Chapter 129
For the past ten days, Malan has been staying on the boat and can't go anywhere, except to eat and sleep, where he needs to replenish his body, especially that place, which has obviously rounded up, and now the bellyband can hardly hold it anymore.

Malan didn't get up: "I'm not hungry."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Zhihuan came to the door: "Come out."

When Malan dressed slowly and walked out of the cabin, the sky outside had already brightened.

The breeze blows away a layer of mist on the river surface, revealing a blue sky, like a mirror, slowly unfolding, and the mountains in the distance gradually reveal their appearance, as if washed by water, the emerald green scenery, clean and bright.

When I left last time, it was still winter in Kyoto. Now that I come back after more than a month, it is already spring.

Malan saw the familiar pier in the distance.

My heart dropped.

Finally came back alive.

Ma Lan walked up to Qin Zhihuan's side. After a few days, she had gotten used to that address, and said, "Xianggong..."

"Now that I have arrived in Kyoto, there is no need to pretend anymore."


Qin Zhi restored the bowl of fish soup that he was going to hand over, moved it back, and put it directly in his mouth.

A fresh fragrance wafted over, Ma Lan glanced at the soup pot, and immediately turned her head away, she couldn't eat any more, and if she ate any more, she would be strangled to death.

"Aren't you hungry?"

Malan shook his head: "I have no appetite."

Qin Zhi also thought of her food intake in the past few days, glanced at her obviously swollen chest, and added fuel to the fire: "Anyway, I'm already fat, and I'm not short of this last meal."

Malan: ...

Qin Zhihuan handed the spoon to her again, and said calmly: "As a woman, it is natural to be plump, and it has nothing to do with whether you eat or not..."

Ma Lan blushed, feeling that he was less ashamed after this trip to the south of the Yangtze River.

But she actually understood the implication.

When she was getting dressed just now, she clearly felt that she was much plumper and rounder.

"Eat quickly, eat and go home."

When the ship docked, the turmoil on the pier had subsided, and there was a mess everywhere. Yan Er had been waiting there for a long time, and when he saw Qin Zhihuan and Ma Lan disembarking, he went up to greet him: "My lord, madam."

Qin Zhi also easily got into the carriage: "Who gave it?"

Qin Er nodded: "Yes."

As soon as Liu Guifei's men made a move, the two witnesses began to 'flee', and Qin Er released Yuanwai Xue in his hand in time.

Now Xue Yuanwai has fallen into the hands of Concubine Liu Gui, and the witness has already 'give' to the crown prince.

Everything is planned.

Qin Zhi was still in the carriage returning to the residence, and sent Ma Lan for a while, guessing that it was almost time, he said to Ma Lan, "You go back first, I'll go to the palace."

Malan nodded.

Qin Zhi also got up and jumped out of the carriage, and told Qin Er: "Send Madam back home first."

Turning around and saying: "Take care of Madam, I'll be back later."

After the carriage had gone for a while, Ma Lan hesitated again and again, but still lifted the curtain, tilted her head and said to Qin Er who was outside the carriage: "The Hou Mansion is right in front, I will go back by myself, Qin Da and Zi Yan will be fine. "

After finishing speaking, his throat rolled, he paused, and said one more sentence: "After entering the palace, let him find an imperial physician to have a look."

It's been ten days since that arm, and it hasn't healed yet.

Last night, there was even more blood oozing, so she changed his medicine. Since he is entering the palace today, let the imperial doctor take a good look at it.

In case something really went wrong and she was blamed again.

Seeing Qin Er's footsteps stop, Ma Lan lowered the car curtain in peace of mind, and walked around before returning to the capital. Even the wind blowing in through the cracks in the car window seemed to carry a fragrance.

This time, no matter who it is, don't try to drag her out of here again.

(End of this chapter)

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