Chapter 191 Mutated Snake (33)

But is there really such a suitable weapon?
Lan Jin didn't give any hope at all.

When I came to the dormitory, it basically had the same base specifications as City J, and the capsule rooms with upper and lower bunk beds were also before get off work hours. There were not many people in the dormitory at all, and it was very quiet.

The only difference is that Lan Jin and Ling Jiang switched beds, she slept on the lower berth, and Ling Jiang slept on the upper berth.

After knowing the bed, the two simply looked at it for a while, and then went downstairs to join Lao Gao.

The four went to the shopping center without hesitation.

The three-story shopping mall has more detailed divisions. The first floor is the daily necessities counter, which includes toiletries and cosmetics. The second floor is clothing products. Men’s, women’s and children’s clothing are all clothes. On the third floor are some building materials and household items, such as beds, mattresses, four-piece suits, wardrobes, shoe cabinets...

But when they walked around here, the four of them were stupefied. As for weapons, I didn't see the opening counter. Are there no weapons for sale here?
But it's not. There are weapons, but they don't sell them in shopping malls at all.

Each base has its own rules. Due to the terrain of City H, the surrounding danger factor is relatively high. Weapons are sold to the outside world, but not publicly. People who have approved it can purchase it by paying the corresponding contribution points.

This news stumped them a bit.

However, after Lao Gao inquired again, he realized that obtaining weapons is not the only way. The base will release some tasks from time to time, and the team members will go out to complete them. The materials returned from hunting can not only be exchanged for contribution points, ranking No. One group can still get the corresponding weapons.

Of course, this is only for those groups that have stayed in the base for a long time to be eligible to participate, otherwise the strong will run away with weapons, and the basic safety is still not guaranteed. The rules set by the base are not just to protect their own base is it safe?

Therefore, these two rules seem unrealistic to them.

A group of four disappointedly walked to the door on the first floor, but before they could say anything, the loudspeakers in the corridor immediately broadcast: "Comrades, please pay attention! Dangerous creatures have been found outside the base, please close the doors and windows as soon as possible and do not go out. ..."

Before the broadcast was over, the gate of the shopping center was immediately shut, and the action was so swift.

And the passers-by in the corridor were also galloping, trying to find a place to hide quickly.

And after this broadcast was broadcast three times in a row, the surrounding area became completely quiet, and the entire base seemed particularly quiet.

Except for the door, of course.

Huang Jinghe had never seen such a scene before, so he said cautiously: "The rabbit just now didn't engage in this broadcast, it shouldn't be a rabbit, could it be some other mutant species?"

Lan Jin said: "Let's go out and have a look. If we can solve it, we will solve it. What if we can get contribution points again? Another thing, don't you want to find them when you buy weapons? Let's go and get close."

Although the situation reported by the radio was very urgent, the four of them, who had never experienced these things, really didn't know what to be afraid of.

Speaking of mutated species, they have only seen mutated rabbits. It’s not a bad thing to take this opportunity to see the world. If they can solve it, it can be regarded as helping the base complete a task. If they can’t, it’s their ability. Not enough, the base will not blame them.

That being said, none of the four moved first.

Ling Jiang was short-tempered and couldn't bear it at all, so she hurriedly asked: "Then let's go, go to the door and have a look, no matter what it is, let's talk about it later."

After the words fell, a group of four trotted to the door.

And when they came to the door, they discovered that the base had two doors, and the outer door was the thick one they had seen before that had been replaced because of the rabbit.

And there is a demarcation line at the place where body temperature is measured. There is a transparent protective door on this decomposition line. Free access from above.

When they came over, several soldiers climbed on it and poured some unknown liquid down.

And when they saw the scene outside through the gap, goosebumps all over their bodies fell all over the ground, because the outside was densely packed with mutated snakes.

The size of the snake is not very huge, each about 1 meter long, but it is all red, with a shiny jewel-like thing on top of its head, and its mouth is constantly pointing towards the transparent protective door They were spitting snake letters, as disgusting as they could be.

Lan Jin is not afraid of anything else, the snake is really afraid, and it is densely piled up several meters away, Lan Jin immediately backed up a few steps in fright, "Oh, I am most afraid of snakes, it's so disgusting."

Ling Jiang was very surprised and said: "You are afraid of snakes."

Lan Jin nodded, "I'm afraid of animals without legs and animals with many legs."

Snakes are naturally one of them, but she eats snake meat and finds it delicious, so as long as she doesn't see live ones, she's fine.

Lan Jin saw Brother Zhang at the side, immediately called him, and asked about the situation, "Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang, are these things poisonous?"

When Brother Zhang saw them, he walked over immediately, and then said with a wry smile: "Great poison, if someone is pierced by its tail, they will die within a minute. Look at its tail, it is like a spike, and the poison is all there." .”

Speaking of the tail, I really didn't pay attention to it before. When Brother Zhang said this, the four of them really looked over. The tails of these snakes are really long and very sharp.

"However." Zhang Ge paused and said again, "The gemstone on the top of its head is a good thing, it is not a gemstone, it is called a spar, it can provide energy for people with supernatural powers, and this snake needs to be dealt with. It’s also a delicious dish, and it’s… highly nutritious.”

Huang Jinghe asked incomprehensibly: "This protective wall is not even up to the top, aren't you afraid that they will climb in?"

Brother Zhang said: "I can't climb in. A snake is a snake after all. I'm afraid of realgar. The outside of this protective door is treated with realgar every day. The protective door was also poured with realgar just now. Anyway, it has never been attacked before using this method."

But that being said, Brother Zhang didn't really relax. After all, even if there were snakes before, there weren't so many snakes.

Brother Zhang frowned and thought about something, then looked at the four of them, but the four of them squeezed to the front of the protective door before waiting for Brother Zhang to speak, discussing together there.

(End of this chapter)

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