Chapter 161
After finishing the meal, when Feng Qianzhuo got up and went upstairs, he suddenly glanced back at them coldly and said, "In the past three years, I have been plotted against in the entertainment industry, hindered in my development, and even set up to film three| Level|film, everyone here had better pray that the person plotting against me behind my back has nothing to do with you, otherwise...hehe..."

Inadvertently meeting Feng Qianzhuo's cold eyes, Aunt Xin's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately lowered her eyes to hide her panic.

No one cared about this admiration at first.

But everyone's gazes had been following Feng Qianzhuo overtly and secretly, and seeing her eyes fall on Aunt Xin's face at this time... Although Aunt Xin concealed it quickly, the panic at that moment did not escape everyone's attention Eye.

Seeing this, Feng Yanshao's face darkened.

Feng Feili and Feng Feige's eyes were full of panic.

Those things that Feng Qianzhuo encountered in the entertainment industry, wouldn't really have something to do with their mother... aunt?

If it was really their aunt's hands and feet, then this matter would be broken!

If it was before, no one would care, but she's just a lowly girl, so it's okay to calculate!
But today's Feng Qianzhuo is not only powerful, but also has a peerless martial art that has been lost for a long time in China.

What's more, she is indifferent and ruthless, and her six relatives don't recognize her... If this matter is really related to their aunt, then they really don't think that their aunt can survive her hands.

How to do?
How to do?
In the hearts of the two of them, there was a moment of panic.

At this moment, they didn't realize at all that when Feng Qianzhuo said this, he didn't call his name, and he didn't show any evidence, but they almost believed that this matter had something to do with their aunt, and there was no one else!

And for these changes, they are still not aware of it.

"I'm not at home, you'd better be honest, don't bully my mother like before, otherwise..."

None of these dogs is a good person, so Feng Qianzhuo should beat or beat: "If my mother hurts a hair or something happens, then everyone present will count as one, and no one can escape. This lady will let you all be buried with me!"

"Miss, don't worry, we will swear to protect Madam to the death!"

Everyone who has watched the Missy's live broadcast knows that the Missy is very scary today. Not only does she possess peerless martial arts, but she is decisive and decisive. Even her smile seems to be dangerous and crazy. They have no doubt that she said The authenticity of these words made everyone show their loyalty immediately.

And not only that, if the master and Aunt Xin dare to bully Madam again in the future, they will not dare to sit on the sidelines, but will stand up to protect Madam and prevent her from being harmed in the slightest.

Otherwise, they will definitely finish playing together.

The wind direction of this family has finally changed!
"Let's talk! Did you plot the things that Feng Qianzhuo has encountered in the entertainment industry in the past three years?"

After the meal, just after Aunt Xin sent her back to her room, Feng Yanshao immediately asked questions.

Aunt Xin was almost prepared. When he questioned her, tears rolled out of her eyes: "Master, why don't you even believe me? I really didn't..."

Feng Yanshao was not in the mood to watch her performance at this moment, so he immediately snorted coldly: "Anyway, I told you a long time ago, even if you see their mother and daughter unhappy again, they are also the official wife and daughter of my Feng family. The daughter of you, and there is an old man covering you, if something really happens and you are found out, then no one will be able to save you."

(End of this chapter)

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