Chapter 183

Xing Yichen, on the other hand, had a accustomed expression on his face.

Very calm and calm, looking at the wonderful performance in front of me, about a few men and women, between them.

Xing Yichen sighed in his heart, did he discipline his younger brothers too strictly for so many years?

In the past, he did order his younger brother and the others not to fall in love early.

Because the words of puppy love will affect the family business.


This wink.

These younger brothers are all 21 and [-] years old, and they are all adults. The relationship that should be talked about... still has to be talked about.

But, I don't know, where and what link, what happened?
After so many years, my younger brothers are still single, have never dated any girlfriends, and have no girls in mind...

...and no girl I ever liked.

Thinking of this, Xing Yichen paused for a moment, and turned his head to look at his little girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue, the corners of her mouth curled up into a gentle smile.

Oh, it's really weird.

It's okay, I'm very lucky, and I have a girlfriend right away, haha, I'm so beautiful.

It's really cool not to be with single dogs.

Xing Yichen directly cleared his throat, interrupting the conversation of several people over there.

"Good morning." Xing Yichen and Jiang Zhiyue, the two young lovers, greeted Helian Keke, Xing Zhiyi, Xing Feiran and the other singles over there.

If you don't speak, you don't know, and when you speak, you will be shocked.

Those few people were frightened into chaos, and there was a lot of noise.

Then I was very nervous and sat upright in my seat.

Xing Yichen gave them a strange look.

I was thinking in my heart, what happened to these people?

Why is it a bit weird?

Listening to their conversation just now, the content of the chat is very normal!

... If you want to talk about love or something, he will not continue to stop them, just talk about it if you want.

No big deal, it's all adults.

But right now, when Xing Yichen spoke by himself, Xing Zhiyi and Xing Feiran, like a mouse seeing a cat, turned into quails!
All of them lowered their heads, their eyes wandered wildly, even if they didn't dare to look at Xing Yichen, they didn't dare to make a sound.

... Sigh, in just a few seconds, the atmosphere at the scene has already begun to be very embarrassing.

Xing Yichen, who appeared here unexpectedly, was just like that, Snow White's vicious stepmother, terrifying and frightening.

It's like a pure and lovely lamb meeting a wolf who eats the sheep without spit out the bones... and runs away without hesitation.

Wait, he himself... is using the male protagonist's script, so he's not that fierce.

Xing Yichen was tense, with a facial expression.

The face that was already very serious, now... looks even more serious. In fact, Xing Yichen is that kind of born world-weary face.

There is no expression on your face, and you don't have the intention to put on any expression, but when others look at you, they will subconsciously think that you hate him.

Because your face is relaxed.

It's just three white eyes, very fierce.

It makes people faintly uneasy... I feel a deep fear in my heart.

and so……

It's really not Xing Zhiyi and the others who are afraid of Xing Yichen, it's because they think that Xing Yichen is angry after hearing their conversation.

After all, when I was a child...

Xing Zhiyi and the boys are also thinking about the idea of ​​puppy love in their hearts...

However, ever since Xing Yichen caught her premature love, she was punished.


That time passed.

It is comparable to the hell mode, so that the young teenagers have left a very serious and indelible psychological shadow in their hearts. When they grow up... they dare not try it easily fall in love.

... It's not easy, go out for a trip, and then see if there are any beautiful girls coming to talk about a vigorous love?

But... how many of them, haven't said a few words yet, my brother Xing Yichen...

It suddenly appeared again! !

Here comes the smell.

He came, he came, he came with BGM!
He is coming, he is coming, he is coming with arrogant steps!

Here he is, here he is, this little couple is coming to abuse the dog!

He's here, he's here, he's expressionless, he's about to hit someone!
He came, he came, he came with arrogance!

Xing Yichen is at this very moment.

It's almost like, a fierce and vicious Lord Hades!
Just so expressionless, quietly staring at them next to them, staring at them all the time! !

