Chapter 119
Several cars with people, drifting away.As if nothing had happened.

Only Minghe, who remained in place, announced the young man's evil deeds.

If it wasn't for them, perhaps Ming He and his party would have taken a taxi long ago and returned to the manor to enjoy a good time.

It can only be said that God failed to fulfill one's wishes.


The young man and the others did not send Jiang Zhiyue to the hospital for immediate treatment as promised.Instead, he drove all the way.Going further and further away, heading towards a big mountain.If outsiders see this scene, they will be shocked, because this area is all the territory of the Xing family.

The time was about three years ago.The heir of the Xing family suddenly suffered from a very serious disease.

This unknown disease almost cost the heir half his life.It hurt him fundamentally.

As a result, the members of the Xing family, in order to treat the only heir, contacted many famous doctors at home and abroad, but they had no choice but to give him a thorough treatment, and the medicine cured him.

I can only try my best to break my head.A medicine was developed and he was treated for a very long time.


If Jiang Zhiyue had the memory, she would definitely be able to recognize that this legendary heir was the lover she had admired for a long time in her previous life and even in this life——Xing Yichen.

What a pity, what a pity.God is playing a fateful joke, making people who were in love forget each other's existence.Become the most familiar stranger.


Jiang Zhiyue slowly opened her eyes, feeling that her body was not in so much pain, but her head was aching.Still did not stop.This made the little girl frown uncontrollably.

With a small face wrinkled into a bun, he snorted uncomfortably and looked blankly at the young man driving in front of him, realizing that he didn't know him.Moreover, I am now in a stranger's car.

Jiang Zhiyue frowned.

Turning his head to look at the scenery outside the car window, he moved very quickly.

It is enough to see that the speed of this vehicle is very fast now, if she acts rashly, the consequences may be serious.

Almost in an instant, Jiang Zhiyue had a way to deal with it in her little head.

There was no trace of fear on her delicate, beautiful and beautiful face, but was very frank.Looking at the young man in front of her with watery eyes seriously, she opened her mouth and asked, "Who are you?"

In fact, in the young man's expectation, it is reasonable to say that Jiang Zhiyue should not wake up so quickly.

After all, they used a special method just now. They placed some sleeping pills in the car. The sleeping pills exploded in the air, causing people to fall into a deep sleep. However, all of them took the antidote, so they didn't have any symptoms of coma.

This also explained why Ming He suddenly fell asleep just now, without any strength.And without making a sound, they got him off the car and threw him on the side of the road.

But now, Jiang Zhiyue's waking up was a sudden situation, and the other party asked very clearly who he was?
Hmm... how to explain this?Do you want to say that I am the one who arrested you?
No, no, no, he wouldn't say that unless he was out of his mind.

But the little girl in the back is not the kind of person who can be fooled at will.Otherwise, the superior would not have given an order to bring this little girl back.The little girl must be very smart, and she must be of great help to the boss...

The young man's brain was running fast, recalling Jiang Zhiyue's deeds countless times in his mind.Also, he had read all of Jiang Zhiyue's materials before.The above is the same, and it is clearly stated that although the little girl seems gentle and approachable, she is a warm child.

But in fact, the little girl Jiang Zhiyue is a very cunning little girl.

In case... If I accidentally say something wrong, I will easily offend the other party.Make the other person angry and make trouble with him.Furthermore, if the little girl's temper becomes more impulsive, she will open the car door and run away.

If they were thrown to death directly after jumping off the car, the loss outweighs the gain. Not only did they lose a healing weapon, which is embarrassing.And because of this move, he will be easily punished, or lose his life in the same way...

In just 2 minutes, the young man's brain was spinning, and he had already thought of countless excuses.Finally said slowly: "I am your old friend."

Jiang Zhiyue: "..."

Pretending to be Nima's deepness.

I'll just watch you quietly and listen to your bragging!See what tricks you can come up with to fool me.

Jiang Zhiyue opened her soft mouth again and again, and really wanted to say something, although I am a person with amnesia, I don't have any memory.But do I really look like a fool?Is it so easy to be deceived by you in a few words?

Believe it or not, when I go up, it's just a sliding shovel, blowing your dog's head off?

Jiang Zhiyue gritted her teeth, but still resisted the cruel impulse in her heart.

Hee hee hee, today is also a gentle and lovely little fairy.

Jiang Zhiyue glanced at the muscular bodyguards driving the car calmly. She was too weak to beat them, so she didn't consider fighting these strangers for the time being.

She will try her best to outsmart her.

Ever since I lost my memory, the things I have encountered have become more and more outrageous.

He was knocked out in front of him for no reason.Throwing it in the manor, it almost became the harem of a dog man.After finally escaping, he boarded the pirate ship again.The young man I met now seemed very gentle.But it can be seen from his eyes that he is not as friendly as he pretends on the surface.On the contrary, he is a man who is full of great malice towards this world.

Slowly, Jiang Zhiyue pressed the leather seat under her buttocks with her fingernails, and blinked her eyes innocently on the surface.

After thinking for a while, he slowly said a few words. "and then?"

The little girl had a calm expression of "please start your performance", her expression was as indifferent as water, her clear eyes had no ripples, and she looked at him very calmly, with the posture of a reclusive expert.

For a second, the young man felt a sense of oppression from the superior.

This breath is very dangerous.

Just like the heir of the Xing family who has been ill for many years.Frightening, frightening.

The young man's heart couldn't help beating faster.He withdrew his gaze with lingering fear.Calmly, he touched his chest with his fingers, opened his mouth wide and gasped for breath, and then suppressed the restless emotion in his heart.

