Xing Yichen himself couldn't figure it out, why did this happen all of a sudden?

Jiang Zhiyue's body looked alive and kicking.Very healthy, there seems to be nothing on her body, other serious diseases, otherwise...

Jiang Zhiyue wouldn't be so lively anymore, could it be... because he said something wrong just now?

But... what he said, Xing Yichen, were all sincere and sincere, and he expressed good words of confession, and he didn't intentionally stimulate Jiang Zhiyue's nerves, so...

What is going on?Xing Yichen didn't know either.

Xing Yichen could only speak, bewildered and nervous, softly but seriously.

Comforting the little girl in his arms.

The little girl trembled violently, living in Xing Yichen's arms would be worse than death.

Xing Yichen was so nervous that he stopped breathing.

Jiang Zhiyue swallowed even more and cried.

Fortunately, I persisted.

My girlfriend, she seems to have lost her memory before.

With her hips on her hips, she said arrogantly.

In the beautiful eyes, there was a perplexed light.

And it's a very, very important thing.

What kind of weird thinking is this?
Jiang Zhiyue was furious.

Don't bear, so uncomfortable pain.'s too painful, I really can't bear it, why is it so painful? "

Jiang Zhiyue is at this time.

Did she have a headache because of amnesia?
Look at the doctor, look at her, she is in pain, come and save her, who will save her? "

Jiang Zhiyue didn't have it for the time being, but when she found out that there was something wrong with what Xing Yichen said, she was just very happy, and her headache didn't hurt anymore.

Conscious again...

A look of joy.

Jiang Zhiyue blushed with embarrassment.

"I'm always begging you to live well and wake up quickly."

The little face cried and turned into a little tabby cat.

What's more, other injuries, or blood stasis, blocked Jiang Zhiyue's cerebral blood vessels, causing pain. ! !

This is strange.

My head hurts too.

Please comfort me, please hug me.

Jiang Zhiyue finally opened her mouth to ask.

Jiang Zhiyue was restless and bit her own mouth.

Instead, the doctors discovered that Jiang Zhiyue's mental state was very stable, and her head, Jiang Zhiyue, had not suffered any huge blows.

Xing Yichen was in a hurry, hugging Jiang Zhiyue.

Xing Yichen looked extremely serious.

"People want to eat Coca-Cola chicken wings."

Xing Yichen also possessed some more property, and with it, he was able to marry his beloved back home and hold a huge wedding in a splendid manner.

Because Jiang Zhiyue has now turned into a soul.

"Don't cry, Ah Chen, I'm not back yet."

Jiang Zhiyue knew it clearly, and felt that she is now whole, her body is light and light, as if... floating in the air.

Ah Chen...

Arrived at the hospital soon.

"I've been alone for two years, and I really can't wait."

I just hope this moment is forever.

The tone of speech is also very serious.

Jiang Zhiyue whimpered, crying like a child.

"I'm so young, I really don't want to die, I can still work hard."

To put it simply, it was because Jiang Zhiyue hadn't detected the root cause of the pain.

Looking at the packaging, it looks like a thing.

Xing Yichen straightened her body.

Xing Yichen smiled, and took out a very huge box from his pocket.

Jiang Zhiyue's pretty face was tightly tangled together.

I am obviously so young, only in my early 20s.How could he have some disease?

Finally, he realized that Xing Yichen's emotions seemed... very wrong.

Could it was really at that time that the wound caused my have changed, so I didn't live for so long? ! "

Shocked and surprised.

Jiang Zhiyue, this lovely girl, can only belong to him alone.

Therefore, Jiang Zhiyue hugged him in her arms and comforted him gently.

Jiang Zhiyue was very serious and made a promise.

It's all good and good, but it's good that it can't be safe.

"Look, my girlfriend! She suddenly had a terrible pain in her head.

what happened?

Jiang Zhiyue froze for a moment, her face full of shock.

Jiang Zhiyue admitted that she couldn't be as good and perfect as Xing Yichen.

