Chapter 166

Could it be... Is there really a blood relationship between me and this old man who suddenly appeared?

Jiang Zhiyue was in disbelief all over her face.

She was stunned, not knowing what to do, and she seemed very at a loss.

Jiang Zhiyue hugged her boyfriend helplessly, seeking comfort.

He gestured wildly with his eyes: what should I do now?
Xing Yichen clearly sensed Jiang Zhiyue's nervousness.

So, he patted Jiang Zhiyue's hand lightly.

Whisper in Jiang Zhiyue's ear.

"Ah Yue, he seems to be your relative."

Don't ask anything else, just because the two of them really look alike.

The old man who suddenly appeared in front of him had exactly the same eyes as Jiang Zhiyue.

So Xing Yichen discovered the most critical problem at a glance.

That's why he spoke with such certainty.

Jiang Zhiyue was still very nervous at first, but she was stunned by Xing Yichen's words.

Jiang Zhiyue muttered to herself easily.

"Is he really my grandfather? Or someone else?"

When Mr. Jiang heard what the little girl Jiang Zhiyue said, he couldn't hold back anymore.

He wiped away his tears, and said softly, "Yue'er, don't you know grandpa? What happened to you in the past two years? You don't even know your relatives anymore. Could it be that you lost your memory? Who hurt you? "

When Jiang Zhiyue heard Mr. Jiang's questioning, she felt very wronged in her heart. How did she know who harmed her?

Jiang Zhiyue only knew that as soon as she opened her eyes, she was locked up in the manor by that idiot Shi Boyuan, and fought wits and courage with several women.

Then when they came out, they met Xing Yichen.

And talk about love.

It's hard to fall in love, and it's so miserable!

In a coma again, go straight to sleep!
After sleeping, when I woke up, I found that the time had come two years later.

Before he could find out the reason, he was brought by Xing Yichen to attend the engagement ceremony of this shitty Helian Rumo.

Let's go to an engagement ceremony, right?I also met a few stupid women talking to her.

Thinking of the name Li Chunzhen makes me angry.

Fortunately, I could hold back just now, if I didn't hold back, I'm afraid I would punch Li Cunzhen directly and knocked out.

Hehe, who made Li Chunzhen shameless to pester her for so long?Angry Jiang Zhiyue.

There was a cloud of anger in my heart, and I wanted to vent it.

In Jiang Zhiyue's heart, the more she thought about it, the more wronged she became, and she couldn't hold it back, but she also started crying.

The two men, the old and the young, hugged each other and cried.

The scene was very embarrassing.

Xing Yichen: "..."

Forget it, he also... Do you want to cooperate with these two people and cry?
There is really nothing to do with them.

Xing Yichen comforted the old and the young in front of him.

"This is not a place to talk, let's find a place to sit down and have a good chat."

Xing Yichen suggested to Mr. Jiang.

In his heart, Mr. Jiang also planned this way, but Xing Yichen was the first to say it out.

Only Jiang Zhiyue was still in a state of bewilderment, completely unresponsive to what happened.

Then she was driven away by two very important men in her life.

Until sitting in the car, Jiang Zhiyue was still in a daze.

She asked incredulously.

"Do I really have family?"

As soon as Mr. Jiang heard the little girl's question, his eyes couldn't help turning red again.

The tone became even more pharynx, almost unable to speak, and spoke intermittently.

"Yue'er, don't worry, grandpa will help you find your lost memories, don't worry. No one else can take away the things you use."

Jiang Zhiyue was stunned again when she heard this sentence.

what my thingNo one else can take it away.

Could it be... Was she still a little rich woman?
Jiang Zhiyue's imagination widened.

Then he couldn't help smiling.

Sadness flashed by.

Now I just think about myself, if she is really a little rich rich woman, she must be very beautiful!She was very happy in her heart.Expand your mind.

Jiang Zhiyue smiled even more happily.

She held Mr. Jiang's hand and said softly, "Grandpa...I believe you...will definitely help me find my lost memories."

Although this old man has not clearly indicated his identity.

However, Jiang Zhiyue has already acquiesced in her heart that this so-called old man Jiang is her own biological grandfather.

The two of them, grandpa and grandson, looked at each other seriously, as if they wanted to engrave each other's appearance deeply in their bones.

Someone who lost it once.

I don't want to lose it a second time.

Both of them thought so in their hearts.

Relatives look at each other.

The hard-won family affection is even more precious.

While driving the car, Xing Yichen checked the expressions of his grandfather and grandson through the rearview mirror.

Seeing them chatted naturally.

Xing Yichen felt more relieved.

Soon, Xing Yichen arrived at a restaurant with his grandfather and grandson in his car.

In fact, the few of them didn't eat much just now, but now... It's really unreasonable not to eat something in this scene.

That's why Xing Yichen decided to take them to the restaurant.

"Here we are. Grandpa, Ah Yue, let's all come down first and find a place to sit."

Xing Yichen and Zhang Chao were fine, and then brought the two of them into the restaurant.

The restaurant is very remote, but the inside is very stylish.

Let the two grandfathers and grandchildren who were depressed originally.

Relax as soon as you enter, after the two of them are seated.

He started chattering about what happened recently.

Of course it was Mr. Jiang who spoke yesterday.

He first sighed, and then followed his own granddaughter.

"Oh, that mother of yours is really." Mr. Jiang sighed deeply, and his heart began to feel sad again.

Jiang Zhiyue's mother is really too bad.

Not only did she marry an incompetent husband, she even adopted a stepdaughter with vicious thoughts.

His own daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, had been missing for more than two years and did not send anyone to look for her. She spent all day in the villa with two unrelated people.Living together, even drove him, the old man... out.

Mr. Jiang is getting old now, his actions are not as good as before, and his body is not as good as before.

That's why he was dealt with like this by those two outsiders.

Isolate every day.

Mr. Jiang couldn't tell in his heart, what a pain!
I can come today to attend the engagement ceremony, but Mr. Jiang was in a depressed mood and wanted to come out for a while, but he didn't expect...

It turned out to be true, it was really great to find my long-lost, granddaughter Jiang Zhiyue.

(End of this chapter)

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