Ahhhhhhh, childhood shadows are here! !

This elusive brother is really terrifying and surprising!
...unbelievable, really.

So yeah.

Xing Zhiyi and the others were not in the mood, and continued to talk to little sisters and sisters, and went to fall in love.

I didn't dare to mention it at all.

A few big quails, obediently, sat on their seats, reluctantly smiling at their new brother Xing Yichen.

"Good morning Brother Yi Chen, good morning little sister-in-law!" The few of them greeted each other with 'enthusiasm'.

Responding to the greeting that Xing Yichen greeted them just now.

Alas, life is not easy, it is really too difficult.

What bad intentions can these boys have?
They just want to have a good relationship, but the cruel reality...

Just to stop them, I don't want him to fall in love!

And he had to be forced to eat dog food that belonged to his own brother! !

It's simply stuffing dog food!
Xing Yichen!Jiang Zhiyue!You nasty dog ​​lovers!unacceptable!It's too good to be true! !
They could only cry inwardly over and over again.

These little boys, complaining in their hearts, one after another, couldn't stop at all.

f But on the surface, still as quiet as a chicken.

Obedient and clever, just like a primary school student.

——They didn't dare to make a sound at all, because if they made a sound, they would have to undergo training in hell mode.

Or be beaten.

They don't want to be beaten like sandbags, so...

She can only cowardly, in front of her own brother Xing Yichen, cowardly like a dog.

Life is not easy.

They all sighed together.

Looking at each other, they suppressed the grievance in their hearts.

Alas, in life, how can there be very happy things?It's all done step by step, alas, it's enough to survive a lifetime.

After this life, there is still the next life waiting for them. If this life is not good, the next life will be good! have to have something to look forward to, otherwise, it's easy to make yourself depressed.

They look very open.

The mood is also very cheerful.

Hahaha, it's not like a single dog at all.

——This is the hell joke on today's scale! !


Well, well, although their brains are very active, they are still cowardly on the surface.

Just like that, watching their elder brother Xing Yichen, pulling his sister-in-law Jiang Zhiyue, after taking a seat opposite them.

Then happily holding the menu, I ordered a breakfast.

Then start eating.

"Try this, it's delicious." Xing Yichen thoughtfully peeled an egg for Jiang Zhiyue.

This is not an ordinary egg, this is the egg in Wang Weishi~~

Jiang Zhiyue twitched a little.

In fact, this is a very famous local egg.

It is said that eating it brings good luck.

Jiang Zhiyue just doesn't believe in this evil.

Jiang Zhiyue said to her boyfriend Xing Yichen in a serious manner. "Brother Ah Chen, why are the eggs here so expensive?"

Xing Yichen thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's because the rent is expensive."

Xing Zhiyi couldn't understand why these two things could be linked together?

Then he opened his mouth and asked his own brother Xing Yichen with a smile.

Xing Zhiyi said, "Why? Why is the rent expensive? Eggs are expensive."

Xing Yichen was light and flirtatious, and cast a blank glance at Xing Zhiyi, which seemed to harbor murderous intent.

Seen by this look, Xing Zhiyi shivered with a chill all over his body.

No, no, no, myself... did I say something wrong again?


Xing Yichen said concisely, "The rent is expensive, so of course the price of goods is high."

Xing Zhiyi: "...Fuck, can you still do this??" Emma, ​​this is the most basic knowledge... He didn't think of it? ?

Careless, there is no flash.

No wonder, no wonder my elder brother Xing Yichen looked at him with such eyes! !

It's just contempt, full of contempt.

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu like a pig now.

Jiang Zhiyue also twitched the corner of her mouth.

He laughed dryly twice.

"So that's the way it is, it can still be like this..." I was careless and didn't flash.

Sure enough... the evil capitalists would do this.

Jiang Zhiyue was indignant and gnawed on the big chicken leg.

This time, she wants to eat back everything she lost.

