Chapter 282 Pet Hospital (13)

Brother Zhang suddenly felt a pain in his heart. He turned his head to look at Lan Jin and the others, and said, "If you have nothing to do, try to run to the lobby as much as possible. The ice has melted and the road is smooth. I'm worried that mutant creatures will attack the base. You don't have to worry, I will always be there in the lobby."


After finishing speaking, they also went down. After all, what should be said has been broadcasted by the base in the form of radio, and drones are also hovering over the city with loudspeakers. If there are still people who want to die like this, no one can stop them live, so this is not something they should worry about.

As soon as she got out of the elevator on the wall, Qiao Qiao called from the other end, and Ran Qiao Qiao wailed on the other side: "Mom, Nana is sick, Mom~."

Nana is sick?
Lan Jin asked suspiciously: "Didn't we be fine when we just came out? Why are we still sick while staying in the base?"

"I don't know, Mom."

Lan Jin hurriedly said: "Qiao Qiao, give the phone to Grandma Ling, and mom will ask Grandma Ling."

On the other side of the phone, Ran Qiaoqiao hurriedly handed the phone to Grandma Ling, who said, "Xiaolan, it's like this, Nana was already a little unhappy in the morning, and now she's just lying on the sofa and can't wait She moved, and her tongue stuck out all the time, as if she was in a bad mood. I’ve already fed Lingquan water. It stands to reason that if there is something wrong with my body, I should drink it, but Nana still looks the same, and Jojo just I'm very worried, and I'm crying and wanting to call you."

Unexpectedly, before Lan Jin could give an answer, Lao Gao, who had already vaguely heard about it, said, "Is it because the weather is too hot? Nana was fine earlier, but after the extreme cold came, her fur It has also mutated, its skin is cold-resistant, but not heat-resistant, although everyone stays in the base with air conditioning, but the temperature has already..."

73 degrees.

Walking out of the elevator room just now, it happened to be the first floor of the new lobby of the base, and a huge LED screen happened to be installed on the first floor. There is no other information on this screen except the thermometer, so this gorgeous 73 degree, exceptionally conspicuous.

But well, it was caused by abnormal weather anyway.

Lan Jin hurriedly replied: "We're going back now, don't worry, it's probably because the fur is too thick to dissipate heat, just go back and shave it off."

After finishing speaking, the group hurried back home. As soon as they got home, they saw Nana slumped on the three-seater sofa, taking up the entire sofa, and Ran Qiaoqiao moved a small one. The chair was sitting between the sofa and the tea table, pitifully stroking Nana's head, sobbing while comforting her.

As soon as she heard the movement from the door, Ran Qiaoqiao turned her head and saw that it was Lan Jin, and almost cried again.


As far as Lan Jin is concerned, Nana really doesn't look like she's sick.

Lan Jin came over and used a thermometer to drip a drop on Nana's forehead. Well, the temperature was normal. She looked at Nana's eyes again, her eyes were not distracted, and her tongue was sticking out with an itchy expression, obviously it was It's too hot, I don't want to move because of the heat.

Lan Jin used his thoughts to transport a piece of ice out of the space and stuffed it into Nana's mouth.

After Nana's tongue felt a burst of ice, she suddenly became energetic. A small piece of ice fell out of its mouth and swallowed it. After staining the sofa with its saliva, it finally swallowed the small ice in the mouth.

After a long while, the ice was finished, it got off the sofa, came to Lan Jin's side, and bent its head towards her hand, as if wanting another piece, there was nothing wrong with its spirit. That's why it's too hot.

Seeing that Nana was fine, the people who had been by the side were not so nervous anymore.

After Ling Jiang poured a big glass of water, he said, "Nana is really shaving her hair."

"The hair is too thick to dissipate heat, so I shave it." But she doesn't know how to shave. I asked Brother Zhang before, but he didn't say whether it is possible to shave in the base.

Instead, Lan Jin called Brother Zhang, who answered in seconds, "Hello, Lan Jin, what's the matter."

Lan Jin replied: "Brother Zhang, my Nana shaves her hair. When the extreme cold came, her hair mutated and became too thick. She can't stand the extreme heat. Is there such a service in the base?" ?”

"Yes, you bring Nana to the hall, and I'll find someone to shave her."

The person Brother Zhang is looking for is the pet doctor at the base.

Although there are not many people who keep dogs in the base, dogs are also a resource of the base. The base itself also has a small pet shop, but they don't sell them outside.

Since few people keep dogs, it seems that pet doctors do not exist at all in the eyes of everyone in the base.

Because of this, the pet doctor's business is also relatively unified, pet doctor, surgery, dressing, prescribing medicine, bathing, shaving are the most basic, it also sells pet snacks, dog food, cat food..., all of them have.

Knowing this, Lan Jin put Nana on a dog leash and planned to take Nana out, but at this moment Ran Qiaoqiao was not willing to part with Nana. It seems like the villain who wants to separate the two of them, there is really no way to see, Lan Jin can only bring these two together.

When they finally went out, the whole family went out together again.

On the first floor of the base hall, after meeting Brother Zhang, he immediately took them to the pet hospital.

However, when they first came, Brother Zhang seemed to have something to discuss with her, but then there were too many changes, and Brother Zhang had a lot of things to do, so he never came and opened his mouth afterward. Now here comes, Zhang Brother naturally brought up that matter again.

"The base wants to use your dog for breeding. Don't worry, for the sake of Nana's safety, it won't be too frequent. You should know that you have lived for so long. There are too few aggressive dogs like this for the base. Yes, so I would like to ask for your opinion. In addition, if you agree, we will provide all the dog food for Nana at the base in the future. Regular nutritious meals, bathing and shaving are all free.
Of course, the ownership of the dog still belongs to you. You only need to send it over for a few days at a specific time, and the data in the background will also be changed. Even if you go to the Beijing base in the future, you can still enjoy these services. "

Lan Jin thought about it carefully, and she felt that this deal was a good deal. Nana is a male dog, so even if it was bred, it would not have a great impact on it, but dogs need regular care, such as bathing, shaving, etc. Hair and dog food can be paid for by her, but in the final analysis, it is still a lot of money. Besides, no matter what, the dog still belongs to it?
But Lan Jin is still a little worried, the breeding is the breeding, what if the wool is squeezed too much at one time.

(End of this chapter)

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