Go to the bathroom to wash your hands.

I admitted this unfortunate thing to myself.

Not to mention talking about life and ideals with her.

"Ah!" Jiang Zhiyue was shocked.

Want to understand this matter.

"Achen, I'm fine."

Like tear incontinence, tears flow like water.

The little girl smiled, she was very cute, with a pair of shining eyes, looking bright.

Xing Yichen took a deep breath.

Usually a noble and glamorous man, the honorable heir of the Xing family group.

At this moment, she was humble and begged others for her sake.

Tears hazy.

"Ah Yue, will you marry me?" Xing Yichen knelt on one knee, staring at his girlfriend affectionately.

Jiang Zhiyue lowered her head.

Seeing two people approaching, Xing Yichen frantically ran over, pulling each other for advice.

"I promise you, little liar."

Indeed no problems were found.

The mood is also particularly depressed.

The expression is particularly flustered.

It was as if something had been forced into her mind.

The eyes of the two people directly met each other.

Jiang Zhiyue said, "Have I been in a coma for a long time? How long can it last?"

But I can't remember anything!
Is it...

Positive young heart, as if by something, like a huge injury.

In the past two years, the second personality has completely occupied this body and cleared the No.1 personality.

"You have been in a coma for two full years."

What is the reason?

Looking quietly, everything that happened in the hospital seemed to have nothing to do with her.

"Great, my head really doesn't hurt anymore." Jiang Zhiyue clenched her fists and waved them.

The two of us can have a boy and a girl together, all of them are our children, we will live happily, and the children will grow up happily.

All the way to the hospital.

I finally returned to normal.

But it didn't have any effect.

Xing Yichen hugged his girlfriend.

It turns out that seeing someone you love with your own eyes makes you sad and sad. It's such an uncomfortable feeling. No wonder...

After waiting for a while, I still didn't feel it, and I had a headache.Pain.

"I know you are happy, but don't be happy first."

Xing Yichen's eyes were filled with tears, and he couldn't help crying emotionally.

The box is very red.

Jiang Zhiyue threw herself into Xing Yichen's arms.

My life can't just end here easily, I want to live strong!

"Every day before was a special torment."

However, Jiang Zhiyue also loves Xing Yichen.

"Heaven, he finally saw my wish and let you wake up safely, and there is nothing serious about your body."

"Achen...I am in too much pain!!
Am I going to live?
Could it be that I... got something, a serious illness?

How did she experience it?

With a serious uneasy feeling.

Tears flowed like she didn't want money, dripping on her clothes and face.

When I wake up, my boyfriend, isn't he happy?He even told her not to laugh.

Get up and get out of bed.

There is a bright smile on the beautiful eyes and a happy smile.

She tilted her head cutely.

"I will be very happy, very happy."

Jiang Zhiyue kept thinking about this question.

However, Jiang Zhiyue started again, feeling her heart ached.

With a serious and serious expression, he stared into Jiang Zhiyue's eyes.

Jiang Zhiyue's face was full of arrogance.

"Ah finally woke up."

Why is Xing Yichen's expression so serious?
it's wired.

A quick laugh.

You are too much of you!snort.Oh, I'm really angry. "

Jiang Zhiyue didn't know.

Jiang Zhiyue panicked and called Xing Yichen's name.

Let alone talk to her.

Before Jiang Zhiyue, when she started crying.Xing Yichen comforted her kindly, told her not to cry, and treated her so tenderly.

Jiang Zhiyue wept with joy.

Xing Yichen also had this question in his mind.

Jiang Zhiyue was stunned after listening.

Xing Yichen didn't continue, and teased Jiang Zhiyue.

Jiang Zhiyue looked even more distressed.

She, Jiang Zhiyue, blinked mischievously and said again.

"I really hope that when I close my eyes again and open them the next day, there will be more on my bedside table, a delicious breakfast."

Delicate and beautiful eyes, full of tears.

said word by word.

Jiang Zhiyue cried for a few minutes alone.

Xing Yichen.

