more of it is the pain and despair of being tortured and killed...

The last picture is the relaxation, joy and grievance after finally feeling the familiar atmosphere...

What kind of virtue and ability do I have, to actually sign a contract with a primordial beast with an infinite growth future, the proud son of heaven, or is it an extremely rare blood contract soul contract? !

Based on this alone, Guan Mingxin knew that he would never disappoint the little guy's 100% trust in him.

Lifting his head and casually glanced at the time-space live broadcast room, Guan Mingxin, who was still a little depressed before, calmed down in an instant.

Why should I wrong myself to restrain my emotions? Do people who are afraid of high latitude time and space have to tiptoe, dare not do this or that?

Not to mention how difficult it is for them to travel through time and space in different latitudes, even if it is easy, if you are afraid, things will not happen?
Since the number 9999 appeared, Guan Mingxin felt that he was completely trapped in a strange circle.

I always feel that everyone has bad intentions for me. I am afraid of wolves and tigers, and I am always worried that the audience in the space-time live broadcast room will be bad for me.

But ask yourself, how much benefit do you get from those audiences?

Just solving the problems in cultivation is enough to bear the great karma on my back!

Even the coins that the audience often reward, although they seem to be useless to him for the time being, are they really useless?

Guan Mingxin couldn't convince himself. (end of this chapter)

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