Lu Ming: "..."

He turned around and glanced at the little girl inexplicably.

This little girl looked young, but her hands were so strong that she almost knocked his head off.

It hurts, it hurts.

If you think he speaks loudly, can you remind him gently?But why do you want to do it to him?

Do you really know how strong you are? QAQ! ! !

In fact, he had practiced it before, and his skills were quite agile, but the little girl's actions were too fast, which was beyond his expectation.It also overturned his perception of the little girl, so he was beaten.

Jiang Zhiyue's actions can be said to have successfully made her completely lose the aura of a goddess.Become a common man.

The little girl beats people so fiercely.

Be careful not to find the object!

Lu Ming slandered in his heart.

But suddenly thought of the purpose of this trip, he stopped his movements suddenly, and his face became embarrassed.


Their goal is to make Jiang Zhiyue and Xing Yichen fall in love!
and so--

Jiang Zhiyue can't find a partner or something... It's completely impossible, hey!
The little girl can find the object even if she closes her eyes! ! !

Think in time.

Lu Ming shed bitter tears.

Feel bad and want to cry.

It doesn't matter that he himself is not only a ten thousand year single dog.Now I have to make do with two single dogs to make a couple and fall in love, and I was beaten on the head by one of them. It's too embarrassing to say it.

He doesn't want to live anymore.

Lu Ming looked hopeless, even looking at Jiang Zhiyue with despair.

Jiang Zhiyue endured it, couldn't bear it anymore, she gritted her teeth and asked him, "Why are you staring at me?"

"Look at you." Lu Ming said arrogantly.

Oops, I can't stand my temper!
As soon as Jiang Zhiyue saw Lu Ming's expression of wanting to be beaten, she wanted to kick him hard again.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at him with a half-smile, "Didn't you get beaten enough?"

I want to see this little fairy in TM, this little fairy will beat you up and cry! !

Jiang Zhiyue squeezed her pink little fist.

On the beautiful face, the expression is very cruel.

It can be described as flabbergasted.

Lu Ming fell silent when he heard the words, and said in his heart: You looked at my face, did you notice anything?Yes, that's right, my face was already full of tears.

You do not understand.

In fact, going to school on Zhou Wei is wrong, indirect, false, vulgar, subjective, incomplete, two-dimensional, one-sided, isolated, dialectical, refined and vulgar, digressive, unspeakable, Gentle, critical, and targeted!

You have no idea!Because you are not a student!I don't understand the pain of students! !

Lu Ming stared deeply at Jiang Zhiyue and didn't speak for a while.Suddenly he opened his mouth and said: "For you~ I turned into a werewolf~~~For you~~I became crazy~~For you~~~Put on a thick disguise~~For you~I changed my heart~~ "

The little girl was stunned by his wailing singing.

Also stunned Xing Yichen who had been hiding in the corner.

He peeped at the two who had just entered, staring at them closely in the dark.

The scarlet eyes were stained with blood.

He frowned violently, pinching his exceptionally protruding teeth.

His teeth are very sharp.

If there was something here, he might shatter it with a single bite.

... very dangerous!

After Lu Ming sang the song, seeing Jiang Zhiyue was stunned, he didn't want to answer his words at all.

He raised his eyebrows in shock for a moment: "What? I'm fascinated by it? Have you never seen someone whose singing voice is more heavenly than mine?"

He had a look of 'No way, I'm just too good. ' Desperate expression.

... Fuck!What's going on!

Jiang Zhiyue clenched her fists, and finally couldn't help but want to punch her up!

The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon——

Before long, Xing Yichen came out from the darkness. He walked up behind the little girl without a sound, and hugged her waist with his fingers.

Soft as expected.

Make him very addicted.

Xing Yichen slowly raised his thin lips, and his sharp teeth shrank into a shape that only normal humans have.

Jiang Zhiyue froze from the scorching hot body behind her!
After a short silence of two seconds, the little girl let out an exclamation.

