Baoma wins in the last days by hoarding goods

Chapter 363 Successful completion

Chapter 363 Successful completion
"No, we're all fine. Team Wang's skill is so good, how can something happen? After all, after falling into a state of madness, the combat power will be several levels higher than normal. Don't worry about Team Wang's skill."

Another one, even if the body is dead, there should be wreckage or fragments of clothes, but the mountain has been searched, and the fragments are not seen at all, so the person should be a living person.



"Then the current situation, it is very likely that the Wang team has entered Maolin?" Xi Yu said with a bad face.

The main reason is that everyone has just narrowly escaped from the inside, and they really don't want to go back, and if they go in again, it's really hard to say whether they can get out, and, who can be sure that Team Wang really went in.

Team Zhang hesitated for a while, and said, "Let's go outside Maolin to see the situation."

Upon hearing this, the people at the base in City R where Team Wang was located had to think a little more, "Captain Zhang, if Team Wang is really inside, would you go to rescue him?"

"How can you be sure that he went there, not to mention that there is no way for us to go in and there is no way to guarantee that he can come out, and he has no powers alone, so how could he just go in like this." Team Zhang said: "In my opinion, He probably won't go in, but maybe he will wait for us at the entrance of Maolin when he doesn't know the situation, so it's good to go there and have a look."

How could the people at the base in City R not know, but if Team Wang really went in, then if they went in to look for him, wouldn't he have hope for life?

But he also knows that this matter cannot be forced.

Team Zhang led a group of people towards Maolin, but as they got closer to Maolin, they could hear the noise in the distance.

It doesn't sound like humans, but it doesn't sound like animals either.

Lan Jin took out the binoculars and took a look, good guy, "Those mutated plants seem to be blocking the entrance and exit. They were there when we came out, and they haven't left at all."

If this is the case, then it is impossible for the Wang team to enter.

But people haven't gone over to see clearly, so naturally they can't look back now.

A group of people quickened their pace and walked up the mountain. The noise became louder the further they went in, until another group of unknown mutant creatures attacked them——

The team members who had the ability just now hadn't quite mastered how to use it for a while, and the group really made a fuss in the same place for a long time, and finally Lan Jin took the shot, which solved all the mutant creatures.

Just when everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, there was a 'bang', and the sound of a wooden warehouse attracted their attention.

"Mu Cangsheng, could it be the king team?"

"It should be, let's go and have a look."

A group of people ran towards the source of the sound. When they came over, they not only saw the king team standing on the tree branch, but also saw the mutated animals around it.

Team Zhang immediately shouted: "Captain Wang, be careful to help."

Hearing the familiar voice of Team Zhang, Team Wang was pleasantly surprised, "You guys are finally here, I can't hold on any longer."

The team members immediately stepped forward to drive away the mutated creatures around the branches.

But this group of mutated creatures is not only huge in number, but also of various types, which instantly reminded Lan Jin of bad memories in the forest, "Why are there so many mutated creatures here?"

Not only that, but there are also those multi-legged insects. It's just that the mutant creatures here are not as big as the ones in the forest, and they don't have human faces, but they are also terrifying.

While trying to use their abilities, the team members cleaned up the mutated creatures under the branches until a path was cleared. Team Zhang stepped forward speechlessly and asked, "Do you have any abilities? The bloody ones must have gone mad too."

"Yes, there is a power, it's a wind power, but it's useless."

After finishing speaking, Team Wang used his ability to create a gust of wind around them.

However, the ability is not powerful, a gust of wind is a gust of wind, the electric fan has been used, the wind is not as strong as the first level, let alone attacking, just want to blow these mutant creatures away, he can't do anything, the sky at this moment, It can only be fanned to cool off.

Team Zhang couldn't complain, "It's better than nothing."

As far as this level of ability is concerned, it seems to be no different from his mental power.

After the team members cleaned up the mutant creatures around, Team Zhang finally jumped down from the tree. He quickly walked away from the branch, and then explained: "As soon as I woke up, I found that I was surrounded by mutant creatures. I don’t know what to do, this tree is easy to climb, so I climbed it, and these mutant creatures can also climb trees, I shot them all down with bullets, and I used the supernatural fan to blow them down when they were younger , the big one all depends on Zi Gongdan, in short, the dog's life is barely saved."

"Just now we broadcast from the ship below, did you hear that?"

Wang Dui was speechless: "I heard it, but what's the matter if I heard it, I can't hear it even if I shout, and I won't go down again."

In short, even if he heard it, he just stared blankly.


After finding Team Zhang, the staff is finally here.

Team Zhang sighed, "Let's go down the mountain."

Wang Dui looked around, everyone who was obviously very excited, now all looked serious, and for a moment he really didn't know what to say, "Okay."

After going down the mountain, Team Zhang, as the leader of the entire mission, still needs to make a simple ending for this mission.

"Everyone was recorded in our trip this time. I won't say that everyone knew the number of people when we came out. But now, there are only 67 survivors in total. But when you fell into madness, something happened. One thing, let me tell you now, except for the Beijing base, all the bases have fallen, and there is only one base left for our return trip, and that is the Beijing base."

"So from now on, we are all from the same base, and on the way back, the people above also gave us a task, that is, start from R City, rescue the survivors all the way, until we return As far as the base in Beijing, and the most important thing, we have successfully completed this mission."

Completing the task is really a very happy thing, but when I think that my teammates will stay here forever, I don't know whether to be happy or sad for a while.

Team Zhang added: "We must not take it lightly just because the task is completed. The way back is probably more difficult than the way we came here."

Team Zhang briefly explained the problem of the waters in the area. Here in City R, they can still take a boat, but they can't tell where they are. They need to walk. Walking is fine, but if something happens on the road——

After all, no one knows the dangers on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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