Chapter 227 Giant Lizard
Without Su Qinghe, their team became a five-member team again. Without this burden, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a breeze to escape.

That's right, in order to prevent these little lizards from attracting their 'elders' over, the five of them ran into the depths of the forest desperately in the pose of a guy in their hands.

en route.

Plants were constantly attacking from all sides, and the five of them quickly dealt with them without hesitation, otherwise, if they were careless, no one would know where they would be taken by these plants.

After running for a while, I finally came near the location designated by Brother Zhang.

They first looked around to see if there were any dangerous creatures, and after confirming that they were correct, they immediately tied the bow sheet tightly to the body of the grass. On them, after making them immobile, this is the safest way.

After everything was settled, the group of people ran far away again. After Brother Zhang pressed the button similar to a remote control in his hand, there was a 'bang', and Lan Jin felt his heart tremble.

This means that the distance is really far away, otherwise I'm afraid that the internal organs will be injured again.

As soon as this end was blown up, the group of them hurried to another point. During this time, Ling Jiang was almost dragged away by a vine, and the knife she wore kept cutting her. Fortunately, her bracelet can transform into wolf-shaped crampons. , The vine was cut off with just one claw.

Ling Jiang, who was out of danger, did not dare to rest. After panting smoothly, he immediately followed the team and continued to move forward. After the second "bang" sound exploded, they were one step closer to the mission of this trip.

But when the thick smoke in the sky cleared away, not far away, there seemed to be a huge figure galloping towards them.

That posture, that body shape, seems to be the enlarged version of those small lizards.

And this enlarged version of the lizard is about the same size as the snake yesterday. The snake might be as long as a 7-story building if it stood up, and if this lizard stood up, it might be as long as a 7-story building. Length, these two goods are not giant creatures.

Lan Jin looked at the giant lizard that was getting closer to them, and said: "It is said that the king does not see the king. This forest is not big. Haven't these snakes and lizards ever fought? They never thought of killing each other. ?"

Lao Gao replied humorously: "Maybe I have thought about it, maybe I have already fought, but the skills of these two guys are evenly matched, and there has been no winner."

Huang Jinghe glanced at him speechlessly, seeing that no one moved, he said unconsciously: "Then what should we do now, should we fight it?"

Brother Zhang said: "Hit, hit directly, you can't hide at all, you can hit directly."

Afterwards, each set up their weapons and fired at the giant lizard not far away from them.

The giant lizard is huge, so the target is very obvious. Brother Zhang and Lao Gao aimed at its eyes again. Two... , a little big, I don't know what they are called, shot directly at the eyes of the giant lizard. After two sounds of 'Boom, Boom', the giant lizard fell to the ground on its back in pain, twitching indiscriminately with its legs upturned in pain.


The two cooperated tacitly and hit it with one blow.

But even though the lizard fell to the ground, its tail swept up in place, and the position they were in happened to be where its tail could touch, almost, only a little bit away. Jin was about to be swept by its tail.

"Damn it, if this tail is knocked out, I'm going to die."

Then, she got angry, and launched the lightning ability towards the giant lizard that was still twitching on the ground.

After the thunderbolt was upgraded, Lan Jin wanted to use it to see how powerful her powers were. The giant lizard in front of her could just withstand its maximum power, so she didn't hold back, and used all the powers in her body, one by one. The giant lightning struck down on the giant lizard, and the process was very long.

The giant lizard was hit by lightning, and its body collapsed. When the lightning ability ended, all the lizard could use was the upturned toe. After that, a smell of mucus drifted away, and the giant lizard stopped breathing immediately.

In this situation, Lan Jin was stunned. She knew that the thunder and lightning had become stronger, but she didn't know that it had become so strong.

But Lan Jin fell to the ground along with the lizard. The thunder and lightning exhausted all the powers in her body, and she couldn't even stand still because of the emptiness of her powers.

After Lan Jin fell to the ground, everyone ran towards Lan Jin immediately. Seeing that Lan Jin hadn't fainted, Ling Jiang quickly took out a lightning-type spar from her bag to let her absorb energy.

But at this moment, Lan Jin's hands and feet were weak, and he couldn't hold the spar at all, let alone absorb its energy and restore his physical strength.

Seeing Lan Jin like this, Ling Jiang became anxious, "What should I do? Could it be that the power is exhausted? Will it affect the body? Could it be death?"

Exhaustion of powers will certainly have an impact on the body of the power user, but the death is not enough. Brother Zhang put down his backpack, took out an injection from the bag, and said: "Get her arm out, this injection It should be much better.”

Ling Jiang immediately undressed her, but in fact, Lan Jin was wearing a constant temperature suit, which was not as bloated as others wore. There were only three pieces of clothes on her upper body, and her arms were exposed when she pulled it.

Before the silver needle pierced Lan Jin's arm, Lao Gao grabbed Brother Zhang's hand holding the needle, and asked with a vigilant face, "What is this needle and what does it do? Can it be used casually?"

Brother Zhang said with a smile: "This is researched by the base. It is used to replenish energy when the power of the supernatural being is exhausted. The body can recover immediately after one injection. It is more effective than absorbing spar alone, but the price is also very high. , I have no intention of using it unless it is absolutely necessary, I will exchange this needle for half of that first-order spar."

Good guy, the price is really high.

Upon hearing this, Lan Jin immediately said: "No, don't."

Thinking that half of the spar was gone, Lan Jindang felt distressed.

But right now it’s not a question of whether she wants it or not. Brother Zhang said: “It’s definitely not that I’m taking advantage of the fire. As you are now, you don’t have many crystals on your body. I can’t use my abilities anymore. This injection is very useful. The quality of our official product is absolutely guaranteed, and this injection is very rare. Each base only gets two. You can find out later that it is definitely better than a first-order crystal. Stones are more valuable, I only need half a stone, and you earn it."

For such a useful injection, it is cost-effective to replace it with only half a first-order spar, but is that Lan Jin's profit?
Lan Jin killed the giant lizard by herself. After she exhausted her powers, she even divided half of the whole first-order spar that originally belonged to her. Did she really make money?
 Thank you Su Bieguan for your reward, thank you.

  Tomorrow three changes will be resumed!

(End of this chapter)

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