Chapter 472 Rescue Gu Chenxi [Part [-]]

"[Master of the Ming family]: This young lady has a wonderful plan, heart fire will become a very popular secret technique of practice, and it will also bring about a turning point."

"[I am serious about the calamity]: Then what are you waiting for? With these words from Master Mingshi, I will definitely try to ignite my heart!"

"[Emperor Hanyuan]: The heart fire is indeed extraordinary, and this deity is also looking forward to it."

"[Tangtang packs a bag]: According to calculations, after the heart fire is lit, it can swallow other flames and grow continuously.

On the 9999th, the deity ordered a secret method to ignite the fire in the heart. "

"[Yao Zun]: This deity also needs a copy."

"[Ben Shuai]: I can't miss my share!"

"[Ming Ye Wu Boundless]: Jie Jie Jie, heart fire is a good thing, here I would like to thank the anchor Xiaocuti in advance."

For a while, the transaction request for the secret method of igniting the heart fire maxed out the space-time live broadcast room.

Jiujiu flew up busy, recording every transaction reservation list sent through "private chat".

Guan Mingxin naturally also saw this scene, and thought to himself:

It seems that our Hundred Wars Realm is not simple, there is actually a secret method that even high-latitude time and space misses.

Moreover, the value of the secret transaction was judged by the time-space live room system to be unexpectedly high!


At this time, even Guan Mingxin had some expectation that Jiujiu would soon increase the level of the time-space live broadcast room and meet the conditions for opening the "time-space trading" function.

Of course, just looking forward to it for a while.

These thoughts only flashed in Guan Mingxin's mind before disappearing without a trace.

Gathering his mind, Guan Mingxin observed the state of Gu Chenxi in the formation, and under the cover of the white mist, he extracted a small amount of vitality from his own sea of ​​consciousness and stuffed it into the 10 In the small universe bottle of Wannian Shizhong Yuanru, the silver-gray chaotic energy in the dantian was also mobilized and injected into the small universe bottle.

After the preparations were completed, Guan Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and then with a thought, he pulled his heart fire out of the sea of ​​consciousness and consciousness, and it emerged in his palm. On top of a little bit of heart fire, the heart fire is activated to make the mixture evaporate slowly, and the faint green smoke curls up, like a dream.

With the barrier of the isolation array, Guan Mingxin controlled the speed, allowing the mixed liquid to evaporate at a uniform speed, and the 10 catties of liquid turned into smoke, filling the spherical isolation barrier.

As the mixed liquid suspended above the small flame of the beancurd decreases, the green color in the smoke gradually deepens, from far to near, from shallow to deep.

But whether it is shallow or deep, it is so pure.

At a glance, the eyes are full of green.

Green, the color of life.




Looking at it brings joy, watching it brings joy.




The crowd watching, and the hundreds of millions of viewers in the space-time live broadcast room, after seeing such a pure green, an unspeakable joy surged in the depths of their hearts unconsciously.

The children were just pure joy, but those adults, no matter what their identities, even if they just looked at it like this, they seemed to be young, and the invisible shackles on their bodies disappeared without a trace.

At this time, no matter how prudent a person is, he is like a naughty boy, smiling and lightening his whole body.

All the crowd watching at the scene were a little nervous when they learned that the enemy was about to attack, but they were all swept away.

For a moment, the entire camp was beaming with joy, and emotions that were happier than the holidays spread wantonly.

After the secret watchers reported this news, those guys who secretly made up bad ideas became more and more sure that the team in the camp had indeed obtained the treasures of heaven and earth.

That's right, even though Guan Mingxin's team has expanded to a large team of more than a thousand people, those dark people who were attracted by Yuling's breakthrough still did not give up their previous ideas.

On the contrary, in their cognition, the temporary transfer of so many people is a disguised oath to the existence of that "natural material and earthly treasure"!

Otherwise, how could so many people be transferred in such a short period of time?

It is precisely based on this erroneous cognition that they also adjusted and adjusted the surprise attack plan, perfected it and perfected it again. From the beginning of wanting to get a share of the pie, to the killing and plundering of all property at this time, it was just not enough. It's a matter of an hour.

Even some people who were a bit reluctant to back off when they saw the sudden increase in the number of opponents made up their minds again.

They secretly thought, as long as they don't confront each other directly, then it's okay to steal some benefits secretly, right?

It's not that these people don't know that their traces have been discovered by the people in the camp, but the money is touching, especially the scene where Guan Mingxin "openly" let the green smoke appear, which arouses the greed of the people in the dark, making them They lost their due vigilance and sanity.

After teasing it calmly, Guan Ming thought to himself, today's reception banquet will definitely be more exciting, maybe there will be a little surprise.

Of course, in order to prevent those people from attacking in advance, the Junying Mercenary Corps has nearly half of its staff patrolling the perimeter of the camp, taking turns every hour to ensure that everyone is in the best combat state with energy.

As for Gu Chenxi, who was surrounded by two formations, although he did not set up a sound-proof barrier, his mind was firmly attracted by the power of vitality represented by the ultimate green, so he didn't care about it. on other!
After Guan Mingxin evaporated all the mixed liquid into clouds, Gu Chenxi's dilapidated body had reached the limit of being able to withstand pure vitality.

Even if it weren't for the strong vitality that was constantly attracted by the natural wood spirit body and continued to repair Gu Chenxi's body, his body would be unable to hold on and would explode.

But even so, Gu Chenxi is very uncomfortable now.

Guan Mingxin has not withdrawn his mental power, and has been observing Gu Chenxi's state all the time.

Therefore, at the moment when she realized that Gu Chenxi was really unable to hold on, Guan Mingxin immediately released all her mental power to press down on the surface of Gu Chenxi's body, and with her mental power at the golden core stage, she firmly controlled Gu Chenxi. Chen Xi's body that was about to explode, at the same time, sent him a voice transmission with mental power:
"Ignite the heart fire, now!"

At this time, Gu Chenxi only had the last sliver of clarity left on the altar. Hearing this, he subconsciously began to operate the exercises to mobilize the original power of the five elements in his inner organs.

With this movement, his fragile inner organs completely collapsed.

Fortunately, Guan Mingxin only needed Gu Chenxi's subconscious action of mobilizing the original power of the five elements in his body as a lead.

For the rest, she will use the cover of the formation and the cover of the green clouds and smoke in the formation to mobilize the silver-gray chaotic energy and vitality mixed in it, and force it in from the cracked wound on Gu Chenxi's body.

(End of this chapter)

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