Sensing that her master's consciousness has also entered the Vientiane Small Realm, Wuyou immediately stopped her further exploration:
"Master, come in after I've dealt with it, the Vientiane Small Realm is about to evolve, and the master's consciousness can't withstand the energy storm generated during the space evolution.

If my expectations are not bad, the chance of this evolution can be said to be the foundation for the Vientiane Small Realm to become a small world of natural creatures. It is very critical and it may take a long time.

During the space evolution period, the owner cannot come in again.

Right now, I will help the master collect some usable things first, and put them in the purple lotus bracelet, and the master can take them out when needed.

But the master must also keep in mind that all external objects cannot represent one's own strength, and the master should continue to work hard to cultivate. "

Before Guan Mingxin had time to react, his consciousness was sent out forcefully but not gently by Wuyou.

At the same time, the worry-free figure not far away from her also gradually became illusory until it disappeared.

But what surprised Guan Mingxin was that none of the people or beasts present, including the audience in the time-space live broadcast room, hadn't noticed the process of Wuyou's mysterious disappearance.

The people and beasts who were still busy sorting out the windfall, and the audience communicating in the space-time live broadcast room, were still going on without any interruption.

For some reason, Guan Ming felt a sudden palpitation in her heart, and an inexplicable urgency hit her heart, making her a little irritable for no reason.

Fortunately, Guan Mingxin, whose state of mind is pure and clean, only felt a slight sense of discomfort, but the discomfort was quickly diluted by the joy of everyone at the scene, and he even temporarily forgot the previous feeling. The depression and loss of not being able to accompany me have all dissipated.

In the small territory of Vientiane, Wuyou could clearly feel the emotional changes of his master, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, it's really troublesome!
Her own body has encountered several opportunities successively, forcing her to close the Wuji Realm and do her best to digest the opportunities as soon as possible.

But the master's fate is very strange. In order to protect the master, the main body directly separated its own consciousness body, and spent a lot of effort to create a growing puppet body.

But who would have expected that when the main body absolutely couldn't show up in advance, after a few months, my conscious body would encounter the same dilemma as when I was still in the main body!

Before that, Guan Mingxin and his party could have avoided them without showing any traces when they noticed the voyeurs attracted by the fluctuation of heaven and earth vitality caused by Yuling's accidental breakthrough.

But Wuyou clearly felt that if they avoided it like this, not only would they lose a great opportunity for their master, but they would also have decades of troubles full of bad luck.

No matter how bad luck her master Fu Yuan is, decades of bad luck will inevitably consume her luck.

How can this survive intact in the coming world crisis?
Yes, Wuyou had already learned from the Taling Jiuling of the Jiuling Primordial Holy Pagoda who worked part-time in Tiandao that the current Baizhan Realm will soon face a crisis that can destroy the world.

This crisis was caused by the original Xinghan World, and also by the former Baizhan Realm itself.

Coupled with some problems in the world inside the Jiuling Primordial Holy Pagoda, various problems were intertwined, and finally led to this unavoidable world crisis.

However, as long as this crisis is handled properly, it can actually be seen as a great opportunity to change fate.

Whether it is a mortal who cannot cultivate, or a Yuan Wu master who has embarked on the path of cultivation, they all have the same opportunity.

Whether it is a dragon or a tiger, everything is unknown until this crisis is over.

In addition to the current crisis of the Hundred Wars Realm itself, the owner was also forced to become a tasker under the command of a mysterious force organization in high latitude time and space.

Wuyou never thought that the live broadcast system, which he had repeatedly confirmed that there was no problem, would put another shackle on Guan Mingxin after Jiujiu devoured and merged it—a higher-latitude time and space than the previous Miracle game system belonged to. The temple in the Mu universe, the tasker of a more advanced and powerful mysterious organization in the time and space to which it belongs!
Whether it is the temple or this new mysterious organization, they are all organizations similar to the Yanyi God Realm of the current Liyuan Great Universe, with countless taskers.

And Guan Mingxin has multiple roles!
This is the result that Wuji had the opportunity to completely cut off the connection with the temple after capturing a system produced by the temple again.

In this way, Guan Mingxin was accidentally forced to add the identity of another mysterious organization tasker on the basis of the tasker of the Noumenon Cosmic Organization Yanyi God Realm.

This time, not to mention that Wuji's body will not be able to show up in a short period of time, even if he does, Wuji doesn't have the ability to cut off the bond between Guan Mingxin and that mysterious organization.

Really, the opponent is too powerful!
Because the audience in the current time-space live broadcast room, in addition to the creatures of the dimension and time and space to which the mysterious organization originally belonged, also included the creatures of the dimension of time and space where the Mu universe belongs to the temple.

On this basis, Wuyou has a bolder guess, that is, the dimension and time and space where the mysterious organization is located has captured the dimension and time and space where the Mu universe to which the temple belongs...

There are two reasons for such a bold guess. One is that Wuyou discovered that some of the powers in the time-space live broadcast room that she was sure belonged to the only time-space power where the Mu universe is located, revealed between the lines that they and other viewers no difference.

Either these great powers cannot reveal the fact that they originally came from the dimension and space-time where the Mu universe is located due to some kind of deterrence, or their thinking consciousness and memory have been modified!

The second is the currency rewarded by the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room, which is exactly the same as the one set by the temple.

Although it is also possible that the currency circulating in high-dimensional time and space is unified, Wuyou always feels that there is something wrong with it...

It's just horrifying to think about!
Wuyou hurriedly interrupted his thoughts, afraid that if someone didn't pay attention, it would be bad if his master perceived something.

It is precisely because of the strength of the mysterious organization and the time and space of the dimension to which it belongs, the time and space live broadcast room controlled by Jiujiu quietly loaded another mission system when Guan Mingxin helped Gu Chenxi ignite the fire.

This mission system cannot be 100% controlled by Jiujiu yet.

In other words, it is still unknown what kind of missions the mission system will create for Guan Mingxin to execute.

I don't know what kind of tasks that mysterious organization will give Guan Mingxin.

After much deliberation, Wuyou decided to hide this for the time being.

She also informed Jiujiu not to reveal this secret, and made her master think that the task system was originally built in the time-space live broadcast room. It was only recently that there were too many viewers who wanted to trade time and space, so she activated the task system so that time-space It's just an upgrade.

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