Chapter 107
Is this your own name?But why does it feel strange to be called this name... Well, it seems to be called by a nickname?If this is a nickname, then what is your own name?What are the words?Why can't I remember at all?

Only then did Jiang Zhiyue belatedly discover a very serious problem!
I seem to have lost my memory...

This is awkward.

But why did he appear here in a maid outfit?Have you been kidnapped?

If you were kidnapped, then...

Jiang Zhiyue blinked, dazed, dazed!
The rest of the people kept looking at Jiang Zhiyue, just watching her quietly...

Jiang Zhiyue was so dispirited by this kind of eyes looking at 'goods', why did she feel that they were so rude?

She really wanted to lift their celestial cover and ask: Are you polite?
With this kind of look, she frantically picked out a Barbie fantasy castle with her toes!
The ten-story one!Dabieye, what's the matter?Be envious!

Someone finally broke the silence, "Forget Mingrui, don't bother with her, it's not worth it."

It's Minghe.

Although these two women look different, their names are very similar, so the relationship between the two of them is much better than that of other women.

Mingrui was pulled up from the ground by Minghe, she wiped away her tears and became a brave woman.

Jiang Zhiyue couldn't understand.

It's just a slight fall, there's no need to cry, in their words, this kind of person is xizipi~ shameful!

Moreover, it was the other party who did it to her first, and the other party cried.

Jiang Zhiyue laughed loudly at Mingrui in her heart.

How did Mingrui know that in just a few seconds, Jiang Zhiyue, a little Mengxin who loves to make up his mind, has changed his opinion of her, and can change ever-changingly like a martin.The one in a million kind.

After Mingrui finished crying, he wiped away his tears. In fact, it didn't hurt that much. He just wanted to give this impolite girl a blow. Who knows, this girl doesn't know anything, so she has been acting for so long in vain. I'm so tired, she can eat three big bowls for dinner without stopping, but if she eats too much, she will gain weight, woo woo woo, she can't eat that much, she will be disgusted by Mr. Shi...

Ye Nanzhi's dead woman snatched Mr. Shi away, and she was pregnant. This was a big blow to her!Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..

hate hate! !
Mingrui wanted to cry again, woo woo woo why does life treat her like this?She is just a hard-working and positive worker!I just want to seduce the boss to become the kind of beater that Bai Fumei reached the pinnacle of life!
Mr. Shi, look at me, I just want to be bad in my life, I really don't want to be a laborer, I just want to be a cute salted fish that can love to cry and love to eat!
Why can't this little request satisfy me?Hey, you really don't think about loving others!

shy ing!

"Hey, your name is Ah Yue, and you are new here. Since you just came here today, you provoked me today, so I will not care about you for the time being. I will be a magnanimous woman, hmph, but you have to remember , if you dare to provoke me next time, the consequences will be very serious! Did you hear that?" Mingrui straightened the maid's skirt and glared at Jiang Zhiyue fiercely.

Jiang Zhiyue: Wipe away your tears before speaking!
Isn't this person really a joke sent by the monkey? Hahahaha!
Jiang Zhiyue was about to laugh her teeth out.

The opponent's IQ is obviously not too high.

How did you find this job?Could it be introduced through the back door? Haha!

Jiang Zhiyue held her stomach and lowered her head, trying hard to think about the saddest thing in her life, suppressing her emotions forcibly, so as not to make herself laugh out loud for a while.

Otherwise, in front of so many people, if I laugh loudly at the idiot in front of me, this idiot will definitely cry again. Don't doubt the iq of the idiot, because the idiot has no IQ to speak of hahaha.

Jiang Zhiyue tried hard to think about the saddest thing, and found that there is no saddest, only sadder!
Because she lost her memory!I don't remember anything. What if I was a billionaire and easily forgot about it because of amnesia?

My luxury car, beauties, and hundreds of billions of property are all gone!

Like cooked ducks, they all flew away!

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhiyue felt sad, and the mood that was originally gloating, now became completely painful.

So much money, just gone.

Why am I so miserable!

There are always bad people trying to harm me!
Could it be that his own amnesia was planned for a long time?

Jiang Zhiyue sat up startled in a dying illness, suddenly convulsed and plotted everywhere!
She frowned and found that things were not simple.

So Jiang Zhiyue ignored Ming Rui's anger, frowned and looked at Ming He, who was still in a normal state of mind, and asked about the confusion in her heart. Jiang Zhiyue opened her lips and said to Ming He: "I have amnesia, you know this is Why?"

Minghe: "..."

Minghe performed on the spot what is called a little head with big confusion.

You TM asked me, how did you lose your memory?How the hell do I know how you lost your memory?I'm not a Da Luo god who cares about everything!
You ask such a weird question, if I were a little more mentally handicapped, I really wouldn't know how to answer it!
Ming He was speechless: "I don't know."

Who knows where the beautiful woman was kidnapped, she is pretty, but her brain is not very smart, it took so long to realize that she lost her memory.

This brain, ah... speechless.

Jiang Zhiyue knew that Ming He looked shrewd, but he was actually a fool!Can't answer her question!

Alas, life is so lonely, I shouldn't ask these people questions, and I won't get answers.

Jiang Zhiyue squatted on the ground with her face in her hands, lost in thought.

I always feel that when I fell asleep, I was dreaming in a daze. I dreamed that a man and a woman were talking. Did I already lose my memory at that time?
Ah Yue... Ah Yue...

These two words...

The more Jiang Zhiyue thought about it, the more she felt a headache. She suddenly realized something, opened her beautiful eyes, and exclaimed, "I know!"

She thought of it!

At that time, the man told her that her name was Ah Yue, she was an orphan without father and mother, and then...then she was beaten into a coma!
When he woke up again, he appeared here, a place he was not familiar with.

Where exactly is this place?Why did I appear here?There are a few other women, all in uniform... Could it be that they were really abducted and sold here by human traffickers?
Jiang Zhiyue thought carefully and was terrified!
Little face paled!Panic in my heart!

(End of this chapter)

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