Chapter 141

If you are too presumptuous in front of her, they will not be able to afford to teach you how to behave every minute if you are not careful, so it is better to be well-behaved and polite from the beginning.

"You can learn the basic swordsmanship of my Tianxuanmen, but my Tianxuanmen will not accept disciples for the time being!"

As for the previous question, she has proved it with facts, so there is no need to say more.

As for whether she has any other disciples from Tianxuan Sect...

To be honest, there used to be, but now...she wants to know more than they do.

As for where the Tianxuan Gate is located... After thousands of years, the vicissitudes of the world, the changes in the world, the geographical location has not changed, and his master used to know formation and disguise, so she doesn't know where the master's gate is located!
It was really frustrating, and it seemed that she had to look for it when she had time.

"Miss Feng, may I ask..."

"Sorry, Zhuo Zhuo will not answer any questions for the time being, please leave!"

Just when the paparazzi wanted to ask more questions, Manager Gu immediately jumped out and stopped Feng Qianzhuo.

Of course, what he did was not out of kindness, it's not...

"You... Manager Gu, what happened to your face?"

Sure enough, Manager Gu just jumped out and immediately attracted countless eyes.

However, his image at this time was too miserable. It took the paparazzi a long time to recognize who he was, and then they asked in shock.

what happened?
Of course he was beaten!

That dead girl of Zhuo Yue used to look weak and useless, but she didn't expect to be so ruthless in her strikes, she was really led to ruin by Feng Qianzhuo!

Gu Ze felt great hatred in his heart, but on the surface he didn't show it at all.

Hearing their question at this moment, he seemed to be taken aback for a while, then instinctively looked at Feng Qianzhuo with eyes full of fear, and then quickly avoided, his face paled, His face was tense, he hesitated to speak, he looked like he wanted to speak but was afraid of her force value but dared not speak out, people could tell there was something wrong with it at a glance, the injury on his face must have something to do with Feng Qianzhuo.

And maybe she was the one who hit it...

With such superb acting skills, which are superb, step by step, obviously said nothing, but seem to say everything, why doesn't he become an actor, and become a manager, what a waste.

Seeing this, Feng Qianzhuo couldn't help narrowing her eyes dangerously.

So her manager is planning to lose face and drag her into the water?


Little assistant Zhuo Yue saw him wanting to pour dirty water on her sister Zhuo in front of all the paparazzi, she immediately became anxious, fearing that those paparazzi would misunderstand her sister Zhuo and write scribbles again.

Immediately, she was about to stop and say that she was the one who hit him, but she was stopped by Feng Qianzhuo, and then she stared at him coldly, like a knife: "Why did I hit you? You have no compulsion in your heart." count?"

Never thought that Feng Qianzhuo would admit it just like that?
Admit it?
Almost everyone present widened their eyes in surprise.

No, Miss Feng, don't you make a mistake somewhere?

You must know that in today's society, no matter whether you hit someone or not, as long as you are not caught on the spot and photographed as evidence, then you must deny it in front of the public.

And even if someone accidentally caught the evidence, you still have to pretend to be innocent, pretend to be pitiful, and cry desperately. How can you admit it like this when we paparazzi don't force you to ask?

You must know that you are a public figure, and you must pay attention to your image at all times, your image... don't let yourself go like this, okay?

The paparazzi were really worried about her, thinking that she was not a qualified public figure.

(End of this chapter)

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