Jiang Zhiyue watched with her own eyes, her body was pushed into the ward, and the doctors took great pains to give her a full-body examination.

Jiang Zhiyue was gently hugged by Xing Yichen.

During the period of fainting, he couldn't hold back anymore and collapsed.

"We will definitely be happy and joyful. We will never live without any accidents."

A tingling sensation inside the brain.Violently disturbed her, happy happy mood.

The shrinking heart is particularly uncomfortable.

Never again, something, or any accident, will disturb them.

"What? Ah Chen... why don't you let me laugh? I want to laugh!
I am born to love to laugh, I smile very beautifully, I am naturally beautiful, I can't give up on myself, how good-looking I am when I smile, villain Chen, don't you let me laugh?

I am an unlucky ghost.

said word by word.

The pain was so bad that Jiang Zhiyue was bloody and bloody, and his mind was a mess.

His own company is also flourishing.

And my head doesn't hurt anymore.

I don't want to, I still want to live, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to be with you, forever and ever, I want to have children with you.

Started crying again.

Jiang Zhiyue was very scared and worried.

Jiang Zhiyue found herself able to open her eyes.

"Achen, look at me like this? Could it be that I really have some terminal illness? Oh my god, my brain won't grow anymore. Something? How is that possible? ?
I'm so healthy, I shouldn't be, I did lose my memory and hit my head, but there are no other major problems!

Here comes the reverse psychology.

He threw himself into the arms of his boyfriend.

Asked what was in my heart.

Just came across.

Let alone notice her.

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in my heart.

"Doctor, doctor, nurse, is there anyone? Come and save her." Xing Yichen shouted desperately, disturbing his mind.

She... obviously just felt that she had slept all night!
It's just that the time of falling asleep is a little long.

Xing Yichen wiped away his tears and laughed heartily.

The hair on the small head is fluffy.

For no reason, why does Jiang Zhiyue's brain hurt so much?

Crying became a tearful man.

Pushing open the door again, when walking out.

But at this time, it's too late.

What has been in a coma for a long time?

"What is this thing?"

, Jiang Zhiyue's consciousness began to become chaotic, only after a while.

Say something gentle to Jiang Zhiyue.

She is very happy now, very happy.

Xing Yichen raised his beautiful lips, and gently kissed his little girlfriend's forehead.

"Ah Yue, do you know that you have been in a coma for a long time?"

It is also possible not to understand.

Jiang Zhiyue was devastated, relying on her boyfriend.

Jiang Zhiyue shouted excitedly.

Their love will last forever.

The young couple didn't think clearly.

Let her heart feel hairy.

When people look at it, they really want to touch the little girl's head.

He wants to see if he can sleep forever after this sleep.

Eyes widened in surprise.

Oh, it feels like I have slept for a long time, and I can finally hug my boyfriend.

What is it like?The suffering can make a big man, a strong and brave man, cry like a child.

Really been in a coma for many days?
Jiang Zhiyue asked because she didn't know.

No one can see her.


"Let me stay with you for the rest of the time!"

full of joy.

Jiang Zhiyue sighed deeply.

It was simply too much.

This strange feeling of the soul coming out of the body.

Xing Yichen was very serious and interrupted the little girl without finishing his sentence.

Jiang Zhiyue bulged her cheeks.


and so……

His expression was particularly serious.

They longed for someone to come to them and dispel their confusion, but no one could dispel their confusion for them. However, they could only endure this matter silently in their hearts.

"Achen, will you make it?"

Jiang Zhiyue is very delicate, acting like a baby to her dear boyfriend.

Trying to get Xing Yichen's attention.

Xing Yichen's expression was very serious, and he said seriously.

The corners of his mouth were raised wildly.

Laughing to death, I can't control such agitated emotions at all.

Who is so uneasy about a marriage proposal?
Anyway, Xing Yichen felt that he couldn't calm down anymore.

I finally hugged the beauty back home.

"Jiang Zhiyue, are you willing to marry me and be my wife?"

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