Chapter 451

Seeing this, the others stopped trying and waited intently for the action of their little Highness.

You must know that along the way, when the little highness made a move, he either slashed with a sword or shot with an arrow, mixed with small magic spells of various attributes that were cast at will using the "Five Elements Turning Wheel Technique", but I have never seen her touch this one before. It is obviously not a low-grade sound attack container.

Soon, a soothing tune played under Guan Mingxin's chubby paws.

There seemed to be a fresh and natural picture in front of everyone:

The rising sun is all over the sky, and on the steep cliffs, falcons come out of their nests, looking for delicious food to bring back to their cubs waiting to be fed.

Under the cliff is a dense forest. The sunlight passing through the branches and leaves casts spots of light on the ground. Some ignorant beasts curiously catch the spots, but they don’t pay attention to the stream not far away. The stream goes with the waves.

The gurgling water, ding ding dong dong, crisp and melodious.

Passing through a highland, it fell suddenly, and went straight into the deep pool, forming a spectacular waterfall with a height of tens of meters.

The splashed water drops are colorful under the sun, and the small and exquisite rainbow crosses the water curtain, which makes the fish in the pool mistakenly think that the dragon gate is alive, and they all leap up, praying for the one who jumped over the dragon gate and turned into a real dragon. a glimmer of hope...

Although everyone was also fascinated by this melodious and soothing tune, but because they were curious about what their little highness wanted to do with the vine cocoon, they desperately restrained their minds and did not dare to immerse themselves in the music. Except for Wuyou, the 28 pairs of eyes were dead. Staring at the fifteen vine cocoons.

"Ah! It's moving! It's moving!"

Shi Shalan suddenly saw the vines on the cocoon of the vines facing Guan Mingxin move, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

But he never thought that the vine immediately pretended to be dead and did not move. Shi Shalan also knew that he was reckless, and looked at the half-smiling face of the little devil king Wuyou, and hurriedly bowed his hands to beg for mercy.

It wasn't until Your Excellency Wuyou averted his gaze that Shi Shalan patted his chest in fear, and didn't dare to make any sound again.

Seeing this, the others shook their heads amusedly, but if they had been stared at with a half-smile by His Excellency the Little Demon King Wuyou, I'm afraid it wouldn't feel so good.

After the only sound of Guan Mingxin's piano remained by the lake again, the vine moved again not long after.

Seeing this scene, the movements of Guan Mingxin's hands changed, and the melody changed from soothing and brisk to passionate and high-pitched.

It was as if those swimming fishes didn't want to miss the dragon gate, and their desire to become a real dragon became stronger and stronger in their hearts, and they leaped desperately again and again!
At this time, the vines on all the vine cocoons started to move.

The cocoon showed signs of unraveling as the vines swam.

The vine tip went straight up, but stopped in mid-air for a moment, as if it didn't have enough strength, and fell to the ground unwillingly.

Immediately afterwards, it jumped again suddenly, a little higher than before, but still couldn't hold it, and fell down.

After that, he bounced again without any accident, and then tried his best to jump up, but he still fell down...

Everyone understood that these vines were infected by the zither music, and they seemed to have entered the illusion woven by the zither music, and regarded themselves as the fishes that were jumping over the dragon gate.

Every time the vines bounced, the cocoons of the vines would loosen a bit, and the knotted vine roots would also come off.

Also because of this, even though the people or beasts in the vine cocoon that the vine fell from the air and smashed were in unbearable pain, they still kept in mind Guan Mingxin's previous warning and resisted not moving, let alone resisting. .

Finally, all the vine cocoons were completely untied, revealing fifteen humanoid creatures.

At this moment, the bouncing vine exhausted its last trace of strength, completely paralyzed on the ground and unable to move.

However, when Guan Mingxin hadn't spoken, those fifteen humanoid creatures still didn't dare to move even though they had seen the light of day again.

Just when Yun Shuo couldn't help but wanted to rush up and hug his sister, Guan Mingxin's piano tune changed again.

A swimming fish finally jumped over the dragon gate and turned into a golden dragon with extraordinary charm. It raised its head and let out a dragon chant loud and clear, announcing its joy to the world.

Suddenly, those vines that were no longer moving gathered together, intertwined with each other, forming a dark green dragon-shaped vine whip. The dragon's head, dragon's beard, dragon's claws, and dragon's tail were very vivid, and everyone who watched was very surprised.

When the divine dragon raised its head and chanted in the zither music, the dragon-shaped vine whip on the ground also raised its head, and opened its mouth to let out a long and melodious dragon chant, which is strong but obviously childish!
Is really heard!
This voice was heard by everyone, as if a real dragon was raising its head to proclaim to the world!

Is this still a vine? !
Simply incredible! ! !

Guan Mingxin's qin music is still the same, but at this time, the Shenlong who has just turned into a real dragon wags its tail and disappears into the clouds...

The melody fades away gradually.

The dragon-shaped vine whip also wanted to make the same tail swing, but it lost its strength halfway through the swing, and the raised dragon head also drooped down along with it.

Seeing this scene, Guan Mingxin got up Shi Shiran, took the white jade guqin Longhua back to the Vientiane Small Realm, and walked towards the dragon-shaped rattan whip.

Seeing Guan Mingxin who was strolling in the courtyard and standing in front of the dragon-shaped rattan whip, everyone realized that it was over.

The fifteen unlucky ones wrapped in vine cocoons also climbed up one after another and moved away from the dragon-shaped vine whip.

Although they forced themselves to stand independently, their trembling bodies clearly showed their exhaustion.

And the audience in the time-space live broadcast room, with the blessing of the "immersive" function, also seriously felt the beauty and reality of the illusion constructed by the piano music from beginning to end. When watching those vines keep bouncing, they also feel Can't help but feel sad for them...

It wasn't until the appearance of the dragon-shaped rattan whip at the end that the audience was in a good mood.

This time, there are still viewers who gained insights because of the "immersive" function, and some of them insisted on thanking Guan Ming, while some audiences had no time to react and fell into the insights...

Regardless of whether they thanked them or not, they all gained cultivation insights because of Guan Mingxin, and the power of faith would naturally emerge, which would fall directly on Guan Mingxin without being affected by different dimensions of time and space.

Those who have gained enlightenment, if they still have merit, or will do some influential events in the future to obtain merit, their power of faith will also be mixed with some merit, the specific amount depends on how much merit those people can obtain up.

The more merits you get, the more merits will be mixed in the power of faith that emerges at this time.

On the contrary, it is naturally less.

Of course, in this case, the power of faith does not represent the end of cause and effect.

It's just that under normal circumstances, this kind of cause and effect will not affect those people.

(End of this chapter)

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