Chapter 560 Li Yuan’s Revenge

In the entire Liyuan universe, in all places with enlightenment and in the hearts of all enlightened creatures, that majestic voice appeared simultaneously, as well as the "Yuanwu Dao Alliance Army System" and "Yuanwu Dao Alliance Currency Regulations" All content!
The same kind of forced indoctrination that cannot be erased or forgotten!
Even the top bosses in the God Realm are no exception!

It's a big deal!
That is the new cosmic rule set by the will of the universe!
I have never heard that the will of the universe would specifically set up cosmic rules for a certain Taoist lineage!
What kind of orthodoxy is that called "Yuanwu"?
How can he actually get the will of the universe to back him up? !
Although the "Yuanwu Dao Alliance Army System" and "Currency Regulations" are very fair and equitable and applicable to any race and any world, it does not mean that they can be used in the entire Liyuan Universe.

Don’t you see, which race doesn’t have its own “customs and habits”?

This is absolutely not normal!

Something must have happened that made Li Yuan unable to bear it and took action!

That's right.

In the eyes of other beings outside the Baizhan Realm who don't know the specific inside story, these two regulations are punishments given by Li Yuan, the will of the universe!

Even those victims who were deeply persecuted by their own race or local rules and regulations think so.

In fact, what they suspected was correct.

Spreading the "Yuanwu Dao Alliance Military System" and "Yuanwu Dao Alliance Currency Regulations" throughout the entire Liyuan universe in the form of irresistible new rules of the universe is exactly the punishment given by Liyuan, the will of the universe.

No, to be exact, it’s revenge!
Just because the Wanxiang Sect’s orthodoxy has been severed!
The road he expected to take in the future became hundreds of times more difficult with the severance of Wanxiang Sect's orthodoxy!
Since you have made my chance of survival become increasingly slim, let you accept the rule of these two fair and equitable systems proposed and perfected by the Wanxiang Sect.

Although it is only the military and currency transactions, the impact and shackles on all living beings are obvious.

Anyway, even if I don’t feel good, you, the culprits, don’t want to feel good either.

Li Yuan's thoughts are that simple.

Some people may say, isn’t Yuanwu Dao the first Taoism proposed by Xinghan World?

Then the military system and currency regulations must have existed in the original Xinghan world. Why is it said that the Wanxiang Sect proposed and perfected them?

In fact, although Yuanwu Tao was originally a new Taoist system compiled by the sages of the original Xinghan world, its foundation was not stable and there was no deep understanding of cultivation.

As for the rules and regulations of the military, the original Xinghan world was all one empire, and there was no unified concept at all.

In terms of currency, it is unified, but the virtual currency based on the Star Network is the most used in the original Xinghan World. The regulations on physical currency are not strict, and there are many loopholes that can be exploited.

After the original Xinghan world was integrated into the Baizhan Realm, the great masters of the Wanxiang Sect discovered the new Taoism of Yuanwu Dao. With the help of the Nine Spirits of Tiandao, they continued to improve it and became the first Taoism recognized by the entire Baizhan Realm.

During this period, other aspects related to Yuanwu Dao were also proposed by the great masters of Wanxiang Sect. Together with the powerful masters of other forces, fair and equitable rules and regulations were formulated and promoted throughout the Baizhan Realm with the help of Yuanneng Fantasy Realm. Come on.

It is precisely because of this that the Wanxiang Sect has become recognized as the number one sect in the Hundred Wars Realm, with no one opposing it.

As for the glimmer of hope he is looking for, it is Guan Mingxin from the Baizhan Realm, a little boy who is only three years old now.

In Li Yuan's original vision, Guan Mingxin would reunite with his master Dongfang Yingdai during the war between the three clans, and then be brought back to teach the Wanxiang Sect as a matter of course.

But he didn't expect that something unexpected would happen to the future direction that was supposed to be foolproof.

It was too late for Him to even save me.

It's not that Li Yuan can't do it, it's just that as the cosmic will of Li Yuan's universe, he can't arbitrarily cast time back to save the disciples of Wanxiang Sect.

Even if it is just to protect Dongfang Yingdai.Because early in the process of merging with Fuling Universe, Li Yuan took advantage of the convenience of his home field to quietly move the Baizhan Realm at that time to the core of the origin of the universe, a place that would not arouse the suspicion of the top powerhouses in the God Realm. Location.

Let the Baizhan Realm at that time absorb as much as possible the tide of void energy brought about by the fusion of the two universes.

Afterwards, the Xinghan World and the Ancient Nine Spirits Holy Tower merged with the original Hundred Wars Realm, and Li Yuan, who was still the cosmic will of the new Liyuan Universe after the fusion, moved his hands again, allowing the Hundred Wars Realm to directly replace the God Realm. Become the de facto center of the universe.

Although, the position of Xinbai Zhanjie has not moved.

And on the surface, it seems that the God Realm located above the original core of the universe is the veritable center of the universe.

But if time retrieval is really to be enabled for Baizhan Realm, it means that at least one-third of the small worlds in the Liyuan Universe will also have to experience time retrieval.

Moreover, this third is the part closest to the original core of the universe.

Among them, there are the world of gods and many fairy worlds.

The impact of this is unimaginable.

It is even very likely to endanger the entire Liyuan Universe and cause the Liyuan Universe to enter the period of annihilation and reincarnation in advance!
In the past, the race war between humans, demons and demons was moved to the Baizhan Realm. This was because Li Yuan wanted to reduce the harm caused by the war and at the same time, he also wanted to give his own chance of survival a rare experience. .

But now, before the result he wants has come out, the most important lineage of the Taoist tradition that has a chance of survival has been cut off!
Why isn't Li Yuan angry? !

As the will of the universe, since he could not directly eliminate the culprits, he could only take revenge in this roundabout way.

At the very least, it can disgust those guys.

As for the vast majority of innocent people, they were simply angered.

As a cosmic will that already has independent consciousness, Li Yuan said that he also has a small temper.

Therefore, when the big bosses in the God Realm who could communicate with the will of the universe passed on information for inquiry, Li Yuan also proudly refused to answer and temporarily closed the communication channel unilaterally.

As for the opening hours.

Look at His mood!

Faced with such a cosmic will that suddenly became agitated, the top bosses in the God Realm were helpless for a while.

Guan Mingxin didn't know that because of her, all the creatures in the Liyuan Universe were avenged by the will of the universe.

At this time, she was falling into inexplicable sadness and unable to extricate herself.

Originally, Guan Mingxin was doing the same as usual. After finishing morning classes with her friends, she was ready to wander around in the small spiritual field that she had opened up in her spare time.

The half-acre of potatoes grown by myself is almost ready to be harvested.

Who would have thought that as soon as he reached the edge of the spiritual field, Guan Mingxin felt a sudden pain in his heart.

Caught off guard, Guan Mingxin fell headfirst into the spiritual field.

(End of this chapter)

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