Not only were the onlookers unable to bear it, with goosebumps all over their bodies, but even Guan Mingxin's throat was choked by the sound of greetings and became dry and itchy.


Guan Mingxin endured it again and again, but finally couldn't hold it back and coughed violently.

The little face that originally looked a little sickly due to being in a coma for more than a month quickly turned red as he coughed.

"Oh, I understand, I understand! Fu Bao, don't be anxious, don't be anxious, I know Fu Bao is not partial, don't be anxious, it's my fault, if you have something to say, let's talk slowly, slowly..."

The young man was startled by Guan Mingxin's move, and he immediately performed the magical skill of changing his face again, and the words came out one after another.

Everyone just watched the young man walking around Guan Mingchen. On one side, he was anxious because he could not win over Guan Mingxin. On the other side, he had to comfort Guan Mingxin who kept coughing. They were really busy.

The onlookers were amused, and they didn’t know who was the first to pounce on them, making all kinds of trouble among them. In the blink of an eye, everyone was in a mess.

The young man was actually concerned and confused.

If he had calmed down a little, he would have noticed the smile flashing in Guan Mingchen's eyes with a paralyzed face, and the obvious narrowing in Guan Mingxin's eyes.

After a long commotion, everyone dispersed, leaving young boy Lang and Guan Mingxin space to talk alone.

"Oh, it's not easy. I didn't expect Ah Chen to give in today. It would be great if he could be so humble back then."

Looking at Guan Mingchen's retreating back, the young man couldn't help but sigh.

"Fuck brother, it's not good to talk behind someone's back! Brother is always very sensible and polite, okay?"

Guan Mingxin, who was nestled in the young man's arms, was not happy when he heard this.

In her eyes, her own brother is better than anyone else, and no one can compare with him!

Especially after losing Wuji, Guan Mingxin relied more and more on the only relative she could trust.

Naturally, Guan Mingxin didn't want to hear other people talking about Guan Mingchen.

"Okay, okay! Let's just forget that my brother said something wrong, okay?
Can Baoer forgive me? "

When the young man saw that Sister Bao, whom he had finally met with great difficulty, was unhappy, he immediately raised his flag and surrendered.

Although there is already a lemon essence living in my heart.

Guan Mingxin just thought of Wuji again, and then suddenly got into a mood.

Now that the young man apologized so sincerely, he felt that he had gone too far, and two blushes immediately climbed up his cheeks:

"Uh... not anymore. Well... I lost my temper."

"It's okay, it's okay. It's natural for a sister to lose her temper with her brother."

The young man didn't take it seriously. He raised his hand and touched Guan Mingxin's two little twitching little heads. The expression on his face was so bright and eye-catching that Guan Mingchen, who accidentally turned his head to see this scene, couldn't help but rush over. .

After the young man gave Guan Mingchen a provocative look, he set up a barrier without waiting for the other party to react.

After thinking about it, I still felt unsafe, so I took out an immortal-level composite defense array disk from my storage ring, stuffed a top-grade immortal essence stone into the energy card slot, and turned on the array disk. Only then did I feel that Reassured.

Guan Mingxin's originally low mood was also hit by Young Lang's arrogant behavior:
"Brother, it's really not the case. It's quite safe where we stay.

Then the commander has never appeared again since he brought us here.

There are no other sergeants, and it is even less likely that anyone from the demon clan will appear. "

This is not true.Except for the first two months when there was a secret monitor who didn't know the details, there were no abnormalities.

Neither humans nor other creatures appeared in this area.

Including the days when I fell asleep.

"Bao'er, there's something I want to ask you. If it's inconvenient for you, then forget it."

The young man turned a deaf ear to Guan Mingxin's teasing, and after repeatedly making sure that it was safe now and no one would overhear their conversation, he put away the laughter on his face and asked through the voice with a serious face.

Seeing the young man's attitude, Guan Ming didn't show any emotion, but deep down he already guessed what the other party was going to ask.

Sure enough, after Guan Mingxin nodded to indicate that he could ask, the young man spoke directly:

"Bao'er, do you still have the Magic Sky Bracelet in your hand? If you still have it, can you give me another one?
I, Qian Gan, hereby swear that no matter whether Guan Mingxin sells me the Huantian Bracelet or not, I, Qian Gan, will never reveal the slightest bit of information about the relationship between the Huantian Bracelet and Guan Mingxin to anyone!

If you violate this oath, you will be haunted by inner demons and never have peace! "

This oath cannot be said to be less sinister.

For cultivators, death, Taoism, or even the loss of their souls are actually not that scary.

If you die, you'll be done with it.

As long as the true spirit is there, there is no real death.

But once the inner demon is haunted, it is still the kind that can never be relieved, and it is truly an extremely terrifying torture.

Life is worse than death is not enough to describe it!

Guan Mingxin did not stop Qian Gan from swearing.

Although Qian Gan is one of the few relatives she is willing to get close to.

Yes dear.

When they fled to the Miaozhu Domain in the original Baizhan Realm, Qian Qian and his bodyguards claimed to be Guan family members for safety reasons.

Qian Qian even recognized Guan Mingxin's parents in this life, Guan Yekang and Baili Miaoyuan, as his adoptive father and mother, and swore an oath to prove it.

Thinking of this, Guan Mingxin did not deny that he still had the Huantian Bracelet, but asked instead:
"Brother God, who are you preparing this for?"

Hearing this, Qian Qian's eyes flashed with surprise, and he relaxed:
"It's for my father."

Guan Mingxin nodded and did not continue to ask questions about why his father could not obtain a Magic Sky Bracelet given the status of his Qian clan in the Yicheng Immortal World.

Although the Wanxiang Sect was wiped out and the recipe for the Magic Heaven Bracelet was lost, the number of Magic Heaven Bracelets circulated by the Wanxiang Sect was not large.

As a kind of magic sky bracelet with the lowest quality and four-star spiritual level, that is, a low-grade element, it can be used forever as long as it is not deliberately damaged.

In order to make the Huantian Bracelet more attractive to cultivators, Wanxiang Sect specially developed a super strong defensive pattern. As long as a cultivator below the immortal level recognizes its master, even if the master self-destructs, the Huantian Bracelet will not be damaged.

Of course, if you want this kind of defensive formation to be effective on the owner who recognizes it, you need to spend an astonishing amount of energy stones.

But if you only protect the Huantian Bracelet itself, it won't take much. The part of the energy accumulated by the Huantian Bracelet from the heaven and earth energy absorbed from the air on weekdays is enough to cope with it.

This kind of defense pattern can be found in all qualities of the Magic Sky Bracelet, but there is a more attractive setting that only the Magic Sky Bracelet with the top-grade spiritual weapon level has, which is the addition of a fusion pole. The best rare mineral - Yunxi Stone, gives it the function of growth.

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