After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 743 Blessing from the Law of Heaven and Earth

To the great joy of the young elites of the Sea Clan, their ancestor actually agreed to their proposal and actually let His Highness Fei Huan take over Fengyu City!

Of course, they will never know that Fengyu City is the Human Emperor’s camp favored by the ancestors of the Sea Clan and the direct lineage of the Demon Clan’s Thunder Winged Sky Tiger!

Just because the glimmer of hope that allows the Huanyue Fairy World to successfully survive the "catastrophe" of advancing to the Fairy World is in Fengyu City!
  Twenty-five days after experiencing the "Pearl Feast", the various camps for the Human Emperor's Hegemony were successfully formed as Yu Feihuan, who had just left the customs, rushed to Fengyu City with his friends and concluded an alliance with the six major families of the original Fengyu Town.

Prior to this, with the help of Yu Longxuan and Lei Yuheng, the young elites of the direct lineage of the Demon Clan Royal Family, Thunder Wing Sky Tiger, had become the first foreign race to form an alliance with the human race in each camp of the Human Emperor. Team.

To their surprise, the laws of heaven and earth actually blessed the thirteen Fengyu City representatives headed by Guan Mingxin and the ten demon clan representatives headed by Lei Yuheng at the moment the covenant was formed. Without any worries, the cultivation level of each of them and each demon has been raised to a big level!

Fortunately, after realizing that the onlookers did not notice the change in their cultivation, the twenty-three young elites pretended to be nonchalant and passed by.

Afterwards, they quietly inquired and found that no additional incidents occurred when the other camps concluded the alliance.

Just when the twenty-three young elites thought they were special cases, Yu Feihuan's arrival shocked them again.

Without him, as the last force in the Human Emperor's Hegemony camp to conclude an alliance, Yu Feihuan and his ten friends concluded an alliance with the representatives of Fengyu City headed by Guan Mingxin. Yu Feihuan and other eleven sea tribe youths The elites actually increased by two large classes, which were promoted in two stages, and twenty-three young elites including Guan Mingxin and Lei Yuheng also increased by a large class again!

One can be called an accident, but what about the two?

The huge surprise shocked their minds. No matter how strong their minds were, they were still a group of teenagers and girls. Before they had time to react, they were stunned and instantly became paralyzed. Naturally, they successfully tightened their facial expressions. It did not attract any special attention from the onlookers.

When the covenant ends, they will all recover, and naturally they will not leak it out.

In addition, the two major classes that were unexpectedly promoted were not directly revealed. They were dormant in their bodies and could not be mobilized. It seemed that there was still a lack of an opportunity to activate the energy of these two classes, so there was no news that shocked the entire Huanyue Immortal. Big events in the spiritual world.

The thirty-five young elites who have received this blessing from the laws of heaven and earth, as the top elite juniors of all races, none of them are stupid!

Therefore, the moment when one senses the blessing of the laws of heaven and earth, the ultimate surprise is followed by the ultimate terror!
  They all thought in unison:
  Once it is revealed that they have been blessed by the laws of heaven and earth twice because of the conclusion of the alliance, no matter what status they originally had, they will become the "celestial materials" spoken by those powerful people who want to extend their lives and cultivate to a higher level. "Dibao"!
  It is also a "top-notch natural material and earthly treasure" that is favored by Heaven!
  Thinking of this, the remaining traces of surprise disappeared, leaving only endless terror!

Among them, Guan Mingxin also felt that she must not activate the two sudden increases in cultivation level, otherwise, there would be irreversible and terrible consequences waiting for her.

As for what to do with these cultivations that couldn't be activated, Guan Mingxin didn't have any idea for the time being. She just subconsciously asked Jiujiu to seal them for herself.

It is precisely because of this that during the entire covenant ceremony, the thirty-five young elites looked very serious. As time went by, this serious look turned into a dignified and dull look, which actually made the powerful officials of the three tribes who watched the ceremony quite appreciate it. The boys and girls had a "general style" and doubled the size of the meeting gifts they had originally prepared.

It can be regarded as the consolation for the young elites after being frightened. The young elites held on solemnly until the end of the covenant ceremony. They met with the powerful men of the three tribes respectively and received a lot of expensive meeting gifts. Only then did Guan Mingxin step out. Taking a step forward, he once again bent 90° to salute the powerful men of the three races in high positions:
  "Seniors, when we just concluded the alliance, we all had a lot of insights. I boldly asked to leave the show early to meditate and absorb this insight. I hope my seniors will allow me!"

As the youngest representative from each camp in the Contest of Human Emperors, Guan Mingxin attracted the attention of all the powerful people when she first appeared.

Without him, it was an expected situation caused by being too young and practicing too hard.

No matter how powerful the three clans are in their intrigues, facing such a little person, no matter how much they don't like him, they will subconsciously show kindness.

Therefore, it was logical that Guan Mingxin came to Fenghua Garden with the thirty-four friends who would join hands in the future.

Declining the help of the enthusiastic attendants, Guan Mingxin ordered his twin boys to close the gate of Fenghua Garden, activated all the formation restrictions in the garden, and pretended to thank guests behind closed doors. Only then did the gods who followed them retreat one after another.

No matter how calm the thirty-five little guys are, some expressions will still leak out.

Of course, these strange expression changes cannot make the curious think that they are blessed by the laws of heaven and earth. They can only think that there are some unspeakable secrets in the dark.

Isolated from outside detection, Guan Mingxin and others immediately began to meditate on the spot.

The conclusion of the alliance contract this time also means that the struggle for hegemony among the various camps is about to begin, and there is really not much time left for them.

If the opportunity to activate the cultivation of the two major classes blessed by the laws of heaven and earth cannot be found as soon as possible, Fengyu City, which has the lowest overall strength on the surface, will naturally have a high possibility of defeat on the battlefield.

They don't want to face the crisis of casualties just after becoming the top elites among the juniors of the three major tribes: Human Race, Sea Race, and Monster Race.

What the other thirty-four little guys didn't know was that on the way back to Fenghua Garden, Guan Mingxin asked Jiujiu to contact Fei Huaner and pass the details of his camp to Yu Longxuan.

Yu Longxuan will accordingly gather some children based on this information. As the least noticeable information spies, they will spread news that is [-]% true and [-]% false, so as to disturb the attention of spies from other camps.

After all, the situation of thirty-five of them being blessed by the laws of heaven and earth is too special. Even if no one notices it, it is inevitable that some powerful people who are good at divination and prediction will catch some clues based on some clues.

This is very detrimental to them.

After all this was done, Guan Mingxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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