Chapter 478
"When I was treating brother Chenxi earlier, I had some insights and luckily started a lineage.

That is a kind of blood innate supernatural power—magic. I want to try to cooperate with my soul sound attack magic sound technique, plus the large formation you have arranged around the camp to create an illusion.

Even if those people cannot be wiped out, it will definitely not cause other troubles.

What do you think?

If it feels wrong, forget it. "

"Your Royal Highness, this matter is no small matter, is your bloodline innate supernatural power really activated?"


"That's good. Let's try. At worst, set up a large isolation array, a large sound insulation array."


"no problem!"


So, the attack on the camp last night and the tragedy after that were nothing more than an illusion from beginning to end.

Those voyeurs who came secretly to attack "forget about themselves" and beat them to death, and finally all died of mutual fighting. The Yuan Wushi and beasts in the camp were not stained with blood at all.

Even their corpses were thrown near the pack of wolves by the [-] primordial beast cubs using their innate supernatural powers after stripping away all their belongings, where they became the night snack for the pack of wolves.

As for the remaining bloodstains and various traces of battle, the few puppet servants that Guan Mingxin took out were cleaned up without much effort without the need for other people to do it.

After the whole surprise attack, except for the cubs of Yuan Beast who helped throw the corpse at the end, Guan Mingxin was the only one who used the magic power and magic sound technique.

Including the belongings of the voyeurs who stripped naked and attacked secretly, they also threw them down under the illusion.

Others had no choice but to sleep until dawn after watching a fight scene without any suspense, and even the basic vigil arrangements were skipped.

At this time, Guan Mingxin's sobriety made everyone recall the scene of last night again. Looking at the pile of belongings picked up from around the corpse, they immediately had the joy of dividing up the deceased's wealth.

After finally waiting for Guan Mingxin to have his breakfast, the members of the Tracing Source Mercenary Group who had been waiting by the side immediately shouted loudly:

"Your Highness, hurry up, hurry up, I'll be waiting for you!"

"Yes, yes, in order to hurry up, we all took nutritional supplements."

"Oh, get out of the way, don't block, don't block!"

"Your Highness, come quickly, you guys don't get in the way, go as you go!"

"Divide the spoils!"

"What is the distribution of stolen goods, it is the distribution of treasures, don't talk nonsense, it makes us look like bandits!"

"Oh, it's all the same!"

"Why is it the same? Where is it the same?"

"Aren't they all windfalls, what's the difference?"

"Dividing the spoils implies that we snatched that thing.

But Fenbao is not the case. It was an unexpected encounter, just a chance for us. "

"Okay, taught."



Listening to the twittering of her friends, the corners of Guan Mingxin's mouth could not help but rise slightly, showing her joy at this moment.

Just like that, Guan Mingxin was surrounded and came to the center of the camp.

I saw that there was already a long table set up in the place where Gu Chenxi received treatment, on which were piled "unexpected wealth", which were divided into three piles according to the quality of the storage utensils.

The first pile is various styles of recognizable main storage tools such as rings, bracelets, necklaces and other high-end storage tools, and the number is the least.

The second pile is the largest pile of storage boxes, lockers, storage buttons, treasure bags and other storage devices that can be used without identifying the owner.

As for the third pile, there are storage utensils that have been damaged and have no further use value, and there are all kinds of quality.

Among them, the most conspicuous item in the third pile is an exquisite necklace with cracks all over its appearance, which also exudes a faint aura of brilliance, which is obviously not ordinary.

And those who can be stored in such a necklace will naturally not be ordinary spiritual materials.

However, the extremely unstable miniature space cyclones emanating from the cracks on the necklace made everyone dare not try to take things out of it.

One is not good, if you can't get something out, it's a small thing. If the inner space of the necklace bursts and causes space cracks to appear in the surrounding space, it's a big trouble.

After all, no one knows whether the space of this relic continent is stable and strong.

Generally speaking, ruins and secret realms belong to the dimensional space, and the stability of their space barriers is far inferior to the world of natural creatures.

Every time these dimensional spaces appear automatically according to "certain laws", most of them are forced to be born because the space barriers are too weak to escape the traction of the natural world of creatures.

The relics and secret realms after birth can quickly absorb the energy in the void through the connection with the world of natural creatures.

When these relics of birth and the space barriers of the secret realm recover enough to break free from this traction, they will be hidden again.

Although this relic continent is the largest dimensional space that has automatically appeared in the history of the Mortal Realm, no matter how large the relic continent is, it still does not belong to the category of the world of natural creatures, and it does not have the complete law of heaven.

It is also because of this, who knows whether the space barrier of this relic continent is stable or unstable!
None of the people present, including the little beast cubs, would be so curious as to experiment with this question.

If there is no way to take out the items in the necklace, they would rather give up those treasures than think about causing a space crack to come out.

As for Guan Mingxin who had just walked over, his attention was firmly attracted by the high-level storage necklace.

After observing for a long time, Guan Mingxin looked away under the uneasy gaze of the others.

As for Wuyou, who was following Guan Mingxin, he said frankly:

"The space in this necklace is on the verge of explosion, and any energy fluctuations that penetrate into it can detonate it.

The probability of space cracks appearing is as high as [-]%.

And as time goes by, the space inside the necklace becomes more and more violent, and if left unchecked, it will explode without any energy.

Right now, I plan to throw this dangerous item into the void, do you have any objections? "

Hearing this, everyone felt unsurprisingly clear and also slightly disappointed.

But no matter how precious the treasures are, they are not as precious as everyone's lives.

At this moment, safety is the most important thing in this ruined continent, and no one would be foolish enough to refute Wuyou.

Ever since, when Wuyou glanced over, there were all nodding movements like mashing.

Seeing this situation, Wuyou was also secretly satisfied, but had a little appreciation for the determination of these people.

You must know that even though cracks are everywhere, in those extremely unstable miniature space cyclones, the energy atmosphere inside the space is still not completely isolated, and a trace of extremely abundant and pure energy escapes from it.

According to the radiated energy, it can be deduced that there are indeed extraordinary treasures in the necklace, at least they can be included in the "Rare Treasure List" level of heavenly materials and earthly treasures!
 I went to a school entrance banquet today, and I came home late. There are only two chapters today. Good night, my dears

(End of this chapter)

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