Chapter 470 The team has grown

Under Guan Mingxin's dry introduction, the two parties finally eased up a little, waved away the others, and sat down to talk.

After the routine greetings, we finally got to the point.

"Senior Guan, may I ask, how did your family confirm the baby's identity?"

After Yuling took a deep breath, he looked directly at Guan Mingxin in Guan Bo's arms, a trace of obvious loneliness flashed in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Guan Bo took a meaningful look at Yu Longhan who was beside Yu Ling, and did not hide it at all, before replying in a thankful tone:

"It's just a coincidence.

Some time ago, it happened that the clan held an annual test for the younger brothers. The elder just invited out the blood-appreciating holy stone kept by the ancestor, and the holy stone reacted. The elders unanimously concluded that this reaction represented a family The disciple forcibly stimulated the inheritance blood in the body in another place, but the distance is really a bit far...

Afterwards, the elders reported the matter to the ancestors. After calculations, the ancestors finally deduced that Fu Bao had news, and then sent me to this world...

Xiao Chen is impatient, he broke away from the big team and rushed over alone.

Fortunately, Xiaochen was lucky and found Fubao. "

Guan Bo's glance made Yu Ling and Yu Longhan's heart tremble, but what Guan Bo said immediately made Yu Longhan's heart sink to the bottom of the lake.

It turned out that it was because of me that I attracted His Highness's relatives before reincarnation!

Some time ago, I accidentally started the bloodline awakening, but I was not prepared enough. When the awakening was about to fail, it was the little highness who used her own bloodline breath as a traction to successfully make herself through the dangerous situation and awaken the bloodline.

Yu Takihan didn't know whether he should blame himself or regret, or feel lucky for His Royal Highness and the happiness of reuniting with his family.

As soon as such entangled emotions emerged, Uitaki Han suddenly had a flash of inspiration and grasped the key points in Guan Bo's words. :
Your Highness... the same bloodline... the Guan family... oh no, they are members of the clan!New people!
no no!


Another branch..."

Although it sounds a little unclear, in fact, several people present understood what Uitaki Han wanted to express.

After Yu Ling realized it, he immediately stared at Guan Bo with the same expression as Yu Takihan.

Guan Bo, who was stared at by Yu's father and son, had a calm look from the beginning to the end, with a warm smile on his face.

His appearance was naturally misunderstood by the excited Yu family father and son as acquiescence.

It turns out...the Guan family who came to find His Royal Highness/Baby is also a branch of that family!
Not surprisingly, it should also be a branch of the same direct line as their Yu family!

This was the only thought that crossed the minds of the father and son at this moment.

With this misunderstanding, the next series of actions "should" go much smoother.

Not long after, the results of the negotiation between the two parties came out:
Guan Mingxin continued to explore in the Ruins Continent, and the two mercenary groups, Suyuan and Junying, both ushered in expansion.

Among them, the Feichen mercenary group that was supposed to be absorbed before was naturally also one of the targets of expansion.

On the basis of the original, the tracing mercenary group once again joined Guan Mingchen and other underage disciples from the Guan family and the blood servants, as well as Gu Chenxi, Bu Weixuan, Gu Pengpeng, Gu Huanhuan, and fourteen human-shaped primordial beast cubs.

Among them, the underage disciples of the blood servants who were not present and the fourteen humanoid beast cubs were all classified as non-staff members.

The head of the Junying mercenary group is still Yuling, but one of the deputy heads is replaced by Gu Feng from the original Weisheng Cangya, and Weisheng Cangya is the new elder. Two new deputy heads were added, adult blood servants Shi Chenyu and Xu Limo.

Among them, the duties of the four deputy heads are assigned as follows: Zhuge Junyun and Shi Chenyu are in charge of strategy and diplomatic affairs, Gu Feng is in charge of the daily management and defense of the group, and Xu Limo is in charge of financial affairs.

The new group of elders will cooperate with the four deputy heads to carry out various tasks.

It is worth mentioning that Yan Zhiqi and other eight members of the Traceable Mercenary Group had special thoughts about Guan Ming, so Guan Bo used secret techniques to modify their memories, and at the same time induced them to take the initiative to fight Guan Ming. A master-servant contract was concluded.

Naturally, Guan Mingxin was the master, and the eight of them were servants.

This kind of master-servant contract is naturally different from the blood contracts signed by Shi Guanhe, Xu Li Changge and other blood servants. It is the most common and common kind. The master can cancel the contract at any time, and the servant can also eat back against the master to a certain extent.

The reason why he chose this contract was because Guan Bo gave the eight people a test.

If they would have bad thoughts about Guan Mingxin again after erasing all their memories related to Guan Mingxin, then the only way to wait for them was death.

After losing contact with Guan Mingxin many times unexpectedly, the Guan family's attention to Guan Mingxin has reached its peak.

Anything unfavorable to her will never be allowed to happen as long as the relevant family members are present.

Although this is not beneficial to Guan Mingxin's growth, in the short term, the Guan family's attitude cannot be changed for the time being.

Although his memory was erased, the already talented Guan Mingxin quickly discovered this from many details.

It's not that she never thought of refusing, but every time she wanted to speak, she couldn't say the word of refusal after seeing the worried and even fearful eyes of the Guan family, including Shi Guan and the other blood servants.

After doing this several times, Guan Mingxin had no choice but to lie flat and accept this "heavy" care and protection.

Anyway, as a long-lived species, it will take a long time to grow up, so let's enjoy the "happy childhood" that belongs to the cub first.

That's right, Guan Mingxin has already learned from the Guan family that he is a long-lived species who has awakened part of his bloodline.

Without exception, the Guan family members are all longevity species, including the 21 survivors of the Ji Huajie Yu family who were forced into them by Wuji's modified memory, and now they have officially entered the Guan family tree. Guan Mingyang and others under the name of the third son Guan Zhen.

Among them, there is also Wuyou who plays the role of Guan Mingxin's twin sister, and is named Guan Mingxiao in the genealogy.

Regarding the fact that he has passed the Ming Road, although Wuyou didn't say it, he was pleasantly surprised in his heart.

As for the guess that the Guan family in Yuling's father and son's mind is also a direct descendant of the mysterious family they belong to, in fact, they are not wrong.

But at this time, neither the Guan family nor Yuling and his son knew about this secret.

This is later.

Let's talk about the moment, with the arrival of the Guan family and blood servants, Guan Mingxin's team has grown exponentially, directly from a small team of more than 20 people to a team of thousands of people comparable to a medium-sized force.

 It's very depressing, today's thunder actually blew out the telecommunications network cable in our area, and now we have no network here, and the traffic is also very slow because of the weather or something...

(End of this chapter)

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