After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 553 Yuan Martial Arts Alliance Army System

You know, the crisis of annihilation has arrived.

In terms of time, it is no longer possible to allow these talented people to grow up smoothly.

They can only fight in battle after battle to gain a chance to survive.

Those who survive are naturally the ones who succeed.

But no matter how talented you are, as long as you lie down, you will be a permanent failure!

In fact, the more than 1 reference survivors have all received admission notices from the ninth-grade forces.

And due to special circumstances, the enrollment report was omitted, and they directly became new students of each ninth-grade force. Even their initial and re-examination scores were all converted into the contribution of the ninth-grade force at a ratio of 1:1.

Among them, the small group with the best results even received a lot of contribution points.

Guan Mingxin and the rest of the mercenary group were among this small group.

The first brother and sister, Wei Sheng Yuchen and Wei Sheng Yujin, who ran to the temporary camp of the traceability mercenary group due to the pursuit of the explosive steel pigs, shamelessly followed Guan Mingxin and his party after being rescued in the name of repaying their life-saving grace.

Naturally, the brother and sister were lucky enough to get good grades and became new students in the Wanxiang Sect, and were even assigned to the same peak as Guan Mingxin and the others.

Even brother and sister Wei Sheng sighed inwardly, they really couldn't say they had won by lying down now.

Therefore, after the soldier finished speaking, the brother and sister subconsciously took a few quick steps and stood still in front of the traceability mercenary group.

This subconscious reaction made them the first to react among the new recruits who were about to join the army.

Naturally, the actions of the brothers Weisheng Yuchen and Weisheng Yujin also attracted the attention of the sergeants, who showed deep appreciation in their eyes.

Seeing this scene, others also took action.

In two or three minutes, he had already determined his future companions and comrades.

After all, among the more than 8468 people who have survived in such a crisis-ridden wilderness area No. 1 of the Red Yuan Domain, except for a very small number who were left alone due to various reasons, the others all formed a team to help each other. He survived the battle.

More than three months of running-in have already made these temporary team members familiar with each other.

Unless there is a personality conflict or disagreement, everyone is still willing to continue to form a team with their previous comrades.

You must know that this is the end of the world when the crisis of annihilation is coming. No matter how proud and crazy your temper is, it is not as important as life.

It's great to be a lone hero, and it's really tempting to be able to make a name for yourself and fly into the sky.

But the premise of all this is to survive this crisis of annihilation first!

Therefore, the sergeants originally thought that most of the more than 1 new recruits would be randomly assigned to form teams, but they did not expect that with one and a half minutes left in the scheduled five minutes, they had basically completed their formation. Team.

Even though many of them are not full, there are still hundreds of lone people.

But for these reference persons who originally came from all over the world and were strangers to each other, this was an unexpected result.

He truly deserves to be the elite among the remaining elites in the Great Wave!
The sergeants sighed in their hearts, and after the timer expired, they randomly assigned the lone person to a team that was not yet full.

Although after the assignment of these lone soldiers, there were still a small number of teams that were not full, the sergeants no longer assigned other personnel, but directly began to issue enlistment identification badges, army badges, etc.

Moreover, the results they obtained in the re-examination were also converted into military merit of the corresponding level.

This move suddenly made them the lucky ones who obtained military ranks just after joining the army.

The person with the lowest rank among them is also a corporal!
You must know that in the Baizhan Realm, no matter what the force is, from a large ninth-level force to a small family that is just qualified to form a self-defense army, etc., as long as it is an established military force, they all follow the same army management and planning system. ——"Yuanwu Dao Allied Force System".These include the establishment of the conventional army, the division and positioning of military merit, the division of sergeant ranks, and the promotion system.

Even some of the systems in the Yuanwu Mercenary Guild under the Yuanwu Dao Alliance are borrowed from the "Yuanwu Dao Alliance Army System".

In the "Yuan Budo Alliance Army System", the establishment of the organic army is clearly stipulated. From low to high, they are squad, squadron, group, squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, brigade, division and army.

The maximum number of people in a small team is 50, a maximum of 100 people in a squadron, and a maximum of 500 people in a large team.

The number of other establishments is determined by the specific circumstances of their respective forces.

The military ranks of sergeants are divided into five levels, namely non-commissioned officer, lieutenant officer, colonel officer, general officer and commander-in-chief.

The specific grades, from low to high, are:

Non-commissioned officers include private, private, corporal, sergeant, staff sergeant, and sergeant major;

Second lieutenant, lieutenant, captain among lieutenants;
Major, lieutenant colonel, colonel and senior colonel among the military officers;
Major general, lieutenant general, and general among general officers;
A young marshal, a marshal, and a commander-in-chief among military officers.

If you want to be promoted in the military rank, the key basis is the military merit obtained by the sergeant.

In the "Yuan Budo Alliance Military System", military merits are also divided into specific and detailed grades. From low to high, they are divided into nine major grades, with ninth grade being the highest.

Each major level is divided into star levels from one to nine, with nine being the highest.

The unit of measurement that identifies military merit is called the military merit value.

The conversion ratio between adjacent stars of the same level of military merit is 1:1000 points.

The conversion unit of the nine-star military merit value between the previous level and the next level is 1:10000 points.

For example, a reservist who has just joined the army will be automatically promoted to a one-star private after becoming a full-time soldier, and will receive 100 points of one-star and first-class military merit.

The promotion of military ranks is also based on the military merit points obtained by the soldier.

For example, when a one-star private has accumulated 10000 points of one-star first-class military merit, which is 10 points of two-star first-class military merit, he can be promoted to a two-star private.

When you obtain 10000 two-star first-class military merit points, you will be promoted to a three-star private.

And so on.

Although the level of military merit and the obtained military merit points can be obtained from various tasks issued by the army, after all, not every sergeant can receive such tasks.

Therefore, in order to obtain more military merit points and keep the sergeants motivated at all times, the "Yuanwu Dao Alliance Army System" includes various Yuan beast plants, spiritual treasures, heavenly materials, and earthly treasures. They are divided according to corresponding military merit values. In addition to their missions, sergeants can also hunt Yuan beasts in wilderness areas and pick Yuan plants to obtain corresponding military merit values.

When redeeming, different military merit values ​​can be exchanged based on the different measurements of heaven and earth vitality and different grades contained in the exchanged items.

For example, one-star fine iron of ordinary level is measured in 1 ton, and is recorded as 1 point, one-star, first-class military merit.

The imported material, 1 kilogram of spiritual-level one-star hematite, has a first-class military merit value of 1 point and one star. A single piece of spiritual-level one-star elemental beast core and medicinal herbs also has a first-class military merit value of 1 point and one star.

It can be seen that it is not easy to be promoted in the regular military ranks of Baizhan Realm.

The massive military merit is the biggest obstacle.

Many sergeants may remain among noncommissioned officers throughout their lives.

However, today, more than 8468 lucky people appeared in the wilderness area No. 1 of the Chiyuan Domain. (End of chapter)

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