Chapter 508 A big unexpected gain

Without much effort, these little fellows of the traceability mercenary group completely threw the results of the unified examination into the clouds.

When you have had enough hot pot, you can replace it with a variety of foods that you have made yourself using the combination of Yuanli Mimicry and Spiritual Consciousness Control Technique without sticking your hands.

It has become a double feast of alternative culinary skills and delicious food!
Even the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room were attracted by their extraordinary skills, and they asked Guan Mingxin to tell the skills, and wanted to try it himself:
"[Wang Yiyi]: I just finished eating, and suddenly I feel hungry again, what's the matter?"

"[Jinjin is the most handsome]: The anchor is cute, can you teach me how to do it?
When I learn how to show my mother, I think such an ingenious birthday gift will definitely satisfy my mother. "

"[Ducks also have spring]: This kind of energy utilization technique is indeed very powerful. It can not only exercise the control over energy, but also test the ductility of spiritual consciousness, immortal consciousness and even divine consciousness. Yep, I want to learn too.”

"[Miao Orange Xianwei]: What kind of delicious food is prepared by this method, can the anchor cutie trade some for me to try?

By the way, if possible, trade this little trick and the secret method of converting single-attribute energy together. "

"[Jiaojiao is the most beautiful]: There's me! And me! I want to learn this too! (ω)"

"[Tutu Zhenxiang]: Cough cough, although it feels a bit bullying to ask the anchor Xiaocuti for secret techniques, but I really want one..."

"[Long-legged kneeling]: I beg for a share..."


Seeing these speeches, Guan Ming thought for a while, and agreed to trade the "Five Elements Turning the Wheel".

As for the little tricks of Yuanli imitation, he directly and openly talked about it.

Immediately attracted a lot of rewards.

As for those viewers who wanted to trade the food they made with their own hands, Guan Mingxin tactfully refused.

First of all, what I do is the most suitable for me, and I just want to keep it for myself, even those around me don't want to give it.

Secondly, he was worried that the specialness of his own power would be noticed by others other than himself.

Even though they are separated by several latitude barriers, Guan Mingxin is still worried.

Of course, when I refused, I just used the excuse of "we are about to conduct a wilderness experience, and all I did was prepared for the experience, and there is really nothing left to trade".

Believe it or not, Guan Mingxin was unwilling to trade the food he made himself.

What other people around him did, the audience looked down on.

Even though the method they used was far more colorful than Guan Mingxin's, the discerning audience could tell at a glance that it was all pretentious. In fact, the food they made was far worse than Guan Mingxin's.

There is no comparison at all between the two.

As for the space-time transaction this time, in order to verify his conjecture, Guan Mingxin specially traded some of their local ingredients in the hands of some of the audience who can be seen from their speeches on weekdays. It is the lowest rank.

The audience didn't pay attention to Guan Ming's desire to trade ingredients.

It can be said that the things that the taskers of the organization choose to trade when performing tasks can be described as strange, and the audience has long been immune.

Guan Mingxin just wanted to trade some low-level ingredients, which seemed normal to them.

In addition, when they choose the "time and space trading" function, they always open the private chat mode, and the transaction process will not be known to other viewers.

And even if the transaction is completed, due to their respective privacy, these people will not tell other viewers what they have traded with.

Isn't it just that the little guy is curious about what the ingredients on their side look like and what they taste like!

What's the matter, even if they want middle-level or high-level ingredients, they can do it!
No, among the audience selected by Guan Mingxin to trade ingredients, one audience member was directly possessed by a local tycoon and traded to Guan Mingxin a gift package of all the plant seeds they had discovered so far in their dimension.

The least number of seeds for each plant is one, and the most are as high as thousands.

Of course, what Guan Mingxin gave to the other party was a piece of low-grade source energy ore the size of a baby's fist, and its value was much higher than those of those seeds.

For this reason, the spectator put a bunch of beast eggs in the trading item grid, big and small, oval, spherical, big and small, with various colors, and the patterns on the eggshells are even more strange. Everything you need.

At this time, the system judged that the balance of the transaction was about to be even. Although Guan Mingxin's side was still a little lower, Guan Mingxin clicked to agree to the transaction and completed the transaction.

Happy birthday to both parties!

Guan Mingxin temporarily stored the things traded through the space-time live broadcast room in Jiujiu's system warehouse.

The system warehouse is also a special storage space that is automatically derived from Jiujiu's phantom star when the "trading function" of the time-space live broadcast room is turned on, and it can be expanded when the level of the time-space live broadcast room is improved.

For the phantom star who has been promoted to an artifact, it is not difficult to do this.

The most difficult thing is to deceive the mysterious organization and prevent the mysterious organization from discovering that the original No. 9999 time-space live room system has been dismantled from the inside to the outside, not to mention many places have been changed, completely breaking away from the mysterious control of the organization.

Fortunately, with the support of the source energy ore pre-stored in the inner space of the magic star before Wuji, the magic star completed the evolution in time without any danger.

The price was that only about a hundred catties of the tens of thousands of catties of source energy ores stored in advance were left, and all the others were turned into fly ash.

Naturally, after paying such a high price, the system warehouse also has the characteristic that it cannot be discovered by any creatures in this dimension, time and space, except for Guan Mingxin, the master, and Magic Star's Qi Ling Jiujiu.

Guan Mingxin was quite satisfied with this.

You must know that even the Vientiane Realm cultivated by Guan Mingxin himself, or even the Wuji Realm of Wuji, which Guan Mingxin does not know for the time being, is in danger of being discovered by others.

As long as the opponent's strength is strong enough, it will be fine.

Just like the cosmic will of the Liyuan Great Universe, Guan Mingxin knew that there was an extremely secret space, and that was the Wuji Realm.

With this system warehouse, it means that Guan Mingxin has a life-saving space that will never be discovered by others in the Liyuan universe, where she can store some of her life-saving things.

At critical moments, he can save his life by surprise.

Of course, under normal circumstances, it is better not to use the system warehouse or not.

Because it consumes too much energy.

Guan Mingxin estimated that the only one hundred catties of source energy ore left in the inner space of the magic star can only support the work of the system warehouse for a few years after it is opened.

Therefore, what Guan Mingxin traded was only temporarily stored in the system warehouse.

When the Vientiane Small Realm completes its evolution, it will be transferred there immediately.

Leaving aside this "love-hate" system warehouse, let's just talk about this transaction, which is really an unexpected harvest.

 There are only two changes today. I’m so tired when I go back to my hometown to celebrate my grandpa’s birthday.

(End of this chapter)

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