Ben Gong became popular in the entertainment circle by relying on force

Chapter 186 I Didn't Want To Lie Money From You

Chapter 186 I Didn't Want To Lie Money From You
It's a sad story to say the least.

When people are poor!

Everything is suspicious, so being poor is the original sin!
Feng Qianzhuo's infinitely sad look instantly made all the netizens in the live broadcast room and the film king Li who was silently listening to their conversation burst into laughter on the spot.

He couldn't count how many times this was the first time he lost his composure since he knew Feng Qianzhuo!

Anyway, I think this girl's serious appearance is so funny that people can't help laughing.

The fans in the live broadcast room felt the same way, and immediately burst into laughter, and comforted without sincerity: [Sister, don't be sad, the head teacher doesn't believe you, we believe you! 】

[Yes, yes, and my Greater China has inherited a thousand years of traditional Chinese medicine culture, so I don't need others to admit it, they know nothing! 】

[That's right, so the head teacher, did you hear that, my sister is really capable, she is not trying to cheat you out of money, so let her treat it! 】

[At worst, I will marry you if it is cured! 】


There was friendly ridicule in the live broadcast room, but before the live broadcast, Chu Yang frowned and thought hard, but took it seriously: "Uncle, I think my master may really heal you, do you want to let the master come back?" She showed you?"

Can he be cured?

Chu Xuan's heart skipped a beat.

But then, although he was a little moved, he was still more rational: "Haven't you heard? She doesn't even have a medical license!"


"No but..."

His illness was brought from his mother's womb.

I have seen countless doctors since I was a child, but unfortunately, none of them worked.

Gradually, he also gave up completely, and in the end he would rather choose to be a teacher in this Z city than stay in the imperial capital.

He admitted that some of Feng Qianzhuo's current abilities really shocked and surprised him.

But in three years, can an ordinary person really become omnipotent?
martial arts?

Qin art?


Is it really possible to learn all of these in three years?As he got to know Feng Qianzhuo better, the more he found that Feng Qianzhuo was full of fog, which made it hard to see clearly.

At the same time, after entering the forest, Feng Qianzhuo discovered that this primeval forest is really a natural treasure house, and many medicinal materials that cannot be found outside can be found here.

My mother is not in good health, this time I can finally take care of her body when I go back this time, and I can also refine some pills to take care of myself!
Hahaha, it's really developed now!
This trip to the pristine tropical rainforest of West Africa to participate in this program, no loss, no loss.

Feng Qianzhuo's eyes lit up, and the speed of collecting herbs became faster and faster, almost forgetting the original intention of coming here.


"Zhaozhuo, the firewood is ready, should we go back?"

Seeing Feng Qianzhuo picking herbs and forgetting the time, Yingdi Li felt that her excited appearance at this time finally had the vitality that a girl should have, so he couldn't help but changed her name immediately, and asked kindly.

Feng Qianzhuo was taken aback when he heard the sound, and then remembered that he was still participating in the live broadcast, not when he went out to collect medicine at the teacher's gate.

Unknowingly, the things about Zeng Shimen are already in the past and the present life, and it is no longer what it used to be!

"it is good!"

Feng Qianzhuo picked up a large pile of medicinal materials, and a large bundle of dry firewood, and then walked back to the camp at a pace that did not recognize her relatives.

Just returning to the camp, Qin Shuangshuang greeted him with a smile on his face: "Zhao Zhuo, I'll help you..."

(End of this chapter)

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