Chapter 185
Jiang Zhiyue gradually began to be curious about the beach artist in front of him, Mr. Sand Dune.

...It's so strange, how could the other party suddenly know her name?

Could it be that it's like she imagined... Is the other party her fan?

Oh, I'm so excited just thinking about it, I actually have so many fans.


Jiang Zhiyue felt very shocked.

Jiang Zhiyue never imagined that fans are walking everywhere. Although she herself has been in a coma for more than two years, but...

For her fans, the past two years have passed.

In my heart, Jiang Zhiyue still exists... I still remember her, I haven't seen her for so long, and I know her directly at a glance...

, She was really touched.

Jiang Zhiyue secretly shed tears of emotion in her heart.

On the surface, it was very enthusiastic and excited.Trying to restrain, the inner suppressed emotions.

Then hugged excitedly, his boyfriend Xing Yichen acted coquettishly.

Jiang Zhiyue and Xing Yichen whispered.

"Look and see! I haven't opened for so long, my fans... still remember me? I'm so cute!! So happy!!"

Xing Yichen hugged Jiang Zhiyue, wanting to be a little girl jumping up and down excitedly.

I felt a little in my heart...Jiang Zhiyue was making a big fuss...but I also felt...Jiang Zhiyue is such a cute's normal!

Thinking about it in another way, if his fan Jiang Zhiyue can recognize him at a glance after nearly three years, he will be very happy, very happy.

That's why the little girl was so emotional.

It's all very normal.

It couldn't be more normal.

So Xing Yichen... it was very natural, and he accepted Jiang Zhiyue who was in a state of excitement and unable to extricate himself.

The beach artist, Mr. Shaqiu, never imagined that his few short words... would make the little girl in front of him, Jiang Zhiyue... jumping up and down, just like a little parrot jumping up and down.

so cute.

But she already has a boyfriend.

Damn it!
I am late.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, is also a very young handsome guy, a gentle man. Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, to and handsome man like Xing Yichen...and he is still defeated.

I just blame myself for coming too late.

Such a lovely girlfriend is not his.

Of course, the beach artist, Mr. Shaqiu, is just the kind of joy between friends for Jiang Zhiyue, a cute and innocent little girl.

There is no love between men and women, the kind of love between you and me.thoughts.

He was a little regretful and left his sight.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, can't bear to see that dog couple, in public... these two people are still cuddling, and then abusing the dog, oh...

His ten-thousand-year single dog... is really about to be tortured to death...

God, please help me, come and take me away!
Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, wailed crazily in his heart.

Right now... at this moment, the desire to fall in love has reached its peak.

Why in this world...there are as many couples as dogs...there are so many single dogs walking around?

It's too unfair, it's too unfair to single dogs, look around... On the beach where they are, nine out of ten are all couples, hateful and hateful.


This big sun, why did this group of lovers... all come out to play?

Don't you guys feel very sunburnt?
Don't you all see such a big sun above your head?

The beach artist, Mr. Sha Dun, his mind has been tortured and collapsed at this time, he looked directly at the sweet couple in front of him, and said.

"Such a big sun, don't you think so?"

"Ah? Yeah... no? What is it?" Jiang Zhiyue didn't understand the stalk, and looked curiously at this tanned man.

Mr. Sha Dun, a beach artist, said, "Oh, it's such a big sun. Is it hot for you? Anyway, I'm very hot in the sun."

"Yeah, of course." Jiang Zhiyue nodded frantically, oops.But they have umbrellas here, it's not hot at all, and...

She also wears a lot of sunscreen and is not afraid of getting sunburned.

Jiang Zhiyue is an elegant woman who loves beauty very much.

I still understand this.

So I quickly gave an unopened sunscreen to the beach artist, Mr. Dune.

"Okay, then let's meet at the restaurant later." Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, did not intend to continue disturbing the young couple.

So, he left the scene directly.

Jiang Zhiyue stared at his back for two seconds.

