Chapter 127 Hate

If he hadn't taken into account the events of the year, he wouldn't have stayed with Chen Wei for so many years.

Later, Rumei entered the palace as a concubine as the daughter of the Liu family, and enjoyed the favor for many years with her youthful affection.

The front court is dangerous, and the harem is dangerous, and he lives in pain every day like walking on thin ice.

Until, three months ago, he got a message.

It turned out that the Sima clan had not been wiped out, and Pin Ting gave birth to a son for him before he died.

He is sorry for Sima's family, the throne should be inherited by him and Pin Ting's children.

As for Rumei...

She has enjoyed the honor and favor for 20 years, and she should be content with countless glory and wealth.

Ever since he knew that Chen Wei had harassed Xin Ting, forced her to marry and failed, and burned Yunxiang Pavilion down, causing him to lose track of his son, he was determined to kill him because of this.

This still made him almost run away.

There is half a small plum blossom jade pendant on the table, the style is 20 years ago.

The emperor took a deep breath, and slowly leaned on the soft couch.

Twenty years.

Everyone else is old, and the son Xin Ting gave birth to him has not yet been found.

He has not yet obtained all the wealth of the Sima family.

In his lifetime, he only wanted to hire Ting to be the wife she was marrying, and to be his queen, so that they could be buried together after death.

The names of the two can be next to each other in the future history, and their children can take over his country.

Instead of falling into the hands of the Liu family.

Anyone who dares to stop him will die.

He knew that he had hurt Pin Ting's heart, so she would hide the child's affairs and let the Liu family take advantage of the loophole.

Anyway, he has done a lot of unconscionable things in his life, and he is not afraid of a few more lives.

"Let people continue to search, and found Sha Wushe."

As soon as Concubine Liu Gui came back to her bedroom, she immediately retreated to the left and right, leaving only her confidantes and mothers by her side.

Regardless of the makeup on his face, he hurriedly asked, "Where is your lord now?"

Nanny Chang and Nanny Gui are the sons of a family, and they grew up with her.

Twenty years ago, she entered the palace with her. She was also a carefully selected person in the family, sincere and smart.

A few days ago, he specially sent Nanny Chang out, and now only Nanny Gui is by his side.

Nanny Gui fell in love with a sailor when she was young, and the two made a promise to each other for life, and they agreed to get married when they came back.

The sailor missed the appointment and stayed on the battlefield forever.

Since then, she has never married.

More than 20 years have passed, and she still looks like a teenager, younger than Concubine Liu Gui, who takes care of herself every day.

"Go back to your mother, Master Hou is still in Luoyang."

After Nanny Gui finished speaking, Concubine Liu Gui couldn't sit still, and stomped her feet anxiously: "Why doesn't he believe what I said, and told him to stop trying to hit that person.

He was fine, he just killed him, what should we do now, His Majesty's suspicion of him is getting heavier..."

Concubine Liu Gui frowned tightly, even though she was anxious and scratching her lungs, she still had a soft and waxy voice.

The face in his 30s, not only does not show his old appearance, but it is a bit more charming than when he was young.

Not to mention the old people in the palace, even the young girls who have just entered the palace can't compare to the charm of her frown and smile.

Nanny Gui hastily persuaded: "Now is the critical moment, the empress must not mess up, let's wait for the news from your lord first."

How could Concubine Liu Gui not be chaotic.

Life in this palace has been a mess recently.

And all of this is not because of other people, but because of the emperor.

As the emperor got older, he felt more guilty about what happened back then, and he wanted to make amends more than once.

But he was also afraid, afraid that the Sima clan would not forgive him, afraid of their 20-year counterattack.

He couldn't sleep because of the entanglement, and he couldn't sleep at night. He wanted to find the child from 20 years ago every day.

But that child died a long time ago, along with that bitch Sima Xinting.

Resentment and unwillingness flashed in Liu Guifei's eyes.

She understands the truth that the living can never compete with the dead, but she just regrets it.

She didn't let the woman who killed her all her life live in pain forever.

She hates!

I hate that the Sima family will always be above the Liu family, and the girls of the Sima family will always be better than those of the Liu family.

(End of this chapter)

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