Bounced one meter away, gently patted the heart that was breathing heavily, raised his eyes to look at the man who suddenly appeared with lingering fear in his heart.

...Is he Xing Yichen?
The mysterious man who is about to fall in love with her?

Jiang Zhiyue breathed a sigh of relief, and through the faint light around her, she could clearly see the man's handsome face, which was not like ordinary people.

Suddenly, she was not so resistant to having a boyfriend.

She even really wanted to have a vigorous love affair with this man who wanted to have a deeper development with him after only seeing him once.

The best... is the one with an ending! !

Jiang Zhiyue's brain was like enlightenment.Suddenly, a clear stream washed her soul, and the little girl seemed to have figured out something in this second.Blinking her star-like bright eyes, she took another step forward shyly, and timidly raised her head.

Just looking at Xing Yichen like that.

She opened her red and moist lips, and greeted Xing Yichen in a soft voice: "Morning...good morning!" Hiccup with a hoarse loli voice)
Jiang Zhiyue's heart was crazy: (appeared with a rose in his mouth) Good afternoon, my man, I don't know if you would like...

Xing Yichen hasn't spoken yet.

Then I heard the beautiful and cute little girl say weakly again: "Just now... Zai saw you... I feel that you... are very frustrated."

The little girl finally plucked up the courage and said a coherent sentence: "Yes, you can be my boyfriend!!"

Jiang Zhiyue suppressed the intense excitement in her heart, and looked at Xing Yichen shyly.

So handsome, so handsome!

How could there be such a perfect, handsome and handsome man in this world! !It's so handsome that it cracks the sky! !If she falls in love with this man, then she will not lose money!Even if she is greened and scumbag in the future, she will not lose money!Earn a fortune!

Falling in love with a handsome guy is a very pleasing thing, especially falling in love with a stunning handsome guy who is handsome and splits the sky, it is simply a blessing from three lives and three generations!

Everyone says that falling in love is a very, very painful thing.

So let her suffer this pain! !

Please don't be stingy and let her pursue this peerless handsome guy!

Jiang Zhiyue's eyes were shining, she was fascinated by Xing Yichen's face, wondering what year it is.

His handsome face is impeccable, and his tall and straight figure is very easy to make people fall in love at first sight, Jiang Zhiyue was properly seduced.

She is like a big carp in a fish pond, successfully hooked on a hook without bait!And the owner of the fishhook is - Xing Yichen!

She is willing!
She can!
Isn't it just a love?She can talk!She is very willing! ! !

Jiang Zhiyue roared loudly in her heart, but on the surface she pursed her lips very shyly, and said in a low voice: "Actually... do you think that the matter I asked is too sudden for you? If you are willing to just agree to fall in love with me, it is also possible.

Now, we can get to know each other first and get along slowly.Wait until you feel it later... It's not too late to talk about a relationship..."

The little girl stared at Xing Yichen with her delicate eyes, and quietly added, "Are you right?"

Xing Yichen's expression was extraordinarily indifferent, skillfully coping with others' admiration for him.

He is so outstanding, before he got sick, countless women came forward to confess their love to him.But he couldn't move his mind at all.

He is very cold by nature.

For emotional matters.Xing Yichen is even more ignorant, and he doesn't want to have feelings.

He lives in this world like a heartless machine.After surviving for 30 years, three months later... that is the day when he died as described in the prophecy.

When a person is about to die, it seems that everything in the world has nothing to do with him.

As a result, the already cold and indifferent person became even more cold-blooded and ruthless.

But the people around him did not give up on his treatment.Delusion from the hands of Hades.Take his life back and prolong his life.

So they tried everything, and finally found one.A little girl named Jiang.

If it is just as predicted, the little girl and him, the two of them will successfully become a partner, and they really love each other.

So.His life will be extended and he will become a normal human being.Live for decades before facing death.

In fact, from the very beginning, he felt that this matter was not feasible.

He was also very conflicted about this matter in his heart.

But today...

