The first thing to look at is a neat row of puppets.

After Wuji's rectification, a group of puppets with enlightened intelligence and independent thinking have been added to the Yuanzhu Xiaojing, the leader of which is possessed by Wuji's consciousness.

This puppet is the new vest "Worriless" of the Wuji Consciousness Body.

Of course, Guan Mingxin's explanation is that "Worriless" is a spiritual body clone of Wuji.

Since it is Wuji's spiritual body clone, "Wuyou" naturally also has the control over Yuanzhu Xiaojing.

The character that Wuji set for "Wuyou", a freshly baked spiritual body clone, is unexpectedly beautiful and stinky, which is beyond Guan Mingxin's expectations.

This love of beauty is in a broad sense.

Just like "Wuyou" felt that the rectification of Yuanzhu Xiaojing by her own body Wuji did not conform to her aesthetic concept.

So, after his body Wuji "sleeped", "Worriless" took advantage of the time when Guan Mingxin hadn't woken up, and quietly re-adjusted the details by himself.

However, Guan Mingxin, who just woke up, didn't know this.

Her attention was attracted by the familiar ones among the puppets.

"Yingchu!'s you guys!

Great, you're all back! "

It turned out to be an almighty puppet who was once included in the Vientiane space.

The puppets of the nominated shadow elementary school also knelt down on one knee to salute Guan Mingxin in unison:
"Dear Master, Yingchu/Yingyi...has returned!"

"Okay! It's good that you are all fine!"

Guan Mingxin was very happy.

The memory of this part of the Vientiane Space has not been erased, but these days, because of the appearance of the Yuanzhu Xiaojing, Guan Mingxin did not think of the Vientiane Space for a while, and naturally he could not remember the people trapped in the space. The puppets are gone.

In fact, this is the result of Wuji's deliberate guidance.

At the beginning, Wuyou became greedy, and after Wuji dealt with it, the Vientiane Space has been sealed up, and he does not intend to re-deliver it to Guan Mingxin.

If it wasn't for the great opportunity this time, allowing Wuji to act decisively to erase Guan Mingxin's biggest hidden danger, the Vientiane Space might really be sealed up by Wuji indefinitely.

It's just that even if he decides to re-activate the Vientiane Space, Wuji still completely dismantles it and fills it into the Yuanzhu Xiaojing.

In other words, Vientiane Space no longer exists.

Knowing this, Guan Mingxin not only did not feel disappointed, on the contrary, he especially approved of Wuji's approach.

But Vientiane Space had given her good memories, so Guan Mingxin changed the name of the current Yuanzhu Xiaojing to "Vientiane Xiaojing" as a commemoration.

If there is no accident, there will be no major rectifications in the Vientiane Small Realm in the future, and it will only automatically evolve as the space advances.

The Vientiane Small Realm displayed in Guan Mingxin's vision is divided into four areas with different styles: the residential area, the Lingtian area, the mining area, and the wilderness area.

Except for the puppet patrols in the wilderness area, the other three areas have puppets to take care of them, making the Vientiane Small Realm more reasonable and efficient.

Guan Mingxin couldn't be more satisfied with this.

Although the current Vientiane Small Realm is not very big, only [-] kilometers in radius, it is not something Guan Mingxin alone can take care of.

After a general tour, Guan Mingxin took a flower petal bath under the service of the puppet, and changed into a complete set of high-grade robes from underwear to outer clothes made by the puppet.

After recognizing the master, under Guan Mingxin's control, the cassock was immediately hidden next to his body, and then a layer of high-grade protective clothing was put on again, and only then did he leave the Vientiane Small Realm.

Guan Mingxin, who appeared in the tent, put away the sound barrier, and suddenly, the bustle and bustle outside the tent came.

At this time, Jiujiu reopened the time-space live broadcast room that he had closed for half a day, and the audience rushed in immediately.

Unknowingly, Guan Mingxin's live broadcast room "Little Planter's Pastoral Life", which has a very inconspicuous name, has an average online viewership of more than 500 million.

Among them, more than one-third of the permanent audience.

"[A cup of clear tea]: I suddenly felt that after 9999 recovered, it would be better if I didn't recover before. Is it my illusion?"

"[Lonely Traveler in the Red Dust]: No, I think so too. We used to be able to appreciate the anchor's cute sleeping positions, but now it's useless! (; ̄д ̄)"

"[Wang Yiyi]: No. 9999, can we discuss something, if there are no special circumstances for the anchor, can we not close the live broadcast room?"

"[I'm serious about the calamity]: Yes, yes, don't turn it off, I was struggling in the days of the calamity in the world of mortals, and I relied on watching the anchor cutie to comfort my wounded heart.

As a result, in your live broadcast room, I instantly felt so miserable that I couldn't hold on any longer.

All right, number 9999! (●°u°●) At this moment, my heart is broken! "

“[System 9999]: Please call me Guan Jiujiu!

As for your proposal, let's see what my little master thinks! "

"[Anchor]: But don't you feel awkward and boring watching me sleep? ∑(△`)?!"

“[Meow Meow is the cutest]: No!!!”

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: No!!!"


Seeing the "No!!!!" on the screen, Guan Mingxin was also quite speechless, so he could only agree to keep the live broadcast room open normally under non-special circumstances.

Anyway, she fell asleep, and the audience has nothing to do with her. She is still a child, so there is nothing to worry about, even if it is Guoguo, she is not afraid!Guan Ming thought so.

Sensing her little master's slander, Jiujiu almost choked.

But the truth is true, a three-headed doll, why worry about being exposed and embarrassing!
After dealing with the enthusiastic audience in the space-time live broadcast room, Guan Mingxin was just about to step out of the tent when someone grabbed her by the sleeves. Looking back, she turned out to be Wuyou. Before, they would all be called "Worriless"], could not help showing surprise, and then turned into a face full of disapproval:

"Worriless, what's wrong?
Didn't I tell you that it's dangerous outside?
Why did you come out so disobedient?
Are you not afraid that your king will punish you if he finds out? "


The master is so annoying!
I am Wuyou prepared by the great king himself, even that idiot Jiujiu can follow the little master closely, why should I hide?

Besides, I am very powerful, I made all those puppets! "

Wuyou, who was as delicate and lovely as Wuji, pouted her mouth and raised her chin, with an expression of dissatisfaction and even grievance.

"Okay, okay, come out if you want to, I'm just worried that I might not be able to take care of you in case of danger."

Faced with the little girl who was as tall as him and had a small face that was enlarged by Wuji, he got angry, Guan Ming's heart suddenly softened, and he immediately coaxed the doll softly.

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