Yuling, that is, the boss shook his head, and said in a low tone:
"Xiaoyan, haven't you heard what Xiaohan said about the identity of the little guy?"

"Your Majesty?"

"Yes, it is Your Highness!

According to the strict family rules, I also have to call the little guy "Little Highness".

That family, now you know too much is not good for you, as long as that surname is announced, it will be captured by the laws of heaven and earth.

If the tone is slightly wrong when speaking, there will be thunder and punishment.

Presumably, when Xiaohan explained his life experience to the little guy, it was the little guy who helped him stop the thunder and punishment. "

"It's so young!

It's just a surname, but if you say it, you will be punished by thunder? "

"Yes, that's why people of our own clan seldom reveal their real names in the lower cultivation world.

It's not because of some hidden identity or something, it's just that I don't want to be punished by thunder if I don't pay attention.

At that time, whether it can survive the thunder and punishment is still a trivial matter. If it causes unnecessary troubles, it will only cause a headache for nothing. "

"My God! People of your own clan don't dare to say it casually?"

"What do you think?"

"Boss, you mentioned the low-level cultivation world just now, do we belong to the low-level cultivation world in the Hundred Wars Realm?

On top of this, there must be medium and high-end ones? "

"Well, the Immortal Realm we entered after ascending to the Hundred Wars Realm is the middle-level cultivation realm, and there are higher worlds above the Immortal Realm."

"Speaking of which, the little Highness's status is really not low!

It's really like what those little guys said, we hugged a golden thigh! "

"Hehe, of course it's a genuine golden thigh.

Even my biological father cannot but respect him.

It's nothing to get along with each other in daily life, but when it comes to matters related to the inheritance of blood, even I must respectfully address him as 'Little Highness', and I have to use that kind of sincere respect from the heart to pass the test.

There were rumors in the clan that the little guy was a reincarnated person..."

"The reincarnated person?"

"should be.

Otherwise, no matter how precious the little guy's identity is, under the law of heaven, "world, king, parent and teacher", "heaven and earth" is the law of heaven, "jun" is the ruler, "kinship" refers to the blood relationship, and "teacher" is the inheritance of karma The teacher who teaches.

Among them, the blood relationship is even higher than the teacher, so how can I have to treat my own son respectfully even though the law suppresses it? "

"Okay, let's talk about it today and try to forget about it as much as possible, and just get along with your highness in a normal manner.

If it is too deliberate, it will be easier to expose. "



However, Yuling and the others, who were ready to get along with Guan Mingxin according to their previous attitude even though they had already prepared their minds, did not know that after they fell asleep, an invisible phantom appeared out of thin air, and with a single touch, the nest was destroyed. The part related to Guan Mingxin's special identity was wiped out from everyone's memory.

Immediately afterwards, with a flick of his finger, he flicked a drop of golden original blood into Guan Mingxin's eyebrows, and helped Guan Mingxin quickly fuse the drop of original blood.

Afterwards, Xuying took a drop of ordinary blood from Guan Mingxin's fingertip.

But even the most common blood was covered with golden threads, and some kind of animal shadows appeared vaguely, with a majestic and boundless aura.

Seeing this drop of blood, Xu Ying sighed softly, and then divided the blood bead into more than 20 parts, two of which bounced into the eyebrows of Xuanyuan Yunyan and Yu Ling, and the rest scattered and flew across the sky ,Disappear……

The phantom stopped in the air for another moment, and after sensing that the blood had also been successfully fused, it raised its hand to place a complicated and mysterious restraint on Guan Mingxin's body, allowing Guan Mingxin's blood to return to the bright red color of a normal human being, and then leaned over. Guan Mingxin imprinted a kiss full of love and guilt on his forehead, looked up at the time and space live room screen, sighed again, and disappeared out of thin air.

Just like when it appeared, it was silent and did not disturb anyone, including the time-space live room system.

In the dream, Guan Mingxin only felt that his body was warm and comfortable, turned over, hugged the quilt and rubbed against it, and there were red marks on the chubby face...

As for the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room, there was no part where the phantom appeared in the screen, and the others were all included.

Including Xuanyuan Yunyan's venting self-report, Yuling's self-exposed identity, and now Guan Mingxin's cute sleeping position...

"[Fengchi Tianxia]: Seeing such an anchor, I suddenly have the urge to get married."

"[Lonely Traveler in the Red Dust]: You are not alone."

"[An Xin An Xin]: I really want to take away the cutie anchor, and hide it from others to see!"

"[Jiaojiao is the cutest]: No! The anchor cutie belongs to all of us! Huh o(`ω*)o!"

"[Meow is the cutest]: Bad Jiaojiao, why are you here too?"

"[Jinjin is the most handsome]: Meow, we are all here!"

"[Chenchen is the most well-behaved]: Meow, yes, we are all here!"

"[Jiajia is the most domineering]: Miaomiao, you are not good. There is such a cute anchor, but you secretly hide and watch alone. I said why you don't like going out recently."

"[Yanyan is the most powerful]: Hmph, if I hadn't sneaked a look today, I don't know how long I would have been concealed? Meow, what do you think I should do?"

"[Meow Miao is the cutest]: Oh, oh, I didn't mean it! If you want to blame it, blame the host for being so annoying, I forgot to notify you."

"[System 9999]: No matter how cute the anchor is, it's just my family!"

"[Yanyan is the most powerful]: Wow, the system wizard has appeared!"

"[Long-legged kneeling]: 9999, have you fully recovered, or is it only temporary?"

"[Master of the Ming family]: My lady has a wonderful plan. 9999 has been completely recovered, but it also owes a huge karma. If one is not good, it will completely perish."

"[System 9999]: The Master Master of the Ming Family is still so sharp and direct. Judging by your tone, it should be the new Master Master.

I never thought that such a long time has passed. "

"[Tangtang in a pocket]: 9999, it's been a long time, long time no see, as long as you recover.

With your temperament, the karma owed is also what you owe willingly, right?
Otherwise, you would rather sleep forever. "

"[System 9999]: Heh, so it's you, you really understand me, indeed, I owe this karma willingly.

At the beginning, when that lunatic pulled me to blow myself up, I thought I was going to be doomed.

Unexpectedly, at that time, a space-time storm passed by, and I was involved in it.

By the time I regained consciousness again, I had already appeared in the Hundred Battles Realm.

In the beginning, the person I was looking for was not an anchor, but a big idiot.

That idiot was forced to die by my own stupidity, and I was lucky enough to meet the anchor..."

Jiujiu, the system 9999 who spoke in the space-time live broadcast room, suddenly had an idea, and began to use the identity of the system elf who had been completely swallowed by her before, to catch the audience's words.

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