Chapter 344 Green Light
The human-faced rabbit's body is in the shape of an animal, but its four legs have become human-like, with a body that walks upright with two legs and two arms, but its beast-shaped head has not changed much, and its ears are still rabbits ears, but its face was a completely human face, not even a hair of a rabbit on a human face.

When they saw the Human Face Rabbit, no one heard it speak.

But in fact, the human-faced rabbit can speak human language, but this is from other places in the later period, and they have not personally verified it.

The half-human, half-beast in the elevator is naturally not a rabbit with a human face. Judging from its neck and animal-shaped patterns on its body, it should be a giraffe.

Its limbs also walk upright like humans, but its neck is more than one meter long by visual inspection. It has deer ears, but its face is a human face.

In short, it was as weird as it could be.

Although this form is already terrifying, what is even more terrifying is the blood splashed on every corner of the elevator. In addition, the neck of the giraffe was also folded into three folds. Accompanied by the dim light in the elevator, In short, when the elevator door just opened, the scene really scared them all.

And Pei Xin, who was at the side, was even more frightened and screamed, "Ah, this, this, this...."

Pei Xin didn't say anything after 'this' for a long time, but her reaction was so strange that everyone could see it.

Just when everyone was wondering, Xi Yu said, "Xinxin, do you think he looks familiar?"

Pei Xin nodded again and again, "Well, you can see it too, right?"

Listening to the two people's riddles, Team Zhang asked, "What? Do you two know him?"

Xi Yu said: "That's really acquaintance. This matter has to be discussed before the end of the world. Why don't we leave here first? I'll talk to you as we walk."

As for the person I knew in the elevator——

Sorry, they don't dare to touch it rashly.


"Okay." Team Zhang agreed, and immediately led the team members out of the room.

After a group of people walked on the corridor, Xi Yu finally said, "If Xinxin and I are not mistaken, the person who died in the elevator just now was our former colleague."


"That's right." Xi Yu said: "This matter has to be talked about three years ago. During that time, we insiders would receive several emails or messages from time to time. The content of the message is undoubtedly not saying that the end of the world is coming. , At that time, we didn't take it seriously, we just thought it was someone who was playing a prank. We will continue to receive such messages and emails for a long time, so we have to pay attention to it.

People from many of our departments are staying together, and we are researching and investigating the possibility of the end of the world together, and the final result of our prediction is that the end of the world seems to really come, so we can't sit still, first come first On-the-spot surveys in various places, and then based on the results of continuous surveys, we came to conclusions, that is, in the process of surveys, we found that this lush forest exists all over the world.

This lush forest is very unique. It can’t be displayed on the electronic map with any electronic equipment. It’s just like before. It’s like it doesn’t exist. existing.

Faced with such a strange thing, coupled with the discussion of the last days, we naturally have to go in and investigate.

At that time, there were no such mutant creatures in Maolin. Although the vines are no different from now, they are really not aggressive. We researchers have stayed here for a long time, and no one has had any accidents because of the vines. .

But at this time, strange things happened, and the body of every animal here has a human-sized form. "

Lan Jin couldn't help laughing, but seemed to understand the meaning of Xi Yu's words: "You mean, the human-sized mutated creatures here were all changed by your previous researchers?"

Xi Yu nodded and said, "Yes, but the news about this matter was blocked by the people above. If you participated in this event early, you must know about it, but if you did not participate in the early stage, it is impossible Any information will be leaked."

Team Zhang took the lead in explaining: "Don't look at me, I don't know anything about this."

Shen Zhiyu looked at Xi Yu and asked, "Then how did you know about this? You also participated in this event? Did you see them turn into mutant creatures with your own eyes?"

Xi Yu smiled wryly and said, "It's not just me. For such a rare opportunity, Professor Pei and Xinxin are naturally there."

Zhou Zhi also frowned and asked: "But there will always be some abnormalities in mutations, otherwise, everyone should be mutated. How can some change and some stay?"

Xi Yu explained: "These things have already been done before we left Maolin, but the source of the problem is not difficult to guess at all, simply put, it is the difference between inside and outside the house.

Because on a certain day, a green light similar to that of a scanning machine swept across Mao Lin's head and shone on the researchers who were outside the house, and everyone outside the house was scanned. , The people in the house, except that their eyes can see the green light, have nothing else.

At that time, the house we lived in was a simple color steel room, which was easy to build and move away. The most important thing was that we had some research materials to put in the room, so we didn’t sleep in the tent at that time. Instead, it saved many lives.

After being scanned by the green light, we did not take it lightly, and immediately took them for a full-body examination. However, before the examination was over, these researchers who were scanned by the green light began to mutate.

The process of mutation is very painful. They are in the form of animals for a while, and in the form of humans for a while. They have their own consciousness, but things are just the opposite. Not only do they not have their own consciousness, but they have just changed their form, and they have a very violent personality and strong attack power.

At that time, there were no supernatural beings at all, and we had to fight for everything by ourselves, but it was the first time we met this kind of mutant creatures, and we didn't know that their defense ability was so strong, and ordinary weapons were not enough to resist their attacks , we have no choice but to escape, and fortunately, this group of mutant creatures can't get out of the lush forest at all, otherwise we wouldn't be able to live now.

We didn't know until we went back that it seemed that at the same time, all the lush forests had that green light flashing by, and all the people who had been swept by the green light outside had all mutated, and so far they have been mutated. The mutated creatures left in the forest. "

(End of this chapter)

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