When Niu Meili carried Guan Mingchen and Guan Mingxin back to the logistics office to find someone to check the harvest on the spot, no one believed that they had really grown something.

After monitoring for more than a month, those who were watching secretly all evacuated one after another.

"You two can think clearly, once you lose the bet, you will go to the front line!"

The head of the planting area who came to receive the news looked at the brothers and sisters with a complicated face, and reconfirmed earnestly.

"Good morning, sir! We've already made up our minds, please take someone to the field to inspect and accept it on the spot."

Guan Mingxin sensed the other party's kindness, smiled at him, and still insisted on his own opinion.

But Guan Mingchen has a completely laissez-faire attitude of "the younger brother can do whatever he wants".

Seeing this, the top leader couldn't say anything more, because the little officer who had bet against Guan Mingxin also rushed over.

"Yo! I heard that you two little bastards are amazing!
It took only three months to grow 500 catties of grain per mu. This is really great news!
If the city lord knew about it, he would be so happy! "

What the little officer said was a compliment, but who couldn't understand the sarcasm and threats in it?

But the eldest son Mo Zhen is behind this man, ordinary sergeants really don't want to offend him.

At the very least, he wouldn't offend him because of the two brats who knew that they wouldn't live long.

The little officer thought that he had said this, and the two little bastards would not mention it if the younger one couldn't understand it, but the older one would definitely understand it, and if he couldn't stand it, he would definitely argue with himself.

At that time, he will be able to dig a few more holes along the way, and even if these two little bastards get lucky this time and win the bet, he will still be able to kill them.

But to his disappointment, the big and the small didn't seem to hear what he said, and they didn't even glance at him.

The little officer is so angry!
It's smoke from seven orifices!

If it weren't for the sliver of reason, he might not be able to bear it anymore and crush these two little bastards to death on the spot!

But they can't be proud for long!

He never believed that such two little bastards who looked like they couldn't carry their shoulders and hands could win the bet!
The extremely angry little officer subconsciously ignored the vague uneasiness in his heart.

A group of people set off towards the ten acres of land opened up by Guan Mingxin's brothers and sisters.

Along the way, people who received news one after another also joined in.

When he got to the field, seeing the sparse six acres of yams and sweet potatoes, the little officer couldn't wait to laugh out loud.

Although he didn't say a word, everyone could hear the pride in the laughter clearly.

Some people have already shown expressions of compassion towards Guan Mingchen and Guan Mingxin.

Even the top leader looked solemn, and couldn't help but look at the siblings, the worry in his eyes flashed away.

Seeing this, the brothers and sisters looked at each other, confirming that the leader really had goodwill towards them, and had an idea in their hearts.

But we have to wait until we get rid of the little officer with the distorted face.

Thinking of this, Guan Mingxin didn't bother to look at the little officer, and smiled at the leader, pointing to the appalling six acres of land and said:
"What can be eaten in these six acres of land are the tubers at the roots, not the branches and leaves above.

Sir, do you think you will arrange for people to dig, or should we do it ourselves? "

"Oh? This is the first time I heard that the edible ones are in the roots. Someone must have taken the wrong seeds at the time. Don't worry, I will testify for you when the time comes.

As for the candidates to dig this new grain, let us arrange it here, so as not to make irresponsible remarks. "

The leader's words had something to say, which made the junior officer blush with anger, but he didn't dare to refute.

Seeing this, Guan Mingxin laughed secretly, and thoughtfully said one more sentence:
"That's fine, just do what Chief Yi says. When digging, try to dig as deep as possible, at least half a meter deep."

"Have you heard clearly? Dig deeper and be careful, don't break the newly planted grain."

Hearing the words, the leader turned his head and instructed the 20 people he had just selected.

"As ordered!"

The 20 people gave a military salute one after another and said in unison.

When passing by Guan Mingxin brothers and sisters, they still looked at them curiously or suspiciously.

I am afraid that no one in the entire logistics department is unaware of the original bet.

In private, they all set up a secret game to bet on whether the little officer would win or the two little dolls would win.

Generally speaking, the majority, or the vast majority, will definitely win the small officers.

But this time, for some reason, there were quite a few people betting on the two little dolls, and the bets on four of them were very large, so big that it alarmed other high-level officials in the army.

For a time, more and more people joined the casino.

It turned out that the number of people betting against each other was almost equal!

After the little officer learned about it, he was still indignant, and threatened that those who did not suppress him would definitely lose.

However, no matter how loudly he yelled and jumped, the number of people who suppressed him did not increase at all. On the contrary, those who did not like him and did not want to participate originally also suppressed Guan Mingxin and his sister.

Seeing that the 20 people were already busy, Guan Mingxin pointed to the four acres of Baogu and asked without waiting for the leader to ask, and took the initiative to explain:
"In the four acres here, what can be eaten is the sticks on the top, which can be broken off and peeled off, and can be eaten after being boiled.

If it is dried or sun-dried, take off the small grains on the top and grind it into powder, which can be used as flour, and the taste is slightly sweet.

The core in the middle of the stick is boiled, and the water filtered out of the waste residue can be drunk as sugar water. If you continue to boil until the water dries up, you can get a sugar-like powder. "

While talking, Guan Mingxin sucked his saliva.

That greedy cat, not to mention the people who listened to her on the spot with no ill will towards her, even the audience in the time-space live broadcast room were greedy.

Originally, they wanted to watch the anchor cutie slap their faces, but they were stunned by Guan Mingxin.

Immediately, a large wave of rewards rained down, all begging for some deals for them to try something new.

"[System 9999]: I'm sorry, viewers, the level of this live broadcast room has not yet reached the conditions for opening the space-time trading platform."

Qiongyue secretly took the initiative to take the initiative, seemingly apologizing, but actually secretly begging for rewards and upgrades.

Because this space-time trading platform is the key for all players in the "Miracle" game system to start mutual transactions.

Qiongyue, who is just diving in the "Miracle" game player forum, has long been interested in those trading items that have been published.

The audience knows the elegant meaning when they hear the stringed songs.

In addition, the atmosphere was right at the moment, and those masters who were not short of money immediately threw out large rewards one by one, and instantly raised Guan Mingxin's time-space live broadcast room level to level five, the minimum condition for opening the time-space trading platform.

Without waiting for Guan Mingxin to agree, Qiongyue activated the space-time trading function as soon as she saw that the level was enough.

Immediately afterwards, the player trading section was loaded in the system.

"[System 9999]: Thank you for your support! Now, [-] copies of the three optimized varieties of high-yield grain that the anchor participated in are listed. You can go to the space-time trading platform to place an order."

The audience was immediately excited, and they clicked on the trading platform to have a look, wow!

The selling price is only 1 micro-source bead!
This is really equivalent to giving away for nothing!

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