Of course...Jiang Zhiyue didn't waste any of the eggs that her boyfriend Xing Yichen handed her, she ate them all, and ate up all the food on her plate.

The little belly was bulged up.

Shame on the waste.

You can't be a person who wastes food. After all, there are many people in this world who don't have enough to eat. It's fine for them to eat so extravagantly, let alone waste food. would be too inappropriate.

The inappropriate Xing Zhiyi: "..."

The inappropriate Helian Keke: "...haha."

The inappropriate Xing Feiran: "..."

The other two brothers of the Xing family who are not human beings: "..." Wait, something seems wrong?
We have all appeared in several chapters, why the author still doesn't write our names?Don't you want to count the words?

...No, no, it's because she forgot our names, right?It must be so!

I have to say, the stupid paper man accidentally revealed the truth!

But a great author will not let them know this truth.

and so……

All are short-lived, lose your memory!

A breakfast was full of wind and clouds.

Fortunately, everyone is full and full of energy.

After eating, Helian Keke proposed to put on a swimsuit, go to the sea first, and stroll around.

What if there is an affair?

She is so beautiful, here, she must be able to find a very suitable boyfriend for her.

Helian Keke is so confident about her appearance and figure.

After all, Helian Keke herself came from a big family, a famous and wealthy daughter.

It's no wonder that no one likes her excellent looks.

Jiang Zhiyue said in a low voice, "That... Sister Keke, don't be so anxious, be careful when you encounter liars, cheating money and sex... Hehehe, it's too bad."

I have to be on guard, these days, scammers have a lot of tricks, what kind of deception, no?It's really a set of one set, and it's hard to guard against.

Helian Keke felt that she, sister Zhiyue, was too worried, as if she was making a fuss out of a molehill.

But she also understands that sister Zhiyue is caring about her.

Helian Keke waved his hand, "Okay, okay, I know you want to show your affection to your boyfriend everywhere, and spread dog food. Then I'll be alone, let's go to play, bye."

Before Jiang Zhiyue could answer Helian Keke's words, Helian Keke ran out like a fish in water.

Just ran away and disappeared.

That speed is comparable to Liu Xiang!
Jiang Zhiyue said: "..." Destroy it, I'm tired.

Alright, alright, since Helian Keke only wants to go out to play and find a boyfriend.

Then, no matter how much nonsense I say, I can't stop Helian Keke.

……never mind.

Respect other people's ideas.

Jiang Zhiyue quickly put her worries behind her and started playing happily.

Oh, my boyfriend Xing Yichen's flourishing beauty, I really can't get enough of it!
The more Jiang Zhiyue watched it, the more she liked it, and the more she watched it, the more excited she became.

It's a bit over the top, what should I do?

Xing Yichen was afraid that Jiang Zhiyue would get sunburned.

It is also very considerate, and I rented two armchairs.

There is a big sun umbrella on it, covering them, revealing a small shade.

Directly blocked, the direct rays of the sun.

Jiang Zhiyue drank the coconut juice with a full face.

He squinted his eyes happily.

"Ah, so comfortable." Jiang Zhiyue puffed her cheeks and gnawed on an ice cube.

It's a bit icy, but it doesn't affect Jiang Zhiyue's continued chewing.

Are you so happy?
It's so much fun here too.

Jiang Zhiyue took out her mobile phone, handed it to Xing Yichen excitedly, and said with a smile, "Brother Ah Chen~~ help me take some beautiful photos!"

... By the way, it was the first time for the two of them to come out to play, and it was also the first time for Xing Yichen to take pictures of her.

Although Jiang Zhiyue has never been in a relationship, little girls know the old routines in dating. There are many girls who are taken pictures by their boyfriends, all of which are ugly pictures.

Therefore, Jiang Zhiyue couldn't help but doubted her boyfriend Xing Yichen...

Will the photos taken be...

Is it also an ugly photo?

(End of this chapter)

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