With infinite bewilderment and aggrieved, Wuji fell into a deep sleep again after returning to the Wuji Realm.

Wuyuan, who was hidden in the body of the person who suddenly appeared before, witnessed all this with his own eyes, and the shock in his heart was undeniable, but he never disturbed his master who was tempering his body.

It's not that Wuyuan didn't want to, but that he didn't dare.

Just because when Wuji appeared, he noticed the existence of the person not far from Guan Mingxin and Wuyuan. Wuji just released a trace of his coercion as the king of the spirit body towards Wuyuan, which made Wuyuan Yuan didn't dare to move any thoughts.

This meant that Wuji had recognized the identity of that person, so he gave such an understatement warning.

If it were someone else, even Xuanyuan Yunyan and others, Wuji would take other measures.

At the very least, it is indispensable to let the other party fall into a deep coma.

It was because that person was Guan Mingxin's family member who had been robbed this time, and Guan Mingchen who swore to protect her for the rest of her life!
Yes, that's right, the person who suddenly appeared out of nowhere was none other than Guan Mingxin's own brother who had been parted from him for a long time, the reborn ultimate villain Guan Mingchen.

And he is currently the only one recognized by Wuji.

For the other Guan family members, Wuji held a scrutinizing attitude.

Even Guan Mingxin's biological parents in this life will be treated in the same way.

In Wuji's view, blood kinship is not so reliable.

Don't you see, how many close relatives will fight back in the face of absolute interests?

Only Guan Mingchen, who made the oath of heaven, was the only exception where such a situation could not happen.

Because even if he wavered, the oath of heaven bound him to do nothing, on the contrary, he had to desperately protect Guan Mingxin.

Of course, Wuji didn't know that the reborn Guan Mingchen would never have any bad thoughts towards Guan Mingxin.

Because Guan Mingxin is Guan Mingchen's only salvation in this life.

It is also the only light of hope that can wave away the darkness in his heart that has sunk into darkness.

As long as this light is not extinguished, Guan Mingchen will not lose his only humanity, and while he is completely insane, he will get better and better.

On the contrary, a world-destroying demon was released, and the nightmare of countless creatures was born immediately.

Not long after he separated from Guan Mingxin by accident, Guan Mingchen, because of his excellent talent, obtained the Yanyi Ring emanating from the new Yanyi Divine Realm re-integrated by Liyuan Great Universe, and became a tasker of the Yanyi Divine Realm.

Guan Mingchen, who obtained the Yanyi Ring and successfully completed the verification task, immediately guessed that his precious sister should also be the tasker of the Yanyi Divine Realm.

Only this kind of reason can explain all the incongruities in my baby sister when I was farming outside Chizhu City.

Yes, Guan Mingxin thought he was covering it up very well, but he never expected that Guan Mingchen would have noticed something wrong long ago.

Just the energy fluctuation brought about by traveling through time and space that appeared out of nowhere on her body was enough to make Guan Mingchen look sideways.

It's just that after Guan Mingchen confirmed that Guan Mingxin was not injured in any way, and there were no hidden dangers, he kept his discovery in his heart and didn't announce it, let alone stop Guan Mingxin.

Guan Mingchen, who is also a tasker, knows very well that this is a great opportunity to quickly improve himself. Although it is also accompanied by danger, how can the path of cultivation be smooth sailing?
Especially after Guan Mingchen obtained Wu Yuan in the second mission world, he more and more recognized this point of view.

Wuyuan is a growable weapon with a weapon spirit. Its shape can be changed at will according to the owner's will. It has both offensive and defensive capabilities. It has been refined into a natal magic weapon by Guan Mingchen.

The name Wuyuan was also decided upon by Guan Mingchen who mentioned a name called "Wuji" when he thought of his baby sister unconsciously muttering to herself.

Although Guan Mingchen didn't ask, but based on his intuition, that person named "Wuji", or a special creature, is very important to his precious sister.

Although Guan Mingchen was very unconvinced about this, he had to admit that facts speak louder than words.

When Wuyuan was successfully sacrificed, Guan Mingchen learned that after Wuyuan was upgraded to the level of a fairy weapon, he would have the ability to tear apart space and jump in space. Guan Mingchen immediately put down everything at hand and wholeheartedly helped No Abyss upgrade.

Finally, hard work paid off, he succeeded!
When Wuyuan informed Guan Mingchen that he had indeed acquired the ability to jump in space, Guan Mingchen didn't even carry out the experiment, and came over directly by the special imprint he left on his baby sister's body!
This means that Guan Mingxin's memory was erased. Wuji was afraid that she would not adapt, and hadn't told her about the Yanyi God Realm, so Guan Mingxin didn't accept the mission to go to other worlds.

Otherwise, Guan Mingchen's rash move might end up wandering in the void.

As for the special imprint that Guan Mingchen left on Guan Mingxin, it was discovered by Wuji when it was just planted.

But because he wanted the other party to better protect his master, Wuji pretended not to know, and even helped to conceal it, so that the person concerned, Guan Mingxin, didn't notice.

Otherwise, with Guan Mingxin's temper, he would definitely not be happy.

Let's talk about the present.

Guan Mingxin, who knows nothing about the outside world, at this time, in the core of her soul, the colored beads surrounded by gold and silver are constantly spinning, and the gold and silver are continuously absorbed until the colored beads explode. A halo restrained all the luster and charm, and returned to the simple and ordinary appearance again.

While the colorful balls were spinning, tendons, flesh, internal organs, and skin quickly regenerated on Guan Mingxin's skeleton.

Without much effort, a chubby little white dumpling appeared.

Mysterious runes were glowing all over his body, and they were also hidden in the bones after circulating around.

The smooth and glossy long purple hair fell vertically, covering most of the skin, while the butterfly-like purple eyelashes fluttered slightly, a pair of deep purple star eyes suddenly appeared, and there was a mysterious vortex flowing in the pupils, deep and mysterious, with the ultimate Fascinating, fascinating...

But after closing her eyelids, a mysterious aura flashed from her body, and Guan Mingxin, who opened his eyes again, was clearly awake.

Naive and ignorant.

His appearance also changed.

Dark blue hair hanging down the waist, ice blue eyes misty, round cute cat pupils, fair little face plump, delicate hands and feet, really a cute and lovely chubby dumpling.

This scene was watched by Guan Mingchen who was on the side.

After so many years, Guan Mingchen, who saw the true face of his baby sister for the first time, felt dazed for a moment.

Really, baby sister's true face is too outstanding!

Even though she is still a young child, she already possesses the talent of a city. When she grows up, what kind of peerless appearance will she have?
Guan Mingchen couldn't even imagine it.

After the astonishment, there was deep worry.

Baby Sister's secret disguise technique looks very powerful, but there are always people in this world who can see through her disguise.

In case someone covets the baby sister's appearance...

Just thinking about it like this, Guan Mingchen couldn't take it anymore.

"No, I have to become stronger to protect my sister!" (End of this chapter)

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