With the recitation over and over again, the vague boredom in the mind gradually dissipated, replaced by calming the mind and clearing the mind.

It really works!
Yu Longhan and Yan Zhiqi confirmed that the inexplicable feeling before was affected by that kind of negative energy, so they completely let go of their hearts and began to recite with more concentration.

If you look closely at their mouth shapes, you will find that this time, none of them are really reciting the "Yuan Wu Dao Jing".

This is understandable, which of them has a simple background?

Isn't it normal to have better exercises for clearing the mind and calming the mind?
Even Yu Longhan is no exception!
Sensing this scene with his divine sense, Guan Ming completely gave up.

Thinking back to myself in the dream, this time I also taught them the general formula of the "Wanxiang Jue" for free, although they were all very touched at the beginning, determined to never disappoint their little Highness.

However, as the benefits he brought to them grew more and more later, he became a model of a good man fighting against a bad man...

Apart from the Guan family members and blood servants, the only exception is my cheap elder brother!

Thinking of this, Guan Mingxin hastily mobilized the golden bloodline belonging to the wisher Yu Xiaoxiao in his body, and sent a secret message to Yu Longhan:
"Brother Han, if you believe me, just recite the "Yuanwu Dao Jing" and don't practice any other exercises or formulas."

Yu Longhan, who was concentrating on silently reciting a "Tai Shang Qing Xin Jue" obtained from the Heywood family earlier, after receiving the message from his little highness through the blood lineage, he immediately opened the magic bracelet and called up the "Yuan Wu Dao Jing" ", began to recite silently without hesitation.

Sensing this scene with spiritual consciousness, Guan Mingxin couldn't help opening his eyes, looking at Yu Longhan, he didn't know what to say.

Sensing the sight of his little Highness, Yu Longhan raised his eyes and smiled at her, typed on the Magic Sky Bracelet and sent it to Guan Mingxin:

"Your Highness, you want to ask me why I listened to you without hesitation?
Didn't remind others?

Or do I feel that I will be misunderstood by not reminding others? "

"Yes, regardless of the members of the Guan family, let's just talk about those in the second class of junior high school, hasn't Brother Han always been very close to them?
I do this, don't you ask why? "

Now that he was seen through, Guan Mingxin simply replied in the Magic Sky Bracelet.

"Because I know you are my family.

In this world, apart from my father, you, my mother who is somewhere, and maybe four other younger brothers and sisters, I can't trust anyone else.

Even though I usually seem to have a good relationship with my classmates, in fact, I didn't have a heart-to-heart relationship with them.

Presumably, they also thought the same.

We just happened to be assigned to a class at Mendoya Children's College, and we happened to get along pretty well, so we went together temporarily.

There are opportunities in the future, and separation is inevitable.

In fact, my father and I have long wanted to remind you not to be too nice to them.

Don't take out your things easily and provide them for free.

Just like the last time I rescued Gu Chenxi, you don’t know how regretful my father and I were when we saw you looking pale and weak, hating ourselves for being too weak, and needing you, a little doll, to plan for us...

Your Highness, remember, don't think too well of people.

Whether you think I am sowing discord or not, I want to say, don’t think too highly of others.

Including the Guan family who found you, including me and my father. "

Yu Longhan's frankness made Guan Mingxin feel complicated and at the same time very comfortable.

She smiled at Yu Longhan, indicating that she understood and would not be stupid again.

At the same time, Guan Mingxin also typed with his mind to explain the reason why he asked to recite the "Yuan Wu Dao Jing":

"Thank you Brother Han, I know what to do.

"Yuanwu Dao Jing" is the pinnacle of countless efforts and efforts. After many revisions, it is no longer a simple scripture, and it contains the mysterious rules of our time and space.

Even those powerful people who compiled the "Yuan Wu Dao Jing" dare not say that they can fully understand it.

"Yuan Wu Dao Jing" should be said to be a heavenly book automatically evolved from the laws of heaven with the help of powerful people.

In the Baizhan Realm, no method can compare with the "Yuanwu Dao Jing".

Even if it is the exercises in our bloodline, it cannot.

Although we can't understand the "Yuan Wu Dao Jing", it can be read as a scripture for peace of mind and spirit, which is better than other secret arts specifically aimed at this aspect.

It depends on whether you can calm down and read carefully.

Of course, it would be better if you could memorize it by heart or even recite it backwards.

However, if you really can't concentrate on reciting "Yuanwu Dao Jing" all the time, you can also try to alternately recite "Yuan Wu Dao Jing" and your previous "Tai Shang Qing Xin Jue". The effect is better than just reciting "Tai Shang Qing Xin Jue". 》Good. "

Guan Mingxin's explanation suddenly made Yu Longhan realize that his family knew his own family affairs, and he knew that he couldn't just recite "Yuan Wu Dao Jing", so he followed Guan Mingxin's suggestion without hesitation, and began to alternate from one scripture to another.

If someone were to pass by this place at high altitude at this time, they would see a group of minors reciting something with their eyes closed.

Everyone except Guan Mingchen.

He was originally determined, but the negative energy influence at this stage had no effect on him at all.

But in order to hide himself, he had to pretend to recite like everyone else.

In fact, Guan Mingchen's attention has always been on his baby sister.

Therefore, he did not miss the change in his precious sister's demeanor, and guessed that the little one must have made a very difficult decision in a sense.

Guan Mingchen expressed his satisfaction.

The little guy finally knows how to hide and protect himself, congratulations!
As for the subsequent cryptic exchange between Baby Sister and Yu Longhan, Guan Mingchen naturally did not miss it.

In an instant, Guan Mingchen had lemon essence on his body!
If it weren't for knowing that his precious sister didn't really care about the cheap elder brother who was added because of the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao, Guan Mingchen would have been afraid that he would not be able to control his killing intent again.


As early as the first time he met Guan Mingxin in the stalactite cave in Ruins Continent, Guan Mingchen had murderous intentions towards those who followed her.

Especially Yu Takihan!
Regarding this point, Guan Mingchen never concealed it.

But Guan Mingchen, who knew the special nature of the Yanyi God Realm, finally forcibly endured it for the sake of his baby sister's mission.

Fortunately, Yu Longhan and Yu Ling, the father and son, are self-aware.

As time went by, Guan Mingchen's murderous intent gradually faded away.

It wasn't until Guan Mingchen became the one who received the only small gift from his precious sister that Guan Mingchen's desire to kill Yu Longhan and Yu Ling, the father and son, completely dissipated.

Just now, it was just the jealousy of the pet-sister madman.

And this little emotion was completely useless after Guan Mingxin disclosed the conversation between her and Yu Longhan to Guan Mingchen. (end of this chapter)

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