Chapter 101 Do you like it?
She knew that it wasn't because of the powder that she was worried about, but that the follow-up incident caused by the half-pack of powder was really disturbing.

The opponent knows everything about their actions, but they don't know anything about their opponents.

Ma Lan is afraid of this kind of fear of facing the unknown

Zi Yan lowered her head and comforted Ma Lan earnestly: "Madam, don't worry, I will protect your safety as soon as possible and prevent you from any harm."

Apart from her parents, Ma Lan is one of the few people in the world who treats her well.

If she could, she would risk her life to repay it.

Malan turned her head to look at Ziyan, she lowered her head and couldn't see her expression.

"It's not protecting me, it's protecting Qin Zhihuan."

Malan straightened the cold quilt on his body, and then said, "I can live only if he lives."

Zi Yan was taken aback: "Madam, have you ever been tempted by Lord Hou for so long?"

Malan looked nervous and didn't know how to answer.

Zi Yan went up to tidy up the quilt for her and asked again: "Madam puts the life of Lord Marquis first because she likes it or because she is afraid."

Does she like Qin Zhihuan or is she afraid that Qin Zhihuan's death will hurt her?

It's not that Ma Lan didn't think about the question Ziyan asked.

It's impossible not to be tempted by a husband and wife for a day and a hundred days of grace.

It's like at this moment that she really misses him, and it's chilly under the bed, so she misses him even more.

But it is not enough to say that I like him, love him more than myself.

Malan shook his head: "I don't know."

Zi Yan looked at her and asked softly: "Why don't you know? Master Hou is kind to Madam, can't Madam not see it?
Before the wife got married, had she ever been tempted by others?Madam, you might as well think about it during these few days, except for Lord Hou, have you ever felt this way about others. "

Before she got married, she was either studying or running her small shop every day.

For the rest of the time, I went to Shifang Temple to find Fang Zheng to play.

There are a lot of peach blossoms planted in Shifang Temple, she likes it very much, and she is reluctant to leave every time she goes.

Therefore, before she got married, she didn't have much contact with other boys except Fangzheng, let alone be tempted.

Even though she was pretending to Qin Zhi, she pulled his sleeve and called her husband one by one, and threw herself into his arms and acted like a baby.

No matter what the reason was, she was more affectionate and trusting to Qin Zhi.

She also thought about whether she would marry Qin Zhihuan if there was no mother-child Gu.

Probably yes.

Although Qin Zhihuan's reputation is poor, his appearance is indeed good, which makes her heart beat at a glance.

The most important thing is that if she wants to expand her business, Qin Zhihuan's support is absolutely indispensable behind her.

Her mother also once told her that it is rare in the world for a man like Qin Zhi who does not take concubines and is willing to bow his head.

It's normal for her to really like it.

Nothing to be ashamed of either.

But their encounter was really not good...

Seeing that Ma Lan was frowning and not talking, Zi Yan said: "Have you ever thought about it, Madam, it might be God's fate to be together that day?"

Everyone doesn't want them to have a bridal chamber, but they want them to have a chance to regret it.

Maybe they are a match made in heaven.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Zi Yan continued: "Ma'am, let's go to bed early, with Madam Gu and Master Da De here, your lord will be fine."

Ma Lan's thoughts became more and more confused, and she simply stopped thinking about it, and turned over to sleep with the quilt in her arms.

Seeing her eyes closed, Zi Yan thought she was asleep, covered her with a quilt and went out.

Malan opened his eyes only after she withdrew.

The night at Qixia Temple was particularly quiet, with fine raindrops falling on the eaves and hitting the ground to make a slight movement.

Ma Lan sat up and got out of bed to get half a pack of medicine powder.

she wants to try...

Can you really sleep peacefully?
The water in the teapot was already cold, and Ma Lan didn't ask anyone to change it to hot water, so he took half a packet of medicine powder mixed with water.

Listening to the sound of rain outside the window, she climbed back into bed, closed her eyes and prepared to fall asleep.

The rain that has been raining all day has no tendency to become smaller, but it is getting bigger and bigger.

The sound of raindrops falling from the eaves was like a lullaby.

Malan turned over, sleepiness swept over him little by little, and he lost consciousness in a daze.

Half a pack, it really makes people sleep peacefully with peace of mind.

With the help of the powder, Ma Lan soon fell asleep.

It was raining in the temple, and the air became damper and colder.

In a daze, Ma Lan only felt cold, curled up in the quilt like a rice dumpling, afraid that if she moved, the heat accumulated in the quilt would be dissipated.

She wrapped herself tightly, but she didn't feel warm at all, instead, she got colder and colder.

The body temperature was lost bit by bit, and the cold air swept over the sky, taking her into a dream.

In the dream, she was not warm at all, living in the icy and snowy Jiangnan, she was shivering from the cold.

She couldn't help but look for a warm place, thinking of a stove where she could keep warm and a room where she could keep out the wind and rain.

Finally, she found a warm wall, like a winter stove, burning red charcoal fire, warm.

Malan subconsciously approached the wall, leaning against the wall with his whole body.

After finally warming up, I quickly put my hands and feet on it.

The wall stepped back a few steps as if consciously, and Ma Lan felt cold as soon as it walked away.

Quickly moved forward to chase the wall, hugged it tightly in his arms and said softly: "Don't run, keep me warm..."

"How warm?"

Qin Zhi still had a dark face full of helplessness, looking at the person in his arms, he became more pampered.

The voice in his ear was far and vague, Ma Lan didn't know how to warm up, he just wanted to sleep well.

Thinking of this, he hugged the wall even tighter.

The stove held in her arms moved closer to her as if she could feel her inner voice.

The two were almost stuck together, and the hot wall made her feel hot.

Malan's body was fluttering, and he let out a vague sleepy sound.

The quilt that had not been warmed up in the middle of the night suddenly became hot.

Ma Lan twisted her body, couldn't stand the scorching heat, raised her legs and stared out of the quilt.

Expose your whole body to the cold night wind in the south of the Yangtze River, and be devastated by the cold wind.

This time I didn't feel cold, I just felt cool.

However, it didn't take long for it to cool down, and the wall beside her seemed to be burning, and she refused to let it go.

The quilt that got in the way was picked up and covered her body at some point.

Ma Lan felt as if she was outside the heaven and earth, feeling hot and uncomfortable.

The wall held her tightly in his arms as if it could move, and it was terribly hot.

It took Ma Lan a while to adapt to the temperature of the wall, and fell asleep in his arms.

The rain outside the house has not stopped, and it is getting heavier and heavier, but the wall is slowly becoming warmer, and the sky and the earth are suddenly quiet.

Malan slept intermittently, and only one sentence came from his ear: "It will rain tomorrow, sleep for a while..."

sleeping for a while...

Those words got into Ma Lan's mind, blurring her last consciousness, but she couldn't resist the erosion of the medicine after all, and fell into a deep sleep.

There was no one in Mrs. Gu's room next door.

(End of this chapter)

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