Chapter 242 Chemical Reaction (33)

Seeing that it was Brother Li coming over, the guards in front of him stepped aside, and after Brother Li brought them in, Lan Jin asked, "Where are they locked up?"

Li Ge said: "It's locked on the third basement floor. There are the most single rooms and the largest location. Let's go down and have a look."

After finishing speaking, Li Ge took the four of them into the elevator, and after they got out of the elevator, the guards were also quite tight. First, they screened them layer by layer for trauma, then checked for fever, and finally let them Swipe your card in.

It wasn't just Brother Li's card that was swiped, the residence permits of the four of them also had to be recorded, so they swiped their cards one by one before they officially entered.

Of course, this is not the end yet. As the roar became more and more clear, but still did not reach the correct position, Lao Gao couldn't help but asked: "I didn't think it was too big here, are you here?" How deep have you dug the mountain?"

Naturally, no one would answer Lao Gao about this kind of thing.

Brother Li even pretended not to hear it, and said, "Here, we're here, we'll be there soon."

After turning a corner, they finally came to a huge and thick iron gate. After brushing the gate and entering, they saw a transparent glass door.

Lao Gao was speechless, "I'll go, is it necessary? Our journey will only take 2 or 3 minutes, and I'm afraid we'll pass through 5 or 6 gates."

Li Ge said: "If you are going to be injured by them, you will know whether you need it or not. These doors were installed last time after the insect powder made a fuss in the base. They are all anti-bow single glass Material, I'm not worried about the glass shattering, but I'm worried that if they rush out and knock down the whole door, it's over."


Because people who have been in contact with these things will feel dry and hot, they hardly wear their tops, and their entire upper body seems to be soaked in fresh snow, as if every cell in the body has opened a hole, letting the fresh snow drop by drop Of course, fresh blood will not flow out from the body continuously, otherwise it will not be enough.

That's what I said, but there are still too many doubts in it, but even if they ask some questions, I am afraid that Brother Li may not answer them truthfully, so he simply didn't ask.

The white pupils of all of them have turned blood red. This pair of eyes is already terrifying enough, but there is far more than just one pair of eyes.

So Brother Li was a little worried at the moment, and the four of them empathized with each other.

Li Ge said: "Don't look at them grabbing the fence and there is no reaction. In fact, the fence is already electrified, but you see, he didn't respond at all."

At this time, Brother Li said: "How can I fool you, you can see if it is them if you look carefully, even if others don't know, Brother Zhang must know, isn't the person who is locked out the most is Brother Zhang?" We are also very surprised that they have become like this, but from what I have inquired, it seems to be a normal phenomenon for them to become like this."

Huang Jinghe also echoed again and again: "That's right, this is completely different from what we learned before."

But there were still a lot of blood, they spread to these people's bodies, and then flowed to every corner of the room, as if the whole person had become a bloody person, all red and crazy.

"I have inquired about these things clearly. As long as you can survive, these are not problems. This is because they are injured by plants. They are plants that are in direct contact with them, so the reaction will be more direct and intense. If you eat insect powder, Not at all."

"Speaking of which, it's not only the door that can't be guarded, but also the people I arrange outside can't be guarded either. I think these people are almost invulnerable right now." Seeing them like this, Brother Li was really worried. .

Regarding this point, the four of them obviously have more say. After all, when they were still in the community, their doors were repaired several times, and they all repaired the whole door.

After finishing speaking, Brother Li pointed upward again, "Look carefully, is there any trace of cracks on the top of this fence, if they tear down this fence, can you tell me that this gatekeeper can live with these people? "

Lan Jin even felt that they had come into contact with some extremely terrifying virus (virus), and a chemical reaction had occurred in their bodies.

In short, if you want to say that it has no good place, there is actually no wound on its body, but if you want to say that it is fine, they can't say anything good about it being covered in blood.

"However, is this really normal? Have you ever asked them to go crazy for a few days before returning to normal? With this blood, will they not lose too much blood and die after they recover?" Lan Jin asked very sincerely.

I really can't keep it.


After all, the glass is very strong, there is no special angle, and the anti-bow single glass is not so easy to break, but who knows if this good glass door will be knocked down by the whole door.

Before, their attention was only on the glass door in front of them, but when they saw through the glass door and saw the people in solitary confinement inside, they were scared and backed away.

Lao Gao was even more shocked and shouted, "Damn, this, is it them? Don't just find some people to fool us."

At this moment, it's not that the four of them are exaggerating, it's that these people are crazy, hundreds of times more terrifying than the crazy people who have eaten insect powder before.

After thinking about it, Lan Jin asked: "Can this door be opened with a small gap? I'll try it with a supernatural power."

Just when the four of them were too shocked to make a sound, Brother Zhang, who was locked up closest to the door, slammed his body into the fence in front of him after a roar.

It's not so much that they are waiting for the process of possessing supernatural powers because of their normal reactions when they come into contact with plants.

Ling Jiang pointed at the human inside in disbelief and said, "It's normal, it's a normal P."

Pointing at the people inside, Lan Jin asked incredulously, "What's going on here?"

Brother Li hesitated for a while, thinking that ordinary electricity is useless, what if superpower electricity is useful, so he said: "I'll find two people to break the small gap for you."

Just open it where others are needed, Lao Gao and Huang Jinghe went up by themselves, they stood on both sides of the door, gently pulled the door to open a gap, Lan Jin stretched his hand in, and said Brother Zhang used a supernatural power.

Brother Zhang, who was originally manic, reacted immediately after being shocked by Lan Jin. After his whole body raised his head to the sky and screamed, he immediately calmed down.

And just when they all thought that the thunder and lightning ability was effective for Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang suddenly became more manic than before. With just a few strokes, he pushed a corner of the fence that was about to crack.

(End of this chapter)

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