Chapter 111
Jiang Zhiyue's first feeling in her heart told herself that she should not rely too much on this 'Mr. Shi' whom she had never met.

My origin is unknown, so I can't do anything out of the ordinary...


Jiang Zhiyue waited for several days, but was unable to see the so-called Mr. Shi's name and what he looked like.

This made Jiang Zhiyue's heart start to scratch.

Well, if you don't mention this person, she will just ignore who this person is.

But unfortunately, during the past few days here, the four women have been fighting openly and secretly, comparing each other on how much Mr. Shi treats them, and what kind of mature man Mr. Shi is, who is gentle and knowledgeable.

He is handsome and handsome, very rich, and is the dream lover of many famous women. If he has a relationship with Mr. Shi, or develops a flirtatious relationship, he will be regarded as the kind who will die without regret.

Everyone was praising this man, so they successfully aroused Jiang Zhiyue's curiosity.

She tried her best to meet this Mr. Shi, and couldn't wait to question him, what method did he use to erase all her memories, and even imprisoned her in this stupid place.

A good and mysterious manor, for a timid woman who has never seen anything in the world, it is magnificent.

But Jiang Zhiyue is different from these petty girls, she is a girl who has seen the big world!She knew that she was born extraordinary, and she was absolutely unwilling to be trapped in a cage, and ruin her beautiful life like this!
She must find a suitable opportunity to escape from this big, boring place with a bunch of brainless fans!

Jiang Zhiyue was very unwilling.

She lost all her memories inexplicably, and she was in a place that was very strange to her, surrounded by a group of women who admired a strange man very much.And every day, she brainwashed her to please this strange man. On the surface, Jiang Zhiyue praised Mr. Shi's elegance and humor together with them, but she was already in mmp in her heart!
What the hell, is it a mule or a horse, you should take it out for a walk!Pretend to be the right one and make it mysterious.

Could it be that Mr. Shi is actually a big ugly guy at this time, he likes to do some things to deceive women, play tricks on all these women who come for money, and lock them up in a dilapidated manor where there is no grass, is it purely for fun?
In fact, looking at it another way, Jiang Zhiyue's guess is indeed not unreasonable, and... she guessed right.

It's just that she doesn't understand it now.

"...Oh, my dear Mr. Shi, I am looking forward to you with complete respect. You are very beautiful. It is I who have climbed up to you. I maintain awe and admiration for you. I sincerely hope that you can see me again , please come to this beautiful manor, I am very much looking forward to meeting you..."

When it was time to eat dinner, Mingrui started his daily bragging mode towards 'Mr. Shi', praying with his eyes closed, crackling rainbow farts every time he spoke, looking forward to the arrival of 'Mr. Shi' in his heart.

Seeing that she worked so hard even to eat, the others were not to be outdone and opened their books to each other!Everyone rolled up and murmured in low voices: "Dear Mr. Shi, I am ××, I am looking forward to seeing you very much, my love for you is eternal and the world can learn from it, I am looking forward to your arrival, your arrival Good things will happen in time, I look forward to..."

Seeing the four women start to be dazed again, Jiang Zhiyue pursed her lips, secretly picked up the chicken legs from the plate and put them in her own bowl, and then hid the chicken legs with lightning speed.

When other people noticed something and looked at her with tentative eyes, Jiang Zhiyue had an innocent face and said sincerely: "Mr. Shi, you are like a god in this world, you are the best man in the world, your outstanding Higher than the sky, I have great respect and longing, and I am extremely looking forward to inheriting your beneficial brain. Your intelligence is fascinating, ah! Mr. Shi! I look up to you! I respect you! My sincere I want to say something to you - you are such a good man!"

Good man, good man, please don't show up!

In fact, eating and drinking here is good, and it’s pretty good to eat and wait to die. It’s simply the first choice for retirement. Who doesn’t yearn for a better life?
It's just too sad to have no memory!

Jiang Zhiyue always feels that she has forgotten a very important person. Could that person... be the man she loves deeply?

Jiang Zhiyue touched her nose and finished talking about her rainbow fart.

What she said was much better than what others said, and her sincere attitude moved others very much, but she also felt a sense of crisis. After all, Jiang Zhiyue had never met Mr. Shi before, so she respected Mr. Shi so much. Given the opportunity to meet Mr. Shi, would Jiang Zhiyue, a hateful woman, fall in love with Mr. Shi at first sight just like that?
... This conjecture has to make people think carefully and frighten!

In fact, they still want to have one more friend, not an enemy who will steal Mr. Shi's love from them!
Just like Ye Nanzhi before...

Hehe, it's enough to experience the feeling of being betrayed once in a lifetime, but don't do it again!It can really block the dead!
Thinking of this, Mingrui couldn't wait to say to Jiang Zhiyue: "Are you also looking forward to seeing Mr. Shi?"

...that's a good question!
Jiang Zhiyue's beautiful eyes were full of admiration, she looked at Mingrui's eyes very seriously, she blinked innocently, Jiang Zhiyue grinned, her tone was gentle and full of admiration, and lightly tapped the table with her pale fingertips, With an excited tone, he answered Mingrui's question:

"Of course! Mr. Shi's appearance is admirable and respectful. I have eaten and drank his food for so many days, and I have never seen this benefactor who has been kind to me. I feel very guilty in my heart. I am extremely I'm really looking forward to seeing Mr. Shi, even if it's just to take a look at him from a distance, I would like to say thank you to him, I really owe him!"

This answer, that is a watertight answer.

Very succinctly and clearly expresses all the passionate emotions of a young girl towards her savior.

That makes the one who sees it cry and the one who hears it is sad!

Impressed, so inspiring!
Mingrui, who had always been hostile to Jiang Zhiyue, was completely stunned after listening to Jiang Zhiyue's answer. Was he too narrow-minded, aiming at this cute and cute little girl?
Did she think too badly of people that Jiang Zhiyue would rob Mr. Shi from them?This little girl is in awe of Mr. Shi, how can she be so dirty as they think!

They did a great job!
(End of this chapter)

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