After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 525 Finally Passed Yuehuang of Bright Road


The little milk cat's eyes immediately narrowed, not only the cry was mixed with joy, but even the little tail was wagging.

He clearly likes this name very much.

"Taking this opportunity, I'll give this ball a name as well. It just happens to be with Miaomiao, Jiaoyue Qinghua, vast brilliance, Jiaohui, Yuehuang, nicknamed Jiaojiao."

Guan Mingxin was interrupted by the little milk cat, and suddenly remembered that she still had an ethereal fantasy beast egg hanging around her neck, so she hurriedly took it out to find a way out.

As for the name, the first thing Guan Mingxin thought of was Yue Huang.

There is no reason.

I just think that the little guy in this phantom beast egg should be called this name.

Seeing this scene, Jiujiu in the sea of ​​consciousness and Wuyou in the small realm of Vientiane sighed silently at the same time.

Unexpectedly, even if the memory is sealed, the master can still recall Yue Huang's name.

The little milk cat was named Yuan Yumiao, and when she heard that Guan Mingxin wanted to name a ball, she felt very dissatisfied.

But when the little milk cat saw the true face of Eggy, it lost its temper immediately, and nestled lazily in Guan Ming's arms, forming a palm-sized kitty cake.

Yuan Yumiao's little appearance of suddenly blowing hair and then relaxing was captured by Guan Ming's eyes.

Immediately, Guan Ming understood that the little guy's blood must also be extraordinary.

Otherwise, Yuan Yumiao would not be so leisurely and indifferent in front of Yue Huang, who has the blood of the emperor.

There was even a little bit of indifference.

Although Yuan Yumiao concealed it very well, Guan Mingxin was still keenly aware of it.

Of course, Guan Mingxin said the above words to the little milk cat, but what he actually said to other people and the audience in the time-space live broadcast room was quite different:

"The little thing has a big temper!

Don't you like meowing, then I'll name you 'Meow'. "

"What? Not happy? The homonym of meow is Miaomiao, right?"

"Satisfied this time?

It's so hard to serve!
By the way, when I saw you, I remembered that when I was shopping at a street stall, the owner randomly set up a ball.

Although you can't see any species, but the little thing inside is still alive, so give it a name too, just to be with you. "

"Don't blow your hair!
Are you not happy to find a partner for you?
That `s a deal!

The little thing in this ball is called Jiaojiao, it just matches you.

You just want to have neat and tidy names, right? "

Guan Mingxin said these words, and matched the little milk cat's behavior and expression, which was not inconsistent at all, causing everyone onlookers to laugh.

No one noticed anything unusual.

Guan Mingchen also couldn't laugh or cry about his baby sister's bad taste.

The little milk cat got a name that is no different from Miaomiao, it's really hard for the little guy to be happy.

As for the phantom beast egg that Guan Mingxin carried around his neck, everyone just looked at it curiously, and didn't suspect anything.

After all, shopping for treasures at street stalls is something they have all done.

No matter whether it was in the Ogagao area or Bodi City, no one knew exactly what Guan Mingxin bought.

Even Guan Mingchen, who loves his sister madly, knows enough is enough, and won't really stare at Guan Mingxin all the time.Otherwise, he would be suspected of robbing his sister of her chance.

Guan Mingchen never doubted that his baby sister's fate was profound.

He was just afraid that the blessing was too deep, and one day the baby sister would suffer backlash because she couldn't bear it.

He was even more afraid that he was not strong enough to protect his sister by then.

Guan Mingchen firmly believed that the phantom beast egg would be able to hatch a high-level primordial beast with pure blood.

But others don't think so.

Looking at the appearance, they felt that the phantom beast egg was not a good breed.

It's unclear whether the little guy among them can hatch.

No, Gu Chenxi saw that Eggy was nearly twice as small as a normal phantom beast egg, and with Guan Mingxin's consent, he used his wood spirit body gifted supernatural power—Wanwutong to check it out. Frowning, he looked at Guan Mingxin and offered his own suggestion:
"Baby, your phantom beast egg should be the product of those underground blenders.

During the preparation, taboo methods were adopted, which greatly reduced the vitality of this imaginary phantom beast egg, and at the same time damaged the foundation.

Judging from the current state, it is very likely that the little guy inside will not hatch.

Even if it was lucky enough to hatch, it would be too weak to live long.

If the baby really likes this phantom beast egg, and don’t worry about me, then when we hunt for the blood ingot essence, let me prepare some nutritional liquid to make this phantom beast egg bubble, maybe it can still Make up for the foundation.

Even if it can't complete the foundation, at least it will replenish a lot of vitality, enough for the little guy to successfully hatch and survive. "

As for whether it can assist in the battle, it is estimated that there is still little hope.

Gu Chenxi did not say the last sentence.

He could see clearly that when he mentioned that he could prepare nutritional liquid, Guan Mingxin's eyes suddenly widened, filled with unconcealable surprises. Guan Mingxin probably wouldn't take it to heart even if he couldn't assist in the battle.

Sure enough, Guan Mingxin nodded gratefully, like a chicken pecking at rice:
"What brother Chen Xi said, I don't understand it at all.

I'll have to worry about you then, so I'll thank you in advance! "

"Okay, now that we have discovered the blood ingot essence, we have to change the plan we made before.

Let's all have a good sleep tonight, and let the puppet guards watch over us all night. "

Shi Jiajia clapped her hands, released four customized battle puppets, and activated the switch.

The four low-profile puppets that were originally fool-like ball-shaped pulleys immediately changed into a handsome guy and a beautiful girl with a slight clicking sound.

Two men and two women, with different appearances, but they all have the outstanding ones and the like.

If they hadn't seen this transformation scene, others would have mistakenly thought they were real people.

Heartbeat, pulsation, body temperature, skin, hair, expression, everything is no different from real people.

Gu Chenxi even sensed the power of vitality that belongs to the living body!

"Wow! Sister Jiajia, when did you buy it? It will cost a lot of money, right?"

Guan Mingxin naturally sensed the power of vitality, and while his heart was terrified, he pretended to be terribly frightened on the face, and couldn't help joining the wow monster.

"As long as it works."

Shi Jiajia smiled lightly, as if she didn't take it seriously, but the fleeting pride in her eyes was caught by Guan Mingxin who was looking at her.

Shi Jiajia will not tell others that these four puppets have almost emptied her private income in the Ruins Continent, and added a lot of subsidies provided by her parents and family.

Even for this reason, she also set up a "military order" in front of the family elders that "will definitely create more benefits".

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