As soon as he saw this little girl, he felt very close to his eyes.

So, in the last relationship of life, talk about a relationship.It is not impossible.

Since they want to.Well, he did just that.

Xing Yichen felt a little joy in his heart, a shallow smile appeared on his thin lips, a little arrogant, but this expression was made by a handsome and handsome face, so it didn't have the gesture of ordinary people who didn't want to be beaten, but instead It's very pleasing to the eye.

Like random flowers, it fascinates other people's eyes and hearts.

Xing Yichen looked at the little girl in a daze, obviously fascinated by his smile, and became nympho.And from the looks of it, the little girl didn't show any resistance to him, on the contrary, she had a little liking and interest in him.

Thinking of these, think of some of the next possibilities.

The smile on Xing Yichen's thin lips became deeper, and he glanced lightly at the light bulb Lu Ming beside him.

Feeling that there was an [-]-watt electric light bulb above his head, Lu Ming silently lowered his head, squeezed the key and retreated with great interest. He did not close the two deep iron doors.

Instead, after walking some distance, all the iron doors outside were locked again.

Didn't stay here any longer, disturbing the two of them getting along.

After the only light bulb on the scene left.

The smile on Xing Yichen's handsome face made him indulge a little bit.

He bent down slowly, the height difference between the little girl and him was a little cute, he had to bend down to be at eye level with her.

The red pupils finally met the little girl's black eyes, which were as clear as a pool of water.

Intense, hot and hot emotions surged in his red pupils.

...too hot.

With a dignified gaze, the hot little girl's heart tightened.

It doesn't feel like that.

This feeling is wrong.

She actually developed a trace of fear towards him.

what happened?

A faint voice in her heart warned her that the person in front of her was not the person she had been thinking about day and night.

Although they have the same name, age, and appearance, they are the same.

But... the soul doesn't seem to be the same.

Obviously, the voice in her head told her.The handsome man in front of him should be as gentle as jade and as harmonious as a spring breeze.

No, a man who can have such passionate and emotionally fluctuating pupils, and such a crazy man...

What is wrong?

Jiang Zhiyue's breathing became tight again.

"Xing Yichen..."

Jiang Zhiyue gently called the man opposite, his name seemed very familiar to her.

But the man in front of her was not the one she was familiar with...

Damn, what is going on?

Did the former self know Xing Yichen?So, what kind of relationship do they have?

Why do I feel afraid of Xing Yichen when I see him now? ?

This sentiment...isn't right.

Xing Yichen scraped the tip of the little girl's nose with his fingers, his tone was magnetic and seductive, right next to her ear, accompanied by the sound of light breathing, mixed with a few traces of smile, he said in a low voice, "I'm here."

The scorching breath hit her ears, causing her heart to tremble violently again.

The inexplicable feeling in my heart became more and more intense.

Jiang Zhiyue couldn't help but pouted, and dally moved away from Xing Yichen.

——It was because her ears were too close to his mouth! !
The sound of his breathing made her more uneasy, and even became irritable.

Jiang Zhiyue had no choice but to take a step back, raised a hand as white as jade, covered her heart and gasped softly, staring at the other party with her beautiful eyes.With red pupils that are not like ordinary people, she whispered softly: "Did we know each other before?"


Xing Yichen shook his head slightly. "do not know."

I don't know why, when Xing Yichen said these three words.I felt a sudden pain in my heart.It seems that there is some invisible power in the dark.Twist his heart and make him very uncomfortable.

... Strange, what did he say wrong?
It wasn't just Xing Yichen who felt this way.

The petite and lovely girl Jiang Zhiyue in front of her was also tortured badly by the uncomfortable emotions.

Her heartbeat accelerated to a level unmatched by ordinary people.

After hearing the man across the street denying the same words, Jiang Zhiyue's heartbeat slowly slowed down, and it took a while before it returned to normal.

For some reason, Jiang Zhiyue's delicate pupils shed two lines of clear tears without warning.

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