"Oh, yes, he recognized me, but he didn't ask for my autograph. Isn't he my fan?"

Jiang Zhiyue was alone, and said something puzzled.

The boyfriend beside him, Xing Yichen, heard the question full of doubts from the little girl.

He quickly said to the little girl, "Maybe he just knows you. Does he only follow dramas and not be a fan?" This idea is not unreasonable.

Because there are many fans, all of whom are drama fans, not fans of the star himself.

Jiang Zhiyue let out a thoughtful sigh.

Then with a smile, he hugged his boyfriend and held the painting in his hand.

Excited, she brought her boyfriend Xing Yichen back to the room.


Xing Yichen was a little bit, unable to keep up with his girlfriend, Jiang Zhiyue's brain circuit.

In a hurry, the little girl dragged Xing Yichen into the room.

Xing Yichen was full of curiosity in his heart, and hurriedly tugged at the little girl.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Ah Yue." Xing Yichen held the little girl's face tenderly.

Staring seriously, the little girl's eyes.

Jiang Zhiyue blinked her moist pupils, then raised her eyes to look at her boyfriend Xing Yichen.

He puffed his cheeks lightly, then said with a smile.

"Let's go upstairs quickly... let's change some clothes."

Jiang Zhiyue's curved eyes are extremely cute.

Xing Yichen kissed the corner of her lips.

Also laughed.

His face is beyond description.

Let Jiang Zhiyue like it very much.

Jiang Zhiyue stood on tiptoe, boldly kissed Xing Yichen's eyes.

Xing Yichen blinked blankly, and then...



That meal was not successful in the end.

But on the second day.

A group of people are having lunch.

When Xing Yichen went to eat dinner, he happened to meet that beach artist, Mr. Sand Dune.

Mr. Shaqiu, a beach artist, recognized who Xing Yichen was at a glance.

He was thinking in his heart, isn't this man... the one he met yesterday?
Oh, to his's the actress.

Jiang Zhiyue! !

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, immediately pulled his sister Shasha over.

Pointing at Xing Yichen excitedly, he said, "Look, Sasha! This gentleman is the one my brother and I told you about yesterday."

Confused, Shasha glanced at the handsome man in front of her.

Her face was flushed, showing the shyness of a little girl.

Shasha's face looks like Xiaojiabiyu's, very delicate and very cute.

She is a very pleasant little girl.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, smiled and greeted Xing Yichen.

"Hello, Mr. Xing. We meet again."

Shasha, the beach artist and Mr. Dune's younger sister, stared blankly at the man in front of her with her almond eyes wide open.

His expression was a little dull and a little nervous.

Sitting on the seat, Jiang Zhiyue looked at Xing Yichen's back. It seemed that there were two familiar people... There, blocking her boyfriend? ?
Did something happen?
Was it robbed?

Jiang Zhiyue had a big brain, and immediately stood up from her seat.

He quickly walked over to the four people over there.

"Huh, Mr. Shaqiu?!" After Jiang Zhiyue walked over, she finally saw this person clearly. It was the man who painted the painting yesterday.

Next to the beach artist, Mr. Dune, stood two girls, both very beautiful.

Jiang Zhiyue had a meaningful look and glanced at the beach artist Mr. Sha Dun.

I didn't expect you to be such an artist~~
Hey, I understand, I understand~~

The smile on the corner of Jiang Zhiyue's mouth got deeper and deeper, and it never stopped.

Mr. Shaqiu, a beach artist, can tell by the little girl's expression...

It must be a brain supplement, what other problems! !
Hey, hey, you little girl is really...too much brainstorming! !
Don't think so, hey!
I am really a good man!
I'm still a ten-thousand-year single dog, don't... misunderstand me so much!

Please put away your suspicious eyes, okay?Don't look like you've been knocked...

I'm really a single dog, this CP... can't knock it around! !
The beach artist Mr. Dune, because of the little girl's eyes, his head grew three circles with fear.

