After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 494 The Truth Behind the World Unified Examination

Chapter 494 The Truth Behind the World Unified Examination
Originally, Jiu Ling planned to slowly absorb the energy in that space to improve himself.

But now, in order to protect himself, Jiu Ling had to force that space to appear.

The price is that Jiuling's consciousness has fallen into a long-term deep sleep, leaving only a trace of mechanical instinct to continue to control the Baizhan Realm.

Even Jiuling's body, the Jiuling Primordial Holy Pagoda disappeared together.

Although the Baizhan Realm still has nine distinct realms, the intervals between them are as easy to break as thin paper.

Jiuling fell into a deep sleep, and the primordial energy fantasy realm created by Jiuling's consciousness would naturally not exist for a long time.

In fact, Jiu Ling made a reservation directly.

As soon as the world unified examination is over, the Primordial Energy Illusory Domain will be closed.

At that time, the Yuanxun instrument used for communication will not have the convenience of communicating with other people anytime and anywhere.

How far they can communicate depends on the level of each Yuanxun magic weapon.

As for the Miracle Trial Space, it will naturally be greatly affected, not to mention the inability to continue to enter the real body, and even the range of activities inside the trial space will be limited.

The tester can only act in a certain area in the trial space where he appeared last time, and according to the cultivation level of the trial character, he can act in a larger or smaller closed area.

The reason why the Miracle Trial Space was not completely closed is also due to the system laws from high-latitude time and space that Wuji privately passed on to Jiuling.

Guan Mingxin, who was still unaware of all this, was greeted by the friends of the Traceable Mercenary Corps after sleeping for two full days and two nights.

That kind of enthusiasm almost made Guan Ming feel autistic!
Without him, the miniature version of Guan Mingxin is so cute!
Hit everyone's cute spots everywhere!

If it wasn't for Guan Mingchen, who was always exuding air-conditioning, blocking him, Guan Ming felt that he would really be melted by everyone's enthusiasm.

After all the trouble, none of the crowd asked what happened to Guan Mingxin, so that his cultivation was completely destroyed, and his body shrank significantly.

The Guan family members and blood servants who came with Guan Mingchen were tolerant and pampered to Guan Ming, who was hard to get back.

In their eyes, as long as Fubao/Master is still alive, everything else is nothing.

What's more, it's just that the cultivation base is completely destroyed, but the key points such as the dantian meridians, spiritual roots, and sea of ​​consciousness are intact. With them, it is not a problem for Fubao/Master to return to practice again!
As for the nine old members of the original traceable mercenary group, including Yu Longhan, regarding the master-servant contract that Bo quietly asked them to sign before he left, no matter what they wanted to do, it would be useless.

That's right, Yutaki Han also signed the contract.

As long as Guan Bo doesn't speak, they can only be controlled by others.

What's even more frightening is that they themselves didn't realize this.

For Guan Mingxin's unconditional support, they all thought it was a voluntary act from the heart.

After laughing and laughing, everyone finally put the preparations for the world unified examination on the agenda.

There are no restrictions on any conditions for this world unified examination, as long as they are of an intelligent race, they can register at the Yuanwu Daomeng office in their location and take part in the initial test.

The first test is to test the cultivation level of the applicants and use this to classify the ranks.

For low-level referees, after successfully passing the written test questions of their own level, they can continue to apply for the next level of examination on the spot.

However, if a high-level referee fails to pass the examination of his class, then his end will be classified as the worst force, that is, the first and second-rank forces, and no compromise will be accepted in any form.

In fact, the referees who were classified into the first and second rank forces were destined to become the first batch of cannon fodder after the world crisis happened.

In order to pass on the orthodoxy and preserve their Hundred Battles Realm, some sacrifices are unavoidable.

The great powers of the Hundred Wars Realm can only reduce losses as much as possible.

Let's talk about the present.

When he was still in the Ruins Continent, Guan Mingxin couldn't show up because of Wuyou's accident, so Guan Mingxin used a pair of high-level puppets that Wuyou stuffed into the purple lotus bracelet to refine a large number of new magic sky bracelets, and distributed one of them to Trace the source and The new members of Junying's two mercenary regiments made them a blood contract, even the five little leopards who couldn't transform for the time being were no exception.

With the Magic Sky Bracelet, as long as they are in the same level of worlds in the same universe, no matter when and where, as long as enough energy is provided, they can communicate in time.

Even if Yuan Energy Illusory Domain is turned off, it will not be affected.

No, before the Ogagao jurisdiction was rescued, Guan Mingxin, Guan Bo, Yuling and other adults had to video chat at least once a day.

But after hitchhiking and being able to leave Ogagao's jurisdiction, just in case, they temporarily cut off contact.

It wasn't until Guan Mingxin and his party completely broke away from the environment of constant monitoring, and came to the high-rise apartment uniformly allocated in the slum area of ​​Bodi City, endured for three days, and made sure that all the monitors had evacuated, then they contacted the adults of the Junying Mercenary Corps .

Of course, for the sake of safety, the communication between both parties is in text form by default.

"Father, we are safe, how are you doing recently?"

This is the first time Yu Longhan has officially admitted Yu Ling's identity.

"Dad, Mom, my brothers and I miss you so much!
How are the uncles and aunts?

In a few days, we will take part in the world unified examination.

Your Highness said that our target is a large power on the ranking list!
We want to launch an attack on the best ninth-rank forces!


You have to bless us!

I love you guys, okay~"

This is a text message from the playful and lovely Gu Huanhuan to their parents on behalf of the three brothers and sisters.

"Grandpa, we are all fine, and Fu Bao is also fine."

This is Guan Mingzhou, who represents the senior members of the Guan family.

He did not inform Guan Bo of the accident that happened to Guan Mingxin.

Although the supervisor hidden in the dark didn't notice anything unusual when the accident happened, Guan Mingzhou couldn't guarantee that the news he sent would not be seen by outsiders.

Who knows if there is anyone in the Junying mercenary group who harbors evil intentions towards Fubao?
The adults responded very quickly, basically an instant reply.

"Xiaohan, finally admit to father? Brat, your wings are stiff.

We are all fine, take care of ourselves and the baby, and we should be together again soon.

Also, tell your baby that no matter what the future holds, Dad will never let go. "

The signature is "Incompetent Father Yuling".

"Little boy, you and your friends get along well, since you have great ambitions, then work hard!
Tell you big brother, don't forget that hidden physical dangers will come at any time, Mom and Dad hope that when we reunite, every one of you children will appear in front of us healthy and intact.

As for your second brother..."

A long message, obviously entered with thoughts, mentioning them one by one.

With such a tone, everyone knew it was Concubine Gu Yifei and Mama Gu at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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