Chapter 257: Weeping With Joy (12)

Under normal circumstances, there is definitely no vibration. The farther the distance is, the weaker the vibration will be. In J City at this moment, it is still the same sentence, there is no vibration.

But why is the tremor here so strong?
In an instant, Lan Jin thought of the key point.

The base in City H where they are located is built on the mountain, jumping up the water, its terrain is naturally very high, but the high-earthquake section is originally mostly on the back of the mountain, it is normal for them to feel the strong earthquake, even more so. Not to mention the 'top floor' mentioned by team Zhang just now, it is even on the top of this mountain.

From the hall, it was not possible to see where the 'top floor' was going. Just as Brother Zhang was anxious, the strong shaking stopped just now.

But people who live nearby know that the earthquake is continuous, and there will be aftershocks after the earthquake. It is not the end, so Brother Zhang shouted: "So don't move."

But who would have thought that just after he finished shouting, the feeling of dizziness hit him again, and the feeling at this moment was even stronger than before. Then, a huge "collapse" sounded in the distance, like It was as if something had collapsed, and everyone remembered that when Brother Zhang left the 'top floor' just now, the people in white coats couldn't stand still, and they were about to run towards the 'top floor'.

However, this group of people only took a few steps before being stopped by Brother Zhang and Brother Li.

Brother Li said: "Professor Pei, you can't go up. The sound just now means that the 'top floor' has collapsed."

Professor Pei said with a distressed face: "Oh, it's because of this that I have to go up. Those mutant creatures are all on the mountain. It's fine if the mountain collapses, but if they run out, it will be dangerous. And Information, and information."

"Those materials are the painstaking efforts of Professor Pei's life..." One of them said immediately.

Brother Zhang immediately retorted: "The effort is more important than the life."

Brother Zhang's words made everyone unable to refute, no one lives, what's the use of hard work, and one more thing, with the above situation, maybe all the hard work has already been lost.

Another one, Captain Zhang is really good at predicting things, and he took the lead in giving the correct order. As long as the people on the mountain listen to his order and don't worry about it, their lives will definitely be saved.

As for the mutated creatures, Lan Jin and the others are still in the lobby, if they really come out, it's not impossible to solve them.

"Don't think about those things when you get old." Team Zhang comforted: "There is no need to worry about the mutated creatures. The supernatural team at the base can barely subdue them. The most important thing is the safety of the personnel."

"I know, I just feel distressed, almost, almost." Professor Pei's eyes became moist as he said.

Speaking of Professor Pei's life's hard work, Lao Gao suddenly thought of his wooden warehouse, "Oh, my Cang Yan, will Cang Yan be okay? I spent a lot of contribution points to buy it, the key is There is also a first-order spar."

Lao Gao's voice was extremely loud, obviously he was really worried that his wooden warehouse would be submerged in the earthquake.

But his Cang Yan was nothing compared to Professor Pei's lifelong painstaking efforts. When this question came up, everyone just glanced at him, and had no intention of answering his question at all.

Just when Lao Gao felt distressed, Brother Zhang saw a group of people running down from top to bottom in the passage with sharp eyes.

Seeing their figures, Brother Zhang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that he had listened to his words.

And when the group of people staggered to the hall, Professor Pei and others saw his computer in the hands of one of them with sharp eyes. Professor Pei immediately burst into tears, "Smart, so smart, as long as these data are there No problem."

The team member holding the computer said: "I know how important this computer is to our base, so I must take it with me."


That's right, but the computer was indeed brought, but the team member only brought a monitor.

Because the functions required by Professor Pei are quite special, his computers are assembled and customized. Since there is no need to move them, desktop computers are obviously more suitable, so his computer is composed of a monitor, a host computer, a mouse, and a keyboard. , and among these accessories, the most important one is the host.

This person did bring out the computer, but it only brought out a tiny display screen.

Professor Pei didn't think too much about it, thinking that one person couldn't carry so many, so he took one each, but when he didn't find his computer mainframe in the queue for a long time, he asked excitedly, regardless of the earthquake still spinning : "What about the host computer, what about the computer host."

The guy who asked Professor Pei's question looked confused, "Ah, what host."

"It's the host computer."

The guy was taken aback, and said: "Professor, isn't your computer an all-in-one machine? I haven't seen the host computer, and I haven't seen it before. I thought it was an all-in-one machine. I just saw this, keyboard, mouse, nothing. See something else."

Professor Pei's face immediately turned gray from joy.

The young man in a white coat couldn't bear to remind: "Professor, I also know that this young man can't bring out the computer mainframe. You were afraid that someone would steal it, so you locked it in your cabinet on purpose. Without your The key, oh, fingerprints, can't open it at all."

So, Professor Pei was so happy just now, he should understand that it is impossible to bring the computer out.

Hearing this, the young man realized that he seemed to have done something useless, and quickly glanced at the young man in the white coat. After the young man gave him a wink to let him put down the display screen, he quickly moved away from the line and stood at the end of the crowd. .

And Professor Pei.

When a person reaches old age, he still has to feel the ups and downs of his mood like a young person, and it's just a little bit unbearable for a while.

The old man took a deep breath, suppressing the inexplicable emotions in his heart, calmly raised his eyes and looked at the face in front of him, it was no longer the familiar face just now, and then his eyes were on Brother Zhang who was beside him.

Brother Zhang stepped away alertly, and immediately asked, "Has everyone come down? Is anyone injured?"

The person at the front of the team replied: "After receiving the order, everyone came down. No one was injured, but the building below collapsed very badly, and the building above collapsed when we ran down."

As soon as he finished speaking, another strong shock came from the ground.

Lan Jin asked, "When will this earthquake end?"

The staff at the material exchange office said: "It won't be long, about ten minutes, and there will be periodic aftershocks after that, but they won't be so strong for so long."

More than ten minutes, oh my god, it's only been a few minutes, Lan Jin felt that she couldn't stand it anymore, now she no longer leaned against the wall, but sat directly on the ground to reduce her contact with the ground. The shock of the body.

(End of this chapter)

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