It's over, his social phobia has committed.

Scared... Nervous... Embarrassed... God, come to someone... Help him!
Mr. Dune, a beach artist, was nervous and grabbed the plate in his hand, almost crushing the plate.

He opened his mouth and immediately defended himself.

"Hello! Mrs. Xing... Let me introduce you first. This is my biological sister Sha Sha. This... is her good friend, Zhou Zhou."

Shasha, and another girl with blond hair and a very delicate appearance, all blinked their eyes, showing a very shocked expression, looking at Jiang Zhiyue in front of them!

oh my god! !
Look, look, look! !
It's a living female star! !

They really saw it, wow, Jiang Zhiyue is really beautiful, take a closer look...


The face of the goddess, the skin of the goddess... really good!

They were so excited, so excited, they wanted to hug the goddess.

This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful female star.

The difference between Jiang Zhiyue's real life and the photos on the Internet is not that big at all, even in looks even better.

The two little girls had been separated for five years, but this was the first time they saw Jiang Zhiyue.

The excitement is beyond words.

If not, in public, they might have... knocked Jiang Zhiyue down.

No way, who made Jiang Zhiyue so beautiful?So popular.

The two of them couldn't control themselves at all.

The two little girls, excited, moved directly beside Jiang Zhiyue.

She asked happily, "Baby Moon, is it really you...?"

Jiang Zhiyue also heard it just now, and Mr. Shaqiu introduced these two people.

They are all his sisters.

Jiang Zhiyue has been in the entertainment circle for so many years, and she can tell her fans.

So it was obvious at a glance that these two little girls were his fans.

So... yesterday the beach artist, Mr. Dune, was able to remember her, was able to ask her what her name was.

Not a beach artist, Mr. Dune is a fan of hers.

It's because...the two little girls, Shasha and Zhou Zhou, are her fans, so...the beach artist, Mr. Sand Dune, recognized her.

Jiang Zhiyue is still very good to fans.

For reference, that day at the airport.

Jiang Zhiyue already knew her attitude towards that fan.

Jiang Zhiyue lowered her head and looked at the two excited little girls who were almost speechless.

He quickly opened his mouth and said hello to the two of them.

"Sister Sha Sha, how are you, sister Zhou Zhou! I am indeed Jiang Zhiyue, and I am very happy to meet you."

Jiang Zhiyue graciously admitted her identity.

It was the legendary female star Jiang Zhiyue who had disappeared in the entertainment industry for more than two years.

"Oh my God, Moon Baby, I read it right. It's really you and I are so happy." Zhou Zhou was so excited that he cried out. The plate in his hand was almost unsteady, his fingers trembling, and he almost To kneel down.

This, this, this... isn't she acting too excited?
She is not dead and reborn.

These two little girls...are so cute.

Jiang Zhiyue hurriedly assisted Zhou Zhou, and then said to the beach artist, Mr. Shaqiu, the three of them said, "Since we are destined to meet you again, Mr. Shaqiu, let's all sit down and chat! It just so happens that it's time for dinner."

Jiang Zhiyue resolved the embarrassment directly and cleverly with words.

Zhou Zhou wiped away his tears and nodded quickly, "Okay, Moon Baby! No problem, Moon Baby! Where shall we go for dinner? Moon Baby~~"

If it wasn't for Xing Yichen, this suspected moon baby's boyfriend would also be there.

Zhou Zhou hugged Jiang Zhiyue's arm directly.

Alas, this is the first time I saw my idol, it was such a scene, I was so happy, but my goddess...why does she have a boyfriend?I really can't bear to see that the goddess has a boyfriend!
Such a good goddess, such a perfect goddess, such a charming goddess, why should she fall in love?Do a good job, isn't it good?

And the goddess... is still so young, why!so early!Just fall in love?

It really disappointed them too much, woohoo, but respect and blessing...

(End of this chapter)

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