It's really strange, why does a little girl who looks about 20 years old have such a calm but oppressive and frightened look in her eyes?
The young man really couldn't figure it out for a while.

But in fact, after thinking about it, since this little girl is used as a medicine primer.That is naturally her strength.Thinking about it in another way, the feeling of fear just now disappeared in an instant.I even want to develop a friendship with the little girl and be good friends.

The young man becomes the old sister-in-law.

He smiled at Jiang Zhiyue very friendly, "Actually, you can call me brother."

Jiang Zhiyue: "..."

She wanted to yell loudly:
Don't ~ come ~ touch ~ side ~ ~

"Only you are worthy of being my brother." Jiang Zhiyue straightened her broken hair silently, slowly raised her eyelids, and glanced at the young man with a tense expression. When she said this, she used affirmative sentences and did not Not interrogative sentences.It also shows from the side that although she has lost her memory, she is very confident in her identity. Most people really can't afford to provoke her, so what if they provoke her?
She will call back well.

At this moment, the little girl seemed to be angry, and there was an aura of indifference from all over her body, that she should not get close to strangers.

The beautiful eyes quietly stared at the young man, squinted slightly, and said in a faint voice: "Are you qualified?"

"..." The pain in the young man's heart is called heartbroken. Is he just so disgusted?Anyway, he has power here.

Alas... It seems that it is not easy to have a younger sister!

The young man had a painful expression of 'I have been hurt very badly and I need to be comforted'.

He sniffed his nose seriously, and said with a forced smile: "Since you don't agree, then forget it, I was just joking, don't take it to heart."

He didn't worry too much about why he was rejected.

He just took a deep breath, and said, "You may have lost your memory, or you may not know me. But I know you. You are Jiang Zhiyue. Now we take the liberty to invite you here, it is a bit offending , but I will compensate you in the future. Just please don’t make too much noise, and don’t try to resist us, we are friendly to you and will not do anything excessive to you.”

Jiang Zhiyue said lazily: "How can you guarantee that I can trust you enough?"

The young man was stopped by this question, he pursed his lips, and said solemnly: "Please. Just help me this time, and I will give you whatever you want in the future."

Jiang Zhiyue didn't feel any killing intent from the people around her.Think about it, Zuo Zuo is just being locked up once.Actually nothing.So she nodded and agreed to the other party's request.

"I can promise you, but..." Jiang Zhiyue blinked innocently, and said with a smile, "You have to sign a contract with me, after all, this is the first time I have made a deal with a stranger , if... you guys try to lie to me, then I'll be at a loss?"

The young man nodded without thinking: "You can sign the contract, I understand your concerns."

He thought for a while, and promised: "Well, when we arrive at the destination, I will have someone draw up a contract, and then the two of us will sign the contract. Is that okay?"

Jiang Zhiyue nodded her head lightly, propped her chin and asked again: "Where is the destination...?"

The young man sighed, "Let me introduce myself first, my name is Lu Ming, I am 25 years old, and I live in Unit [-] of a certain community..."

"You know me from before?" Jiang Zhiyue became interested and asked curiously.Since the other party doesn't really want to talk, where is the destination?Then she didn't make it difficult for the other party and changed the question.

The young man... It can be said to be Lu Ming at this moment, he nodded to express his agreement with Jiang Zhiyue's question, and then said: "I have met several times, but I don't know much about it."

What do you want to hear?I will make it up for you on the spot.

Know Jiang Zhiyue?No, he got Jiang Zhiyue's information and formally met Jiang Zhiyue... just now.

Lu Ming suppressed his guilt.

Jiang Zhiyue didn't see that the other party was lying, she rolled her eyes and said, "Then do you know that I have any relatives in this world?"

In order to reduce the little girl's pain, Lu Ming shook his head, "No, not anymore."

Jiang Zhiyue withdrew her eyes in disappointment, and murmured in a low voice: "...Is that so."

It turns out that she is an orphan, so there is a reason why she will lose her memory and be sent to the harem of a dog man.

Otherwise, if she had a family, how could she be sent to a strange place so easily.And no one will know when he has been missing for so long...

You know, this is illegal!Children, don't imitate.

Jiang Zhiyue felt a little lost, but she still showed her sadness.Instead, he smiled optimistically.

"That's good, no one can drag me down."

Lu Ming was baffled by what Jiang Zhiyue said when he didn't come. He carefully observed the expression on the little girl's face, and found that the little girl didn't feel too disappointed.

Lu Ming was a little curious.Is the little girl in disguise?Or...she doesn't care if she has relatives at all?Are you born a cold-blooded person?
Whether it's the former or the latter... it seems that it's not very good?

Soon they arrived at their destination smoothly, ending this embarrassing aura.

Lu Ming got out of the car first, walked to Jiang Zhiyue and opened the car door, "Get down first, it's cold, let's go in first."

Jiang Zhiyue nodded her head.Let the other party take her to go deep.

This is a very big and beautiful villa.

Stand alone on the hill.

Along the way, apart from the road, there are no other people living there.

It can be said that this villa occupies a very large area, and perhaps even the entire mountain is owned by the same owner.

Objectively speaking.This family is not ordinary rich.

He was much richer than Shi Bo Yuan, that doggy man who only knew how to open a harem.

Jiang Zhiyue had an inexplicable thought in her heart, as if she had been here before.

But if I think about it carefully, I didn't find any useful memories.She had to give up and sighed.

It seems that the day of restoring memory is still a long way to go.

When will she regain her memory?

Led by Lu Ming, Jiang Zhiyue took the elevator in the villa to the second basement floor.

Jiang Zhiyue was obviously stunned, and as the road going down became deeper and deeper, she frowned tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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