Chapter 177 Base Building (13)

Definitely not on the main road.

Lan Jin said: "Don't you need supplies to go to the base? Food is indeed the most important thing, but if you don't have food, can't you use other supplies to replace it? I think gold must be very precious, and maybe some supplies can be replaced with gold Of course, this is not necessarily true, maybe gold is no longer rare in the last days, so it is not worth much, but this does not prevent me from liking it.”

Women's liking is so capricious.

But looking at the boxes of nail polish in this pile of supplies, Lao Gao really asked speechlessly: "Then what about these things, are they also very valuable?"

In these office buildings, there are quite a few nail salons, and perhaps none of them can be eaten. Boxes of unopened nail polish are piled up in the warehouse without anyone moving them. Lan Jin has all been collected. in space.

Lao Gao clicked, there are 15 boxes in total, which means that Lan Jin has space, otherwise he would not let them bring these things.

But, Lan Jin felt that these things were really valuable.

"We are running around to survive outside, and nothing is important except for food, but it is these unimportant things, if they are placed in the base, in front of those who don't need to run around for food, aren't they very valuable? .”

Of course, these are still just her personal thoughts, but anyway, the storage has been collected, and the space is large enough, so I can't put it down.

After a busy day, I naturally wanted to eat something good at night, so Lan Jin asked, "Do you want to eat barbecue?"

Almost without any hesitation, everyone replied: "Yes."

After finishing speaking, Lan Jin took them to the barbecue place where she kept, because she bought a lot, the merchant bundled up ten skewers for her, and it can be seen by visual inspection that there are about 300 skewers here. It seems that they stood here and ate vigorously. After eating about half of the portion, Lao Gao couldn't bear to move, "It will be gone after eating, or let's save some, and we can eat another next time." pause."

"No need." Lan Jin pointed to the place where the meat was piled up, and said, "It's full of meat over there, I have all the seasonings, we can make it ourselves, if I don't have this cooking skill, I can even get a lot of semi-finished products in the supermarket , you can use electricity and fire, and the taste should not be too different from the one I bought."

Speaking of authenticity, the heavy oil and heavy salt outside must be the best, but it is not impossible to eat it later, so everyone is really rude to the remaining meat skewers, and they are all wiped out in one meal.

They made so much meat in just one meal, Grandma Ling couldn't bear to watch, "Although life was difficult before, I wasn't so hungry, why did I eat so much in one meal?"

"Grandma, you don't understand the joy of junk food."

Grandma Ling also said that the old lady is very open-minded, and she still eats with her. Seeing that there are still a small portion of skewers next to this pile of skewers, Grandma Ling asked: "Why are these left alone? , do not eat."

Lan Jin replied: "It doesn't contain chili, and occasionally it will give Qiao Qiao a taste of the joy of junk food."

Moreover, if the skewers are not spicy, they are not delicious, so no one will touch the ones left for Ran Qiaoqiao.


I have to say that everyone who ate junk food was really happy. After eating all the meat skewers, they drank some spiritual spring water and went to sleep.

The thatched floor has a layout of two bedrooms and one living room. Lan Jin took Ran Qiaoqiao and Nana to live in the master bedroom, and Grandma Ling and Ling Jiang took advantage of the situation to live in the second bedroom. As for Lao Gao and Huang Jinghe, her space was not Without a tent, the two of them will just make do with it.

But living in the space is just a matter of life. As far as this suitable temperature is concerned, the big guys haven't felt it for a long time.

There is no need to get up in the middle of the night to add fire, and after a busy day, everyone sleeps deeply.

I didn't wake up from my sleep until 10:[-] in the morning, and after washing for a while, I set off from the office building to the next stop.

In fact, it is not far from this office building... If we use the old words, they arrived at the next office building in just the next bridge.

Although the office buildings here are very large, due to the large number of residents around them, the inside has already been swept clean, not even a piece of wood is left, so those office buildings with residents nearby have really not been cleaned. It's necessary.

After they couldn't find any targets for them to sweep the building all the way down, the car drove straight towards the J city base.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when the sky was getting darker, Lan Jin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, saw a very high and very strict wall directly in front of her from a distance, and she asked excitedly: "Over there, where is it?" Base?"

The wall in front of them was almost exactly the same as the wall they saw in the movie. Not only was it very tall, but the wall was also made very smooth. It was almost impossible to climb up from here, and to a large extent, it resisted a lot of trouble from the outside.

Needless to say, this must be the base.

And at this moment, Lao Gao didn't increase his horsepower and go directly to the base, but instead drove the car to a relatively secluded place and stopped.

Just when the three of them were puzzled, Lao Gao said: "Don't drive in this car, let's go in by bicycle."

Lan Jin asked: "Why, are you afraid that the car will be impounded if it is too good? Such a big base is not enough."

And although the Hummer is the standard equipment in the last days, there are better cars for others.

Lao Gao said: "Just treat me as a villain. We only have a car burning oil. I am really afraid that there will be accidents. Besides, there is no place to take it in."

When Lao Gao said this, Huang Jinghe really agreed, "Yes, what Lao Gao said is right, let's ride a bicycle. It's not far anyway, and we should arrive in ten minutes."

But riding a bicycle on the ice is really difficult. Ling Jiang, who has been poisoned for a whole week, really doesn't want to touch it again. She hurriedly said: "This ice surface has been dealt with at first glance, what kind of bicycle are you riding?" , obviously the combination of skates and skates is more suitable.”

Appropriate is appropriate, especially in this icy and snowy field, it is obviously better than bicycles, but this combination appears at the gate of the base, it must attract everyone's attention, but in fact, this is the combination that appears in the icy and snowy field, it is the most attractive of the past.

Not to mention the earliest poisonous smog, after the first heavy rain came, everyone’s cars were already damaged, and then they were repaired, and almost all of them were scrapped, and the recycling was replaced by contribution points. It is really more difficult to get a car than to get skates, it's just that they didn't figure it out for a while.

Lan Jin didn't care, "Okay, let's pack some supplies in it, in case we need it."

After finishing speaking, with a thought of Lan Jin, all the people and the car were put into the space. After entering the space, the four of them got out of the car.

Seeing that the car was brought in again, Grandma Ling quickly asked, "What's the matter, is it dark? Where are we going to spend the night?"

(End of this chapter)

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