After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 543: Surrounding the Explosive Steel Pig [1]

Chapter 543: Surrounding the Explosive Steel Pig【[-]】

Following closely behind the two men was a three-star spirit-level yuan beast called Exploding Wind Steel Pig, which was eight or nine meters long and more than two meters tall. Its combat power was comparable to that of the Yuan Martial Master of the Great Perfection of the Golden Core.

Under the sunlight, the steel spines on the back of the blasting steel pig were seen shining with a metallic luster, and the fangs at the mouth were like two sharp scimitars, with violent wind-attributed air masses on them. As the blast steel pig's mouth opened, it sprayed out, directly hitting the fatal points of the two reference people who were running away in front of them.

The two reference persons only relied on their good physical skills and a pair of valuable protective clothing and defensive equipment to support their escape. Their eyes revealed the ruthlessness after despair.

If the dense and tall trees in the forest hadn't blocked the Explosive Steel Pig's forward speed, they would have died in the pig's mouth.

When the two of them saw the traceability mercenary group who were waiting in full formation, their eyes subconsciously showed surprise at first, but then immediately turned to panic and fear, and yelled at Guan Mingxin and the others with all their strength:
"Quick! Escape!"

"Quick! Quick! Leave us alone!"

The blood on the faces of the two candidates was unknown, whether it was their own, that of the Explosive Steel Pig, or that of other candidates. It covered their appearance, leaving only a pair of eyes that could clearly see their true emotions.

Originally, the older brothers and sisters were very dissatisfied with the two referents for bringing trouble, but after seeing the true emotions in their eyes, they immediately understood that the two referents did not do it intentionally, everything was wrong. It's just a matter of chance.

With this kind of judgment and understanding, a group of people from the traceability mercenary group will not escape.

What a joke, they also have four shadow guard puppets whose combat capabilities are comparable to those in the out-of-body stage.

Once we are really in danger, we can just let the four shadow guard puppets take action directly.

Now is an excellent opportunity for experience.

Of course, if the four shadow guard puppets are used, it will inevitably cause a lot of unnecessary trouble and will not be beneficial to future development.

If you can't use the four shadow guard puppets, try not to use them.

The members of the traceability mercenary group looked at each other for a moment, exchanged opinions tacitly, assumed their best fighting posture, and their whole aura immediately changed.

As for the two candidates who were almost exhausted, seeing that the group of candidates in front of them did not listen to the advice and even assumed a combat posture, they stopped talking and planned to turn a corner and try their best to carry out the explosion. Fenggangzhu stayed away from that group of reference people.

A little further away.

A little further.

Who would have thought that the Blast Steel Pig, which had been tainted by the evil aura and lost control of its emotions, was chasing him all the way, but before two delicious foods could enter his mouth, another group of food suddenly appeared, and Blast Steel Pig How could Steel Pig be willing to stay away?
What's more, the smell emanating from this group of foods is sweeter and more delicious than the two foods that he has been chasing all the way.

If it weren't for the vague feeling that there was a fatal crisis looming in the group of food, the Explosive Steel Pig might have left the two pursuers aside and turned to the traceability mercenary group and his group to attack.

There is clearly the temptation of the ultimate delicious food in front of you, but you dare not step forward due to the crisis.

This torturous emotion made the Explosive Steel Pig become even more violent, accelerating the infection rate of the evil spirit.

It didn't take long for him to lose his rationality and spirituality, and he went completely crazy.

The blast steel pig opened its big mouth, and with a furious howl, a cyan wind-attributed elemental force ball was spit out from its mouth. The violent energy contained in it was heart-stopping, and it moved towards the two running reference persons. Smash it!
The fatal crisis came from behind. The two referents no longer cared about adjusting their direction. They stuffed a pill into their mouths and used all their body strength to leap ahead!

Even though he was prepared in time, he still didn't dodge. The Yuanli ball exploded half a meter behind the two referents.The raging wind blades flew around, and nearly a hundred meters in radius were instantly razed to the ground. Whether they were tall trees, low bushes, or weeds, they were all cut into pieces and scattered everywhere.

Even the traceability mercenary group, which was about 80 meters away from the explosion location, was also affected by the debris.

The Shuanghua Mirror Shadow Badge that had just recognized its owner immediately showed its power, and the mirror image was automatically cast, and all the broken trees and grass clippings flying towards them were bounced away.

The residual power of the explosion coupled with the 100% rebound energy attack, the broken wood and grass clippings immediately turned into wood powder, falling one meter in front of the traceability mercenary group, and soon accumulated an arc-shaped light green line.

The furious attack of the Explosive Steel Pig also consumed a lot of the energy in its body. It could no longer accumulate energy to launch the previous fierce offensive in a short period of time. Now was the best time to counterattack.


Swish swish!
The older brothers and sisters in the traceability mercenary group immediately used their own skills to surround the Explosive Steel Pig in a blink of an eye, preventing it from continuing to attack the two reference persons who were already lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

The most famous thing about the Explosive Steel Pig is that it has a skin that is comparable to the hardest alloy steel. Ordinary weapons cannot damage it at all.

The attack points can only be placed on the eyes, nostrils, mouth, and back garden.

Compared with the eyes covered by the eyelids and the nostrils protected by the nose wings, the mouth and anus are easier to attack.

They divided into different groups and fought alternately.

The first to take action were Yu Longhan, Yan Zhiqi and other nine people.

The ten people cooperated tacitly. Gu Chenxi, Yan Zhiqi, Shao Qian, and Shi Jiajia diverted the attention of the blast steel pig from a distance. Shi Shalan, Guo Xinlang, Zhongsun Lexing, and Min Yuchen were the main attackers at close range. Yu Longhan and Ou Lu is responsible for filling the gap in You Dou.

However, the Explosive Steel Pig, who had not completely lost his mind and spirituality, soon understood their intentions. His eyelids were half-closed, his nose flaps fluttered a few times, and even stretched a little to almost completely cover his nostrils.

At the same time, the Explosive Steel Pig's originally swinging tail was now clamped between its hind legs, motionless, and its mouth was tightly closed, giving Yu Takihan and others no chance to attack.

Seeing this, the ten people who were preparing to attack were not in a hurry. They adjusted the rhythm of the battle and focused on provocation and interference, trying to arouse the anger of the Explosive Steel Pig and make it lose its mind.

Although the Yuan Beast's combat effectiveness has skyrocketed due to its irrational rage, it has no strategic skills and is just fighting recklessly.

When Yu Longhan and the others have consumed half of their energy, they will be replaced by the next group of ten people.

Guan Mingchen, who has the highest cultivation level in the group, did not step forward to join the battle, but stayed by his precious sister's side.

After several rounds of harassment, Explosive Steel Pig's physical strength was also consumed by most of it.

When it was Yu Longhan's turn again, they glanced at each other and prepared to attack directly.

Green vines, dark blue water ropes, transparent long whips, and golden silk ribbons were seen quietly wrapping around the four legs of the blast steel pig.

At the moment when the Explosive Steel Pig tried to jump up again out of anger, Gu Chenxi, Yan Zhiqi, Shao Qian, and Shi Jiajia suddenly exerted their strength at the same time.

 I have something to update today. It’s only the second update. Good night, my dears.
(